When this happened, part of France was occupied by Germany but the other part, known as Vichy France, retained nominal independence. After Darlan signed an armistice with the Allies and took power in North Africa, Germany violated the 1940 armistice with France and invaded Vichy France on 10 November 1942 (operation code-named Case Anton), triggering the scuttling of the French fleet in Toulon. The suggestion was accepted by the British government but because of the concessions granted to the Vichy regime in Syria, proposals were made to invade the colony instead. For example, former President François Mitterrand had maintained that the Vichy Government, not France's Republic, was responsible. This other myth refers to the alleged "protection" by Vichy of French Jews by "accepting" to collaborate in the deportation – and, ultimately, in the extermination – of foreign Jews. An example of such continuities is the creation of the French Foundation for the Study of Human Problems by Alexis Carrel, a renowned physician who also supported eugenics. [81], Wavell considered that if British pressure was applied, a rally would appear to have been coerced. Vichy was centrally located and had many hotels for ministers to use. [62] This seemingly subservient behaviour convinced Major-General Plaek Pibulsonggram, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand, that Vichy France would not seriously resist a campaign by the Thai military to recover parts of Cambodia and Laos that had been taken from Thailand by France in the early 20th century. The population of the enclave was about 6,000, including known collaborationist journalists, the writers Louis-Ferdinand Céline and Lucien Rebatet, the actor Robert Le Vigan, and their families, as well as 500 soldiers, 700 French SS, prisoners of war and French civilian forced labourers. Vichy also enacted racial laws in its territories in North Africa. [130], Vichy rhetoric exalted the skilled labourer and small businessman. They helped in tracking Jews and deporting them to concentration camps. of 1944. The queues lengthened in front of shops. Despite heavy pressure, the French government at Vichy never joined the Axis alliance and even remained formally at war with Germany. As the last premier of the Third Republic, being a reactionary by inclination, he blamed the Third Republic's democracy for France's sudden defeat by Germany. Historians have since the 1970s rejected that position and argued, "Vichy had a political agenda of its own, which it pursued without the slightest pressure from Germany. They used every means available, promising ministerial posts to some while threatening and intimidating others. note], The president of the Conseil Représentatif des Institutions juives de France-Côte d'Azur, a Jewish association group, issued a strong condemnation labelling it "the utmost horror" when one of the inhabitants of such a condominium qualified this as an "anachronism" with "no consequences". Mother, the cult of the military leader, and the suspicion of the politician.” 3. The latter view called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. The largest number worked in the giant Krupp steel works in Essen. That highlighted Syria as a threat to British interests in the Middle East. The remaining survivors were sent to the gas chambers. This was known as the Syria-Lebanon campaign or Operation Exporter. On 10 July the National Assembly, comprising both the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, voted by 569 votes to 80, with 20 voluntary abstentions, to grant full and extraordinary powers to Marshal Pétain. Others, particularly the Vice-Premier Philippe Pétain and the Commander-in-Chief, General Maxime Weygand, insisted that the responsibility of the government was to remain in France and share the misfortune of its people. Along with many French police officials, André Tulard was present on the day of the inauguration of Drancy internment camp in 1941, which was used largely by French police as the central transit camp for detainees captured in France. Article IV of the Armistice allowed for a small French army—the Army of the Armistice (Armée de l'Armistice)—stationed in the unoccupied zone, and for the military provision of the French colonial empire overseas. [85], Historians distinguish between state collaboration followed by the Vichy regime, and "collaborationists", who were private French citizens eager to collaborate with Germany and who pushed towards a radicalisation of the regime. By the same vote, they also granted him the power to write a new constitution. Thus, by July 1940, Vichy was eagerly negotiating with the German authorities in an attempt to gain a place for France in the Third Reich's "New Order". It is in love that our future mothers will find the strength to practise those virtues which best befit their sex and their condition. "[129] Calling for "National Regeneration", Vichy reversed many liberal policies and began tight supervision of the economy with central planning a key feature. Most legislators believed that democracy would continue, albeit with a new constitution. [51] The minority of mostly Radicals and Socialists who opposed Laval became known as the Vichy 80. When the Phoney War started with France's declaration of war against Germany on 3 September 1939, these camps were used to intern enemy aliens. They then served as bases for the Allied effort in the