This is a player-created Build for Dark Souls. It also gives you fp regen on enemies killed. Leeches 6 FP (as of patch 1.11) from enemies killed regardless if the wielder gets the kill. Great on any STR build that can afford the 13 dex. Anonymous. This weapon is exceptionally well-balanced. So, you'll want to focus on Strength. It doesn’t provided dodge chance anymore (this site hasn’t been updated). Sat Jul 11, 2020 7:10 pm. Build: 3 Answers: How to use gestures in Dark Souls III? If you want help making your own build, you can consult this useful page on how to make a build by Blaine. 27/40 beats 40/13, but consider using a build that maximizes Executioner's Greatsword unique ability: Killing enemies restores FP. The build you want is a slow start but most definitely worth it. Can be found with 33% chance in the Broken Bones mission in the Undead Storyline. The higher the scaling letter, the higher the percent multiplier applied to the [Attack: Stat].This resulting bonus damage is added to the base physical damage of the weapon and is shown in the equipment screen in blue numbers as a "+ X". The undead that once wielded it didn't know the difference."Uncraftable. You know, combine this and other FP gaining items with a healing miracle and you will wind up with some really good level sustain. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Scaling quality is from highest to lowest as follows: S/A/B/C/D/E.The higher the player's [Str, Dex, Mag, Fire, Light] stat, the higher the [Attack Bonus: Stat] is (found on the player status screen). Such a cool WA. PVE: Onikiri and Ubadachi. First of all it does strike damage on a greatsword which is awesome for PvE. For the best results, infuse with either a Sharp or Refined gem, for a Dexterity or quality build respectively. Skill: Stomp Use one's weight to lunge forward with a low stance and increased poise, and follow with strong attack for a spinning slash. 11. 1 Availability 2 Characteristics 3 Moveset 4 Upgrades Dropped by Sir Vilhelm when he is defeated in the Corvian Settlement. This restores FP regardless of if you kill something or not. You are able to use one’s weight to lunge forward with a low […] one of the best weapons against shields imo, breaks normal shields in 1 hit and greatshields in either 2 or 3 + most people think it's a normal sword when they see it in pvp. Yeah skip the DEx, just go 40 ish STR and you'll be doing good damage. My R1 combos were doing just over 500, but that's unbuffed. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. I went straight for the claymore in the High Wall by the dragon until I found the Executioner's Greatsword around the Cathedral where you can also find blessed/lightning gems. I couldn't really do want I wanted to do until I found lightning weapon in the Irythil Dungeon. I don´t know why tho, but I love it. Anonymous. That includes enemies attacking eachother (like the Darkwraiths and Ghru) and other people killing enemies regardless of if you're on the host's side or an invader. Pure casters might balk at using this because of its relatively high stat requirements. It's also one of the greatswords with a unique weapon art in the class. They look so unique. Xy, sword/board is an option, and a pretty good one with Dev Crit (bigger threat range on scimmy), but part of what I wanted to do with this build was get damage good enough to cope with crit-immune enemies, and the 1d6+5 extra base damage you get from greatsword over scimmy is … "Greatsword of a debauched executioner used for beheadings." This makes it to my list because it is an agreeable meta build. Skill: Stomp Use one's weight to lunge forward with a low stance and increased poise, and follow with strong attack for a spinning slash. However the strength scaling is higher than the Dex scaling, so you can get away with a strength build. The Onyx Blade is a greatsword in Dark Souls III: Ashes of Ariandel. Greatswords are massive, two-handed swords found in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.They deal more damage than their one-handed counterparts, but swing far slower, are much heavier, and leave the Dragonborn unable to use a shield.. Greatswords swing faster than either warhammers or battleaxes, but deal the least amount of damage of any other two-handed weapon. Like if I engage a mob of enemies and kill them all at once, will it give me FP equal to the number of kills or will it allow just one instance of FP replenishment at a time? Consider adding something like blessed weapon to it, as you'll get lots of fp regen back with the passive, and