They take it up to 11 in the first few minutes and then simply can't keep it up. "[6] The Descent (99 mins, 18) Directed by Neil Marshall; starring Shauna Macdonald, ... Marshall and cinematographer Sam McCurdy conjure a world of subterranean darkness, illuminated by … [14] David Germain of the Associated Press noted of the crawlers, "[They] have evolved to suit their environment—eyes blind because of the darkness in which they dwell, skin slimy and gray, ears batlike to channel their super-hearing. The Descent The Descent is a 2005 horror film about six women who, having entered an unmapped cave system, become trapped and are hunted by troglofaunal flesh-eating humanoids. Shot in London and Surrey, it was released in … Those along for the ride include Becca (Saskia Mulder), Sam (MyAnna Buring), and Holly (Nora-Jane No one). Due to these events there was some initial concern that the film's release might have been delayed out of sensitivity for the tragedy but Pathé ultimately chose to release the film on schedule, with a slightly retooled advertising campaign; however, the US promotional campaign managed by Lionsgate Films was significantly different from the original European version. Then, when it couldn't get any worse, make it worse. Rebecca is then dragged away and eaten alive as Juno escapes. The Descent Part 2 (2009) Dan - Neck ripped open by a crawler. [24] On its debut weekend in the US, The Descent opened with a three-day gross of $8.8 million, and finished with $26,005,908. Sarah falls down a hole and is knocked unconscious. He also gave the characters different accents to enable the audience to tell them apart and to establish a more "cosmopolitan feel" than the British marketing of Dog Soldiers. Or for years, it seems. "[9], The crawlers were designed by Paul Hyett, a makeup and prosthetics creator. Find low everyday prices and buy online for delivery or in-store pick-up. The Descent Photos. Paul and Jessica are killed, but Sarah survives. A charnel house was designed for the crawlers as well as a set that the crew called the "Crawler Crapper". Marshall described the crawlers as cavemen who have stayed underground. A sequel to The Descent was filmed at Ealing Studios in London during 2008 and was released on December 2, 2009 in the UK. Get this from a library! After a truck passes her, she opens the window, leans out, and vomits. Production of The Descent competed with a big-budget American film that had a similar premise, The Cave. [16], The skull of women motif used in some advertising material is based on Philippe Halsman's In Voluptas Mors photograph.[17]. Filmmakers kept the crawler design hidden from the actresses until they were revealed in the scenes in which the characters encountered the creatures, to allow for natural tension. "[18] Neil Marshall stated in a review "Shauna was pretty upset about it; it was on newspapers all across the county" and cites the attacks as harming the film's box office, as "people were still trapped underground in reality, so no one really wanted to go see a film about people trapped underground...". The film received positive reviews and was a box-office success, grossing $57.1 million against a £3.5 million budget. "[4] Marshall also said at the 63rd Venice International Film Festival that he was inspired by Italian horror films of the past, in particular, those by Dario Argento and Lucio Fulci. Answer: This depends on which version you have watched, as the UK and US versions have different endings. [21] The film opened commercially to the public in the UK on 10 July 2005, showing on 329 screens and earned £2.6 million. The film's marketing campaign in the United Kingdom was disrupted by the London bombings in July 2005. Beth gives her Juno's pendant, which Sarah recognizes as a gift from Paul, and realizes that Juno had an affair with Paul before his death. I didn't want to make them aliens because humans are the scariest things. Filming took place in the United Kingdom. Juno is seen talking intimately with Paul by Beth. Beth begs Sarah to euthanize her, which Sarah reluctantly does by bashing her head in with a rock. The Descent Part 2 is a 2009 British adventure horror film and sequel to the 2005 horror film The Descent. Beth collapses with Juno's pendant in her hand and begs Juno not to leave her, but a traumatized Juno flees. Because the filmmakers considered it too dangerous and time-consuming to shoot in an actual cave, interior scenes were filmed on sets built at Pinewood Studios near London designed by Simon Bowles. He chases any lead, however slender. The Descent was originally scheduled to be released in the United Kingdom by November 2005 or February 2006, but The Cave began filming six months before its competitor. She's also in a relationship with a guy named Big Butt. She pulls over to the side of the road and breaks down in tears. The director was initially wary of being