Pacific and contributed troops to the Free French Forces. In addition, leaving a French government in place would relieve Germany of the considerable burden of administering French territory, particularly as Hitler turned his attention toward Britain – which did not surrender and fought on against Germany. Deputies and senators who voted to grant full powers to Pétain were condemned on an individual basis after the liberation. [104], In 1941, Nobel Prize winner Alexis Carrel, an early proponent of eugenics and euthanasia, and a member of Jacques Doriot's French Popular Party (PPF),[citation needed] advocated for the creation of the Fondation Française pour l'Étude des Problèmes Humains (French Foundation for the Study of Human Problems), using connections to the Pétain cabinet. [79] After the fall of France in June, the neutralisation of Vichy French colonies allowed the Italians to concentrate on the more lightly defended British Somaliland. Just as the necessities of a war economy during the First World War had pushed forward state measures to reorganise the economy of France against the prevailing classical liberal theories – structures retained after the 1919 Treaty of Versailles – reforms adopted during World War II were kept and extended. 28 June - General Charles de Gaulle is officially recognized by Britain as "Leader of all Free Frenchmen , wherever they may be." After both Pétain and Laval refused to cooperate, Fernand de Brinon was selected by the Germans to establish a pseudo-government in exile at Sigmaringen. It replaced free trade unions with compulsory state unions that dictated labour policy without regard to the voice or needs of the workers. Vichy leader executed for treason Pierre Laval, the puppet leader of Nazi-occupied Vichy France, is executed by firing squad for treason against France. Vichy's ambition was doomed from the start. They always complained about the lack of staff." It became increasingly a tool of German policy and, by January 1944, included extreme collaborators such as the National Socialist Marcel Déat. [citation needed] Besides these eugenic activities aimed at classifying the population and improving its health, the Foundation also supported an 11 October 1946 law instituting occupational medicine, enacted by the Provisional Government of the French Republic (GPRF) after the Liberation. [170] A reason for the latter is that any racially discriminatory condominium or other local rule that may have existed "on paper", Vichy-era or otherwise, was invalidated by the constitutions of the French Fourth Republic (1946) and French Fifth Republic (1958) and was inapplicable under French antidiscrimination law. [158] In 1994 former Vichy official Paul Touvier (1915–1996) was convicted of crimes against humanity. All Jews and others "undesirables" passed through Drancy before heading to Auschwitz and other camps. His 'national revolution' was to be a counter-revolution eliminating all the progress and human rights won in the last one hundred and fifty years". and civil servants (Papon, etc.). [143] Mother's Day became a major date in the Vichy calendar, with festivities in the towns and schools featuring the award of medals to mothers of numerous children. Many Vichy officials, such as Pétain, were reactionaries who felt that France's unfortunate fate was a result of its republican character and the actions of its left-wing governments of the 1930s, in particular of the Popular Front (1936–1938) led by Léon Blum. [85], At the end of April 1945 Pierre Gazagne, secretary of the general government headed by Yves Chataigneau, took advantage of his absence to exile anti-imperialist leader Messali Hadj and arrest the leaders of his party, the Algerian People's Party (PPA). The French navy and air force were neutralized. It introduced family allowances and opposed birth control and abortion. The terms of the armistice divided France into an occupied zone covering the north and west of the country, and the so-called free zone in the south. Henceforth, Vichy had no assets with which to bargain, with the exception of the cult of loyalty to Pétain (which still kept some Frenchmen obedient to the armistice) and the cleverness of Laval. Pointing to the French police's registering of Jews, as well as Laval's decision, taken completely autonomously in August 1942, to deport children along with their parents, Paxton added: Contrary to preconceived ideas, Vichy did not sacrifice foreign Jews in the hope of protecting French Jews. This is the second Vichy. In particular, in Nice, "Italians had protected the Jews. After difficult negotiations, Giraud agreed to suppress the racist laws, and to liberate Vichy prisoners from the South Algerian concentration camps. [citation needed], Whatever the Vichy government's intent initially or subsequently, the numerical outcome was that less than 15% of French Jews, vs. nearly twice that proportion of non-citizen Jews residing in France, died. Surviving recruiting posters stress the opportunities for athletic activities, including horsemanship, reflecting both the general emphasis placed by the Vichy government on rural virtues and outdoor activities, and the realities of service in a small and technologically backward military force. The government had never before attempted a comprehensive overview. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Throughout the rest of the country, civil servants were under the formal authority of French ministers in Vichy. Collaboration refers to those of the French who for whatever reason collaborated with the Germans whereas collaborationism refers to those, primarily from the fascist right, who embraced the goal of a German victory as their own. [22] Despite his highly negative view of the Third Republic, Pétain argued that la France profonde ("deep France", denoting profoundly French aspects of French culture) still existed, and that the French people needed to return to what Pétain insisted was their true identity. [131] The General Committee for the Organization of Commerce (CGOC) was a national program to modernise and professionalise small business. [120][121][122], On 16 July 2017, also at a ceremony at the Vel' d'Hiv site, President Emmanuel Macron denounced the country's role in the Holocaust in France and the historical revisionism that denied France's responsibility for the 1942 Jacques de Bernonville escaped to Quebec, then Brazil. Food shortages were most acute in the large cities. Toulouse was too remote and had a left-wing reputation. The armistice divided France into occupied and unoccupied zones: northern and western France, including the entire Atlantic coast, was occupied by Germany, and the remaining two-fifths of the country was under the control of the French government with the capital at Vichy under Pétain. After visiting from 8–13 January 1940, Wavell decided that Legentilhomme would command the military forces in both Somalilands should war with Italy come. With the Vichy leaders gone from French territory due to the US, British, and Free French invasion and advance, on 23 October 1944 the U.S., Britain and the Soviet Union formally recognized the Provisional Government of the French Republic (GPRF), headed by de Gaulle, as the legitimate government of France. [141], Meanwhile, the Vichy regime promoted a highly traditional model of female roles. Summary from data compiled by the Association des Fils et Filles des déportés juifs de France, 1985. The session was dominated by Pierre Laval, Pétain’s vice premier, who was already emerging as the strongman of the government. Lemmes, Fabian. The final Vichy troops in Gabon surrendered without any military confrontation with the Allies at Port-Gentil. The French squadron at Alexandria, under Admiral René-Emile Godfroy, was effectively interned until 1943 after an agreement was reached with Admiral Andrew Browne Cunningham, commander of the British Mediterranean Fleet. It was given financial autonomy and a budget of forty million francs, roughly one franc per inhabitant: a true luxury considering the burdens imposed by the German Occupation on the nation's resources. Although Laval said on 6 July that "parliamentary democracy has lost the war; it must disappear, ceding its place to an authoritarian, hierarchical, national and social regime", the majority trusted in Pétain. "The history of the Holocaust in France's three North African colonies (Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia) is intrinsically tied to France's fate during this period. Since the early 1930s, Carrel had advocated the use of gas chambers to rid humanity of its "inferior stock"[citation needed], endorsing the scientific racism discourse. Among artists, singer Tino Rossi was detained in Fresnes prison, where, according to Combat newspaper, prison guards asked him for autographs. Those who had engaged in the black market were also stigmatised as "war profiteers" (profiteurs de guerre), and popularly called "BOF" (Beurre Oeuf Fromage, or Butter Eggs Cheese, because of the products sold at outrageous prices during the Occupation). New Caledonia contributed personnel both to the Bataillon du Pacifique and to the Free French Naval Forces that saw action in the Pacific and Indian Ocean. Vichy was intensely anti-Communist and generally pro-German; American historian Stanley G. Payne found that it was "distinctly rightist and authoritarian but never fascist". Their idea was not to make of France an antisemitic country. The French government also had responsibility for preventing French citizens from escaping into exile. The main collaborator was the Vichy government, which controlled the occupied part of France as a puppet government for the Nazis. For this occasion, SS-Gruppenführer Karl Oberg, in charge of the German Police in France, made the trip from Paris and transmitted to Bousquet orders directly received from Heinrich Himmler. [98] The Statute on Jews excluded them from the civil administration. It will be ratified by the nation and applied by the assemblies which it has created.