will be able to use the buff more often than Ruth other weapons, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Dex softcaps on that weapon around 30 and hard caps at 35. It's got the stomp weapon art like the bastard sword but it has the on the back spin instead of the uppercut. The sword retains a keen memory of its executioner’s duty and absorbs fp from each fallen foe. at this point the weapon does not perform at it's best.Weight: How much the item weights when equipped. Honestly, this great sword is pretty good with the only major downsides being that it can’t be infused and it does not have a thrust attack, but these weaknesses are countered by its strike damage and its stomp which does fairly good damage with a large aoe. Build: 5 Answers: What is the minimum Strength requirement to be able to 2-hand a weapon without penalty? It’s lots of fun isn’t it. Guys, i'm using the Executioner's Greatsword, my str and dex are 19/13. BINARYGOD. Is there a grace time for replenishing FP? Greatsword of a debauched executioner used for beheadings. If you look at the Upgrade table chart on the wiki, you'll notice that it has a B/D scaling at +10. If you wish to post videos, please click the link and apply in the thread), Parameter Bonus: Strength, Dexterity,Magic, Fire, Lightning and Dark bonuses - The scaling multiplier applied to the [Attack: stat]. < > Showing 1-15 of 19 comments . But strength gives a good return until around 40, I’m using it in a current run as well. When an items durability is low, a message will come up saying "Weapon At Risk!" The Executioner's Greatsword deals exclusively strikedamage, making it an effective choice when facing heavily armored opponents, as heavy, metallic armor often has a notable weakness to strike damage. Durability: The weapon's HP, when the durability hits 0, the effectiveness of its attacks become weakened to the point of almost uselessness. After playing through the JPN release on PS4 and trying most of the weapons in the game, I think the Executioner's Greatsword is being overlooked as a viable weapon in PvP (at least I have not seen a discussion). You’ll need to defeat Oceiros, the Consumed King first. :D, 40 str, 15 Faith, 24 Attunement, equip Dragonhead Greatshield, Med Heal, Blessed Weapon, and Tears of Denial. (Carthus Flame Arc for the win.) I used this on my first playthrough, and wielded absolutely nothing else once I found this. Smash the skellies to bits in the catacombs. How to get: Crafted via Soul Transposition using the Soul of Consumed Oceiros and 10,000 souls. When wielded in-game, there are etchings along the center blade and sides, which is how the sword is described in the books. Now sure, if not a bug, I would agree with such balancing. I would rather take an execute skill (Reverse Slice/Executioner or Killer’s Blade) and put it on Bar 1 and move Relentless Focus to Bar 2. Surprised no one's mentioned that this is also a possible reference to Terminus Est, the sword wielded by the character Severian in "The Book of the New Sun" series of novels. Executioners Greatsword : darksouls3. Based on an actual swords used by Executioners in the Middle Ages of Europe. I love this weapon! Don't you need to multiply the strength by 1.5 when determining AR since OP said he was planning on two-handing? Put points in INT and get that Great Magic Weapon going, or FTH for a big Lightning or Dark Blade, or … This can be as high 66 when two-handing, since 2H multiplies your Strength for effective 99STR. Tech Support: 2 Answers: What is the best weapon to infuse with magic or best int scaling weapon in dark souls 3? Originally an executioner's sword made for decapitation, this blade is heavily chipped and stained with the blood of countless battles. "ahah sword goes woosh woosh". It's actually an awesome, underated weapon with lots of perks. Physical builds should of course also take a look at this, since you can make use of the weapon art without worrying about ashen estus flasks. The world of Dark Souls 3 is littered with hollow enemies and hollow bosses which makes the Hollowslayer Greatsword a… Gear: Weapon: ultra greatsword of choosing (I currently wear a "greatsword+6") Shield: Old knights shield+ (100%physical def and 70+ elemental) Best heavy armor you can wear. One of the best weapons in the game by far. Claymore greatsword is an ultimate favorite weapon for dark soul 3. I love this weapon! Think of The Claymore as a stronger version of Lohtric Knight’s Sword in the greatsword category. 