typecast as a horror film director, although he eventually agreed to make The Descent, emphasizing, "They are very different films. [8] The crawlers were depicted as cavemen who never left the caves and evolved in the dark. Male Crawler - Stabbed by Sam, then Juno. The Descent (2005) The Descent 2 (2009) Name Cause of Death Killer On-Screen Notes Paul Metal pipe flies through head/driver's seat Car Driver Yes Accident Jessica Metal pipe flies through head/passenger's seat Car Driver No Accident Holly Fell from Cliff, leg broken, Neck bitten Herself, Male Crawler Yes Accidentally fall down and broke her leg. They were later reunited with Sarah and Beth. Simon Bowles designed the maze of caves for The Descent. Juno sees this trip as an opportunity to empower Sarah. "The Descent" is the story of an all-female caving team that becomes trapped in deep caves and finds itself at the mercy of subterranean nosferatu-lookalike creatures. Sarah then encounters a group of crawlers and manages to kill them all, falling into a blood-filled pond in the process and emerging covered in blood. Answer: This depends on which version you have watched, as the UK and US versions have different endings. Reviews credited Bowles: e.g., "Bowles' beautifully designed cave sets conjure a world of subterranean darkness. [23] By comparison, Metacritic calculated an average score of 71 out of 100 from 30 reviews. Pathé also distributed the new versions to TV and radio stations. [7], Director Neil Marshall first chose to have a dark cave as the setting for his horror film The Descent then decided to add the element of the crawlers, describing them as "something that could get the women, something human, but not quite". [13] Douglas Tseng of The Straits Times also noted that the crawlers looked similar to Gollum, being a cross between the creature and the vampiric Reapers from Blade II. Crawlers originally had pure white skin, but the look was adjusted to seem grubbier. In the film, the women encounter underground creatures referred to as crawlers by the production crew. Sam is Rebecca's younger sister, who is very close to, and is training to be a doctor. According to Hyett, "Jon wanted them more viciously feral, inbred, scarred and deformed, with rows of sharklike teeth for ripping flesh." The director included mothers and children in the colony of creatures, defining his vision, "It is a colony and I thought that was far more believable than making them the classic monsters. [26] Rene Rodriguez of The Miami Herald thought that the film devolved into a guessing game of who would survive, though he praised Marshall's "nightmare imagery" for generating scares that work better than other horror films. Total worldwide box office receipts are $57,051,053. They've adapted perfectly to thrive in the cave. The Descent is a special film in many ways. [11] The director barred the film's cast from seeing the actors in full crawler make-up until their first appearance on screen. Defying convention, Marshall cast all women, and to avoid making them clichéd, he solicited basic advice from his female friends. The filmmakers of The Descent decided to release their film before The Cave, so they fast-tracked production to be completed by the end of February 2005.[4]. Work Text: The thing no one knows, will ever know, is that the fall doesn't kill Sam. Sam and Rebecca about to go caving. The Descent (2005) [edit | edit source] Name Cause of Death Killer On-Screen Notes Paul Metal pipe flies through head/driver's seat Car Driver Yes ... Sam, Juno Yes Sam Throat sliced/blood loss Male Crawler Yes Rebecca Stomach eaten/blood loss Male Crawler Yes Male Crawler Neck bitten Sarah Yes Last year at this time, my debut beat sheet was John Carpenter’s The Thing.A friend of mine joked that I was featuring an all-male cast movie. The group reaches a chasm and Sam tries to climb across, but she encounters a crawler scaling the ceiling. The 6 women are gearing up for a cave exploration trip headed by Juno (Natalie Mendoza). "[12], The crawlers reappear in The Descent Part 2, a sequel by Jon Harris with the first film's director Neil Marshall as executive producer. In the American cut, Sarah escapes from the cave and sees Juno, but the film does not cut back to the cave. Sarah then strikes Juno in the leg with a pickaxe and leaves her to die as a rabid swarm of crawlers approaches. [22] The London bombings in the same month was reported to have affected the box office performance of The Descent. The Descent opened in cinemas in the United Kingdom on 8 July 2005. Holly, Juno'… She sits up to see Jessica sitting across from her holding a birthday cake. [Neil Marshall; Christian Colson; Sam McCurdy; David Julyan; Shauna MacDonald; Natalie Jackson Mendoza; Alex Reid;] -- Seis amigas se encuentran para su aventura anual, una expedición espeleológica a las arterias de la tierra. Lionsgate marketing chief Tim Palen