[54]. Other high-ups received similar punishment. Italy surrendered to the Allies in mid-1943 but was subsequently invaded by Germany. The US position towards Vichy France and de Gaulle was especially hesitant and inconsistent. Following the success of Operation Torch, Hitler no longer trusted the French to protect its Mediterranean coast, thus the planning for the occupation. [162] In particular, coercive measures used by Pierre Laval have been denounced by those historians who hold that the vote did not, therefore, have Constitutional legality (See subsection: Conditions of armistice and 10 July 1940 vote of full powers). Vichy became, at least superficially, a corporative state. "At this time the Nazis had not yet decided to exterminate the Jews, but to expel them. On 10 July 1940, the Parliament and the government gathered in the quiet spa town of Vichy, their provisional capital in central France. On 23 September 1940, the Royal Navy and Free French forces under Charles de Gaulle launched Operation Menace, an attempt to seize the strategic, Vichy-held port of Dakar in French West Africa (modern Senegal). France, praising itself for having remained an independent state (as opposed to other occupied countries) "decided to cooperate. Kocher, Adam, Adria K. Lawrence and Nuno P. Monteiro. Conversely, Vichy France became a collaborationist regime. To enforce the régime's will, some paramilitary organisations were created. [65] This first experience was valuable in later Seabee (phonetic pronunciation of the naval acronym, CB, or Construction Battalion) efforts in the Pacific, and the Bora Bora base supplied the Allied ships and planes that fought the battle of the Coral Sea. Pétain was put on trial for treason by the new Provisional government, and sentenced to death; this was commuted to life imprisonment by de Gaulle. Germany was now engaged in massive war with the Soviet Union and with the United States and needed greater security in western Europe. recalled Paxton,[173] something which Maurice Rajsfus has also underlined. stolen), and a special Jewish Affairs service was created, directed by Pierre Gazagne. (Earlier that year, speeches made by Marine Le Pen had made the headlines by claiming that the Vichy Government was "not France. The war then became "total", and in August 1941, Hitler decided on the "global extermination of all European Jews". The Cabinet agreed on a proposal to seek armistice terms from Germany, with the understanding that, should Germany set forth dishonourable or excessively harsh terms, France would retain the option to continue to fight. In October, the blockade was reviewed, but the beginning of the war with Japan in December led to all but two blockade ships being withdrawn. Bousquet and Leguay were both convicted for their responsibilities in the Vel' d'Hiv Roundup of July 1942. Philip Manow argues that, "Vichy represents the authoritarian, antidemocratic solution that the French political right, in coalition with the national Church hierarchy, had sought repeatedly during the interwar period and almost put in place in 1934. Instead, Pétain broke relations with London on July 4,…. Though the French public initially supported the regime, opinion gradually turned against the French government and the occupying German forces over time, when it became clear that Germany was losing the war, and living conditions in France became increasingly difficult. In addition to the army, the size of the Gendarmerie was fixed at 60,000 men plus an anti-aircraft force of 10,000 men. After the eight-month Phoney War, the Germans launched their offensive in the west on 10 May 1940. Charles Maurras, a monarchist writer and founder of the Action Française movement, judged that Pétain's accession to power was, in that respect, a "divine surprise", and many people of his persuasion believed it preferable to have an authoritarian government similar to that of Francisco Franco's Spain, even if under Germany's yoke, than to have a republican government. Hans Petter Graver says Vichy "is notorious for its enactment of anti-Semitic laws and decrees, and these were all loyally enforced by the judiciary". "[123][124], As historian Henry Rousso has put it in The Vichy Syndrome (1987), Vichy and the state collaboration of France remains a "past that doesn't pass away". Troops from French Polynesia and New Caledonia formed a Bataillon du Pacifique in 1940; became part of the 1st Free French Division in 1942, distinguishing themselves during the Battle of Bir Hakeim and subsequently combining with another unit to form the Bataillon d'infanterie de marine et du Pacifique; fought in the Italian Campaign, distinguishing themselves at the Garigliano during the Battle of Monte Cassino and on to Tuscany; and participated in the Provence landings and onwards to the liberation of France.[66][67]. The exact strength of the Vichy French Metropolitan Army was set at 3,768 officers, 15,072 non-commissioned officers, and 75,360 men. This continuity of the administration was pointed out,[citation needed] in particular concerning the events of the Paris massacre of 1961, executed under the orders of head of the Parisian police Maurice Papon when Charles de Gaulle was head of state. On 3 October 1940, the Vichy government voluntarily promulgated the first Statute on Jews, which created a special underclass of French Jewish citizens, and enforced, for the first time in France, racial segregation. This did not satisfy Winston Churchill, who ordered French ships in British ports to be seized by the Royal Navy. Although the French won an important naval victory over the Thais, Japan forced the French to accept Japanese mediation of a peace treaty that returned the disputed territory to Thai control. In July 1940, the French National Assembly voted to suspend the constitution of the Third Republic and placed the new “Vichy regime” under the leadership of the aging Marshal Henri Philippe Petain, French hero of the Battle of Verdun in World War I. Pierre Laval, a former Socialist politician who cultivated good relatio… Provisional Government of the French Republic, Provisional government of the French Republic, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Vichy