19/13 = 396 AR = Base Stats & Dex Softcap, After Softcaps gets less than 2 AR per level, Gets about 1.6 AR per level from 13-40 Dex, Looted from a corpse at the graveyard near the Cleansing Chapel at. I...I made it +10. Equip this weapon and play Giorno's theme!!! Your options for survivability will be: a) farm and carry sufficient healing items. Are skeletons giving you a hard time? Apr 16, 2016 @ 9:37am Either its a bug or the 2H'ers with that weapon skill (slam foot down, do haardcore spin-around attack) are, for some balance reason, not permitted to be infused. Can we just take a moment to appreciate that this beauty deals strike damage? If i plan to 2hand this weapon, should i go 27/40 or 40/13 ? Dropped by the red phantom outside of the Executioners Chariot boss. Man I had this at +3 and took just one estus in first try to defeat it, now its my favorite pve weapon - start as deprived so you have 10 int/10 fth, equip this and buff if with carthus flame arc, free +100 ar without any int/fth investment, plus fp is always at full ;), Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a, Executioner's Greatsword complete moveset. So this sword deals strike and is for executions? Build Name: The Executioner; Build Level: 120; Build Focus: PvP; Starting Class: Bandit; Build Main Stats: Link to Dark Souls Calculator: Add link here. I'd go with 27/40 since it's a good base for a quality build that can use just about any weapon in the game. When planning a build around a weapon, you want to pay attention to it's scaling. Build Equipment. The R2's were doing about 580 per swing Acid Shredder II comes with 1392 Damage – The highest number in the entire tree (Before Guiding Land) With 0% Affinity, and the hidden element of paralysis, it is pretty a no-brainer to mix this in an Elementless build. Greatsword of a debauched executioner used for beheadings. Rusted Great Sword LV1: 100-70% ――― Rare 1: Rusted Great Sword LV2: 100 You should pump up as much strength as possible. Note although it can be infused and buffed, this may not be a good option on a quality built. Dark Souls 3 Invasions - Executioner's Greatsword - YouTube It has an amazing move set, it is as good as the Claymore in DS1, has strong stun potential, and sits firmly between the power and speed of Ultra … Good times. If you don't want a heavy weapon, such as the greatswords and hammers mentioned above, then you can focus on a Dexterity/Strength build and wield Enduring Crimson, arguably the best one-handed sword in Code Vein. Stability: How well the player keeps stance after being hitAttack Type: Defines what kind of swing set the weapon has: Regular(R), Thrust(T), Slash(Sl), Strike(St), I Just want a Version of This that does Slash damage and can be Infused. This build is good for beginners that have difficulty with dodging or people that are just too lazy to dodge and want to deal heavy melee damage(me for example). Hello Gael's Greatsword but not worn down to the nubs :D Also, recommend this for pve due to 1.) A weapon tailor-fit for Pyromancy builds, the Onyx Blade specializes in dealing strong elemental damage. This is obvulosly gael's greatsword before it was used in battle. Description "Greatsword of a debauched executioner used … Mon Mar 30, 2020 2:23 am. This sword retains a keen memory of its executioner's duty, and absorbs FP from each fallen foe. The rings should be Hunter's Ring, Havel's Ring—for wielding the greatsword—Knight's Ring, and Hornet Ring. I wish there were more flat head swords in this series. A greatsword for Intelligence builds. A straight sword with a very long blade. Photograph of the German Executioner Sword: Medieval Crime Museum (Mittelalterliches Kriminalmuseum), in Germany. The Executioner's Greatsword is a Great Sword Weapon found in Dark Souls 3. I think I just found a new build. imbued with powerful symbolic meanings, the Executioner sword is a beefy, vibrant and assertive piece which will sure be the focal point of any collection ! This sword retains a keen memory of its executioner's duty, and absorbs FP from each fallen foe. Stomp is good if you're cornered or against multiple mobs 3.) A community dedicated to everything about Dark Souls 3. I don't recall FP being a problem while using this. Greatsword is a weapon in Dark Souls 2. One of few ultra greatswords. Reall among the few good strengh greatswords cons - cant be infused - no thrust attacks - fp recovery is not very good, just take a simple shield (literally) - claymore exists but hey, finally something different, Good for pve casting, otherwise I've really only used it in the catacombs because of the blunt dmg. Moonlight Greatsword. (If your name is not on THIS list, please do not post videos here. I don't want to be the person who gets decapitated by that. Can be buffed 4.) 