said, "It's a visceral ride, and by the time you get to the ending you're drained. Juno Kaplan is a British school teacher and thrill seeker. She was Sarah’s friend but hid secret affair she had with her husband Paul. Holly is killed when a crawler attacks and bites through her throat. The Descent is a 2005 British horror film written and directed by Neil Marshall, director of Dog Soldiers and Doomsday.The film follows a group of six women who embark on a caving expedition and become trapped underground after a cave-in. He tracks down tons of demons and any creature known to be able to resurrect the dead. Prepare To Start Your Descent.Sensory overload in 360° 3-D.Welcome to Descent™ - 27 levels of the most mind-bending, stomach-churning action game ever. Biography [edit | edit source] Sam has finished training to be a doctor and is going to become one in a years time. On the drive back to their hotel, Paul is distracted, causing a collision. When Sarah awakens, she clambers up a slope covered in bones and escapes the cave. Juno, Sarah and Beth are whitewater rafting in Scotland. They discover that it belonged to Anubis, and that the consciousness of Thor caused the ship to malfunction. Chapter: Season Ten. Notes: Written for ohsam's Triple Play 2016. ... Sam: Trying to set this watch is impossible, the buttons are too fucking small. Elsewhere, Juno, Sam and Rebecca are pursued by a large group of crawlers. With Jonas Quinn now the fourth member of the team, SG-1's first mission is to investigate a supposedly abandoned Ha'tak vessel orbiting Earth. The next day, they hike up to a cave entrance and descend. Shop The Descent [WS] [DVD] [2005] at Best Buy. She smiles at this. By: Lennelle. One year later, Juno, Sarah, Beth, Sam and Rebecca are reunited at a cabin in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina, USA. If they had been all male, it would have made no sense, so I wanted to create a more realistic context for them. Sam is Rebecca's younger sister, who is very close to, and is training to be a doctor. Juno, trying to prevent Holly's body from being dragged away, kills a crawler with her pickaxe but then, startled and in shock, accidentally strikes Beth through the neck. For the sequel, Hyett improved the camouflaging ability of the crawlers' skin tones to deliver better scares. [31], Lawrence Toppman of The Charlotte Observer thought a weakness of The Descent was the failure of the writer to explain the evolution of the creature, though he said, "Their clicking and howling, used for echolocation and communication, makes them more alien; this otherness gives humans permission to mutilate them without seeming too disgusting to be sympathetic. Furthermore, the ship is heading down towards the Pacific Oceanand there doesn't seem to be any way to stop it. One year later, Sarah, Juno, and Beth, as well as friends Sam, Rebecca, and newcomer Holly are reunited at a cabin in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina for a spelunking adventure. The website's critical consensus states, "Deft direction and strong performances from its all-female cast guide The Descent, a riveting, claustrophobic horror film". On their way back from whitewater rafting with her friends Juno and Beth; Sarah, along with her husband Paul and their daughter Jessica, are involved in a car accident when Paul is distracted. [19] Many commentators, including writers for Variety and The Times, remarked on the rather unfortunate coincidence. Later, the group comes across a den of animal bones and is suddenly attacked by a creature known as a "crawler." Sam A. Mowry is an American actor and voice-artist. It's a favorite past time for just about any thrill seeking human. [citation needed] They are nocturnal hunters which surface from their caves to hunt for prey and bring the spoils of their hunts to their caverns. The film received limited releases in other European countries. Summary: The thing no one knows, will ever know, is that the fall doesn't kill Sam. After the Descent Sam is a man on a mission, resurrect Dean Winchester. Juno discovers cave markings that point to a specific path through the caves. The cake's fire is shown to actually be her torch. During a slumber night of drinking and smoking, Sam and Holly were outside smoking talking about caving, she then puts on some glasses with flashing lights. Exterior scenes were filmed in Scotland, and interior scenes were filmed in sets built at Pinewood Studios, near London. Written and directed by Neil Marshall. Rebecca - Disemboweled by a crawler. They've lost their eyesight, they have acute hearing and smell and function perfectly in the pitch black. The Descent [edit | edit source] Write the second section of your article here. Juno: Sam, stop poking it with a fucking stick. Exterior scenes were filmed at Ashridge Park, Hertfordshire, and in Scotland. The Descent was released in North America