It is simply a very rough and pessimistic estimate. It's an artistic and dramatic symbol of how close we are to total global catastrophe, not an actual clock. Jan. 23, 2020 at 8:36 am Updated Jan. 23, 2020 at 4:35 pm . Alterations are made by guesswork. It's an artistic and dramatic symbol of how close we are to total global catastrophe, not an actual clock. The last time the Doomsday Clock’s minute hand was moved was in 2018, when the Bulletin, a nonprofit organization that oversees the Doomsday Clock, set the timepiece at two minutes to midnight. The doomsday clock was turned back to the furthest point from midnight in history in 1991— 11:43 — when the U.S. and the Soviet Union signed the first Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. According to the Doomsday Clock — a symbolic clock that represents how vulnerable our world is — there are only 100 seconds left until midnight. What happens at midnight? A group of international scientists this morning announced that they are moving the hands of the symbolic "Doomsday Clock" away from midnight -- or the figurative apocalypse -- … It was invented at the beginning of the Cold War, when the American capitalist pig-dogs and the godless commies didn't like each other very much and both had nukes. The Doomsday Clock was created by the board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in 1947 as a response to nuclear threats. Midnight on the Clock symbolizes the end of the world, and each year, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists decides what time it is. It was invented at the beginning of the Cold War, when the American capitalist pig-dogs and the godless commies didn't like each other very much and both had nukes. The Doomsday Clock isn't a real thing, and it's not ticking. Just 100 seconds to midnight. The Doomsday Clock isn't a real thing, and it's not ticking. Doomsday Clock hits 100 seconds to midnight, the symbolic hour of the apocalypse . The Doomsday Clock was reset Thursday to just 100 seconds before midnight -- the closest we have ever been to the complete and total annihilation of the earth (well, at least metaphorically). The Doomsday Clock is now closer to midnight than ever before. The End Is Nigh: Doomsday Clock Reaches 100 Seconds to Midnight By Jeffrey Kluger January 23, 2020 12:24 PM EST The Doomsday Clock will not strike midnight.
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