27/40 beats 40/13, but consider using a build that maximizes Executioner's Greatsword unique ability: Killing enemies restores FP. Be a badass and use Gaels version of the executioners sword instead. Executioner's Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3. 699 blue tongues on the wall, 699 tongues. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. I had a strength build so that I could afford the vitality for the executioner's armor, but it gets a little better AR on a quality build. Just killing things will give you the FP to cast it again and again. It’s an incredibly… Put points in INT and get that Great Magic Weapon going, or FTH for a big Lightning or Dark Blade, or a Carthus Flame Arc to burn the many enemies weak to fire! Claymore Greatsword. Either of these works, so experiment with healing items first. It shares the same moveset as the Bastard Sword, but has a different variant of the Stomp skill, which is not typically seen on greatswords with this skill; instead, it is similar to the one used by the Greatsword. Great to keep using weapon arts or to locate the host when invading. The stats for the complete build are SL 125 and Vigor - 27, Attunement - 10, Endurance - 25, Vitality - 15, Strength - 55, Dexterity - 55, Intelligence - 10, Faith - 10, Luck - 7. WHY MUST IT REQUIRE 13 DEX 0. Best with higher strength. Is shuffle even viable anymore for this kind of build? Materials Required to Max from Starting Level (21): Special Effects: Rage: Builds Rage bar by striking enemies. For, PvE, greatsword can be an amazingly good weapon, because of the many attributed mentioned above. Executioner's Greatsword Why is it impossible to infuse it? "A tool for a macabre duty, not a weapon of war. That's fair, but I can heartily recommend this for hybrid, spellsword builds. It takes around 4-6 hits to charge it. strike damage which nearly everything is weak to 2.) Gael's Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3 The Ringed City DLC.. Greatsword of Slave Knight Gael, the only weapon that he kept with him from beginning to end. Deals Strike damage unlike most other Greatswords. The only assumption i can make for why a greatsword made for beheadings deals strike damage is that the sword has been dulled over time from countless beheadings, but then wouldn't it be also terribly stained with blood? Executioner's Greatsword -- some thoughts on builds, pvp. Personally, this greatsword is one of my favorites. Dark Souls 3 Executioner’s Greatsword Location In this guide will help you find the Dark Souls 3 Executioner’s Gretword location that is used for beheadings.'s+Greatsword This build is a Berserker of sorts, so you will be going in Greatsword Blazing and hoping to kill everything before it kills you. Nightmare Warden This champion has hard hitting melee attacks, so in a group with slower kill times you may need to max melee range it and kite it around with the cripples from Throw Axe and Bladetrail. Executioner's Greatsword [DKS3 Wiki] Comments posted to our Dark Souls 3 Wiki 12. Best weapons for dex build? For PvE, arguably the best dexterity katana option in Dark Souls 3 is the … The Executioner sword is an impressive, elegant yet macabre piece. When paired with the proper blood veil, such as Prometheus, it's extremely powerful. b) put points into faith so you can cast Second Chance or Heal. "BUT YOU CAN'T USE WA YOU ARE NO MAGE YOU SHOULD BE OUT OF FP THIS ISNT HOW YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO PLAY THE GAME!!11!11!" Weapon does not perform at it 's extremely powerful What is the minimum strength to... Greatsword can be infused and buffed, this blade is heavily chipped and stained with the blood... By Sir Vilhelm when he is defeated in the Irythil Dungeon Onikiri and Ubadachi found with 33 % in. On builds, pvp infuse with magic or best int scaling weapon in Dark 3... R2 's were doing about 580 per swing executioner 's sword made for decapitation, this may not a. Extremely powerful a quality built don´t know Why tho, but that 's,. A debauched executioner used for beheadings. are etchings along the center blade sides! Dealing strong elemental damage want i wanted to do until i found lightning weapon in game..., and Hornet Ring found this: Crafted via Soul Transposition using executioner! Do n't you need to multiply the strength by 1.5 when determining AR since said. 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