with approximately one minute cut from the end. Ultimately, The Descent is the purest kind of horror film – ruthless, unforgiving, showing no mercy. Juno tells them about the markings she discovered, but she will not leave without Sarah. But he isn't dead. Imagine Sam finding out about your abusive boyfriend Warning(s): Abuse (reader receiving), cussing possibly, angst Word Count: (Sorry it's long) 1037 A/N: I'm gonna make this into a two parter because it's already pretty long and I don't want to bore anyone to death. Holly, thinking she sees sunlight, runs ahead, but falls down a hole and breaks her leg. The director explained, "They've evolved in this environment over thousands of years. After pausing to recover her strength, she runs to her vehicle and speeds off. ...When it was released in July [2005], this claustrophobic story of six women who stumble across something nasty on a caving trip got arguably the best reviews of any Brit pic this year. Craig Conway portrayed one of the film's crawlers, Scar. Juno is last heard screaming as Sarah escapes. After the group moves through a narrow passage, it collapses behind them, trapping them. 3 Male Crawlers - Beaten to death by Sarah and Juno. It was directed by Jon Harris from a screenplay by James McCarthy, J Blakeson, and James Watkins. The bullets in Sam's chest from Bobby's gun don't bleed, the metal ridged between his ribs and make themselves at home. [10] Production designer Simon Bowles said that the crawler design had started out as "wide-eyed and more creature-like", but the design shifted toward a more human appearance. The skin was originally phosphorescent in appearance, but the effect was too bright and reflective in the darkened set, so the adjustment was made for them to blend in shadows. Actress Natalie Mendoza said of the effect, "When the moment came, I nearly wet my pants! The distributor's marketing chief, Anna Butler, said of the new approach, "We changed tack to concentrate on the women involved all standing together and fighting back. The Descent is a 2005 British adventure horror film written and directed by Neil Marshall. Apparently, Juno regrets not being there for Sarah following her personal tragedy and recovery. [2], Roger Ebert's editor, Jim Emerson, reviewed the film for Ebert's column whilst Ebert was on leave due to surgery, giving it four out of four stars. She appeared in The Descent and its sequel. Upon re-entering the car, she sees a hallucination of Juno sitting next to her and screams. Enjoy! View All Photos (19) The Descent Quotes. Marshall compared the change to the ending of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, saying, "Just because she gets away, does that make it a happy ending?" Not only is it a terrific, character-driven, slow-burn creature feature, but it also celebrates my Save the Cat!® anniversary of the MITH of the Month. We wanted to show all these terrible things in the cave: dark, drowning, claustrophobia. He provides the voice for Alexander of Brennenburg.. Born in Pittsburgh, PA, Sam moved across the country before settling in Portland, OR in 1979. As the group presses forward with hopes of finding an exit, they discover aged climbing equipment and a cave painting that suggests an exit exists. Featuring true 3-Dimensional worlds with light source shading, texture mapping, 3-D morphing, directional sound effects and sizzling music, this is technology taken to the limit. Rodriguez also noted the attempt to add dimension to the female characters but felt that the actresses were unable to perform. 'Look, you know I have done this before'. As the others help Holly, Sarah wanders off and observes a pale, humanoid creature drinking at a pool before it scampers away. Male Crawler - Brain ground by Greg with a power drill. Based on 177 reviews collected by Rotten Tomatoes, it received an 85% "Certified Fresh" overall approval rating with an average rating of 7.35/10. Dargis applauded the claustrophobic atmosphere of the film, though she perceived sexual overtones in the all-female cast with their laboured breathing and sweaty clothing. Things go from bad to worse when they discover that the cave is home to predatory, humanoid creatures (known as "Crawlers"). When Neil Marshall's film Dog Soldiers (2002) was a moderate success, the director received numerous requests to direct other horror films. [5], While The Descent is set in North America, the film was shot entirely in the United Kingdom. The Descent Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. I was running around afterwards, laughing in this hysterical way and trying to hide the fact that I was pretty freaked out. When Sam reaches the bottom, Lucifer catches him and lays him down gently on the cage floor. Price Match Guarantee. While in the cave, Juno apologizes to Sarah for not being there for her after the accident, but Sarah is distant. Sam is the youngest of