government was internationally recognized, Allied Military Government of Occupied Territories, Banque nationale pour le commerce et l'industrie, destruction of the French Fleet at Mers-el-Kebir, Japanese coup de main in French Indochina, Japanese advance in the Pacific in 1941–1942, killing 479 Allied forces and wounding 720, Comité français de la Libération Nationale, Légion des Volontaires Français contre le Bolchévisme, National Institute of Demographic Studies, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races, Legion of French Volunteers Against Bolshevism, 33rd Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Charlemagne (1st French), Légion Française des Combattants et des volontaires de la Révolution Nationale, by 1945 it was higher than it had been for a century, Allied Military Government for Occupied Territories, Conseil Représentatif des Institutions juives de France, Category:French collaborators with Nazi Germany, Legion des volontaires francais contre le bolchevisme, Collaboration with the Axis Powers during World War II, German occupation of France during World War II, Italian occupation of France during World War II, Military history of France during World War II, Western Front (Frankreich) Area (Luftflotte 3, France), "Ordonnance du 9 août 1944 relative au rétablissement de la légalité républicaine sur le territoire continental – Version consolidée au 10 août 1944", "Le Bilan de la Shoah en France [Le régime de Vichy]", "Vichy Web – The Occupiers and Their Policies", / Australia's diplomatic relationships with Vichy: French embassy in Australia, Canada's diplomatic relationships with Vichy: Foreign Affairs Canada, "Loi constitutionnelle du 10 Juillet 1940", "Constitutional act no. What happened to the government officials of the Vichy France after WW2? By Nicholas Wahl ... (just think of what happened to Poland! The regional newspaper Nice Matin revealed on 28 February 2007, that in more than 1,000 condominium properties on the Côte d'Azur, rules dating to Vichy were still "in force", or at least existed on paper. [132], In 1940 the government took direct control of all production, which was synchronised with the demands of the Germans. The extent of this was made apparent on July 10, 1940, when Laval pushed the National Assembly to dissolve itself and bring the Third Republic to…, …Pétain’s quasi-Fascist collaborationist regime at Vichy. When the provisional government of Charles de Gaulle moved to France after the Allied invasion of Normandy, it took over from a fascist regime in utter collapse. Facing an untenable situation, Reynaud resigned and, on his recommendation, President Albert Lebrun appointed the 84-year-old Pétain as his replacement on 16 June 1940. Darlan was assassinated in December 1942 in Algiers. Three main periods have been distinguished in the historiography of Vichy: first the Gaullist period, which aimed at national reconciliation and unity under the figure of Charles de Gaulle, who conceived himself above political parties and divisions; then the 1960s, with Marcel Ophüls's film The Sorrow and the Pity (1971); finally the 1990s, with the trial of Maurice Papon, civil servant in Bordeaux in charge of the "Jewish Questions" during the war, who was convicted after a very long trial (1981–1998) for crimes against humanity. Pétainistes, on the other hand, were direct supporters of Marshal Pétain rather than of Germany (although they accepted Pétain's state collaboration). Léon Blum, who voted no, wrote three months later that Laval's "obvious objective was to cut all the roots that bound France to its republican and revolutionary past. They finally returned home in the summer of 1945. The trial of Papon did not only concern an individual itinerary, but the French administration's collective responsibility in the deportation of the Jews. [citation needed], Until 1962, France possessed four small, non-contiguous but politically united colonies across India, the largest being Pondicherry in Southeast India. [58], The Soviet Union maintained full diplomatic relations with the Vichy government until 30 June 1941. "France, on that day [16 July 1942], committed the irreparable. Numerous Jewish children were prohibited from going to school, something which not even Vichy had implemented in metropolitan France. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership. [98] Former Vichy officials later claimed that they did as much as they could to minimise the impact of the Nazi policies, although mainstream French historians contend that the Vichy regime went beyond the Nazi expectations. [citation needed], The Foundation was behind the 16 December 1942 Act mandating the "prenuptial certificate", which required all couples seeking marriage to submit to a biological examination, to ensure the "good health" of the spouses, in particular with regard to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and "life hygiene". About one-third had been released on various terms by 1944. 2 ] on 22 June 1946–54 ) rationing, but one in ten prostitutes! Full control let the propaganda continue and provided a small amount of supplies under control... Not enough men political organisations, such as the État Français ( French state ) opposed control... Resistance until the dissolution, despite Vichy appeals to the Allied cause without bloodshed '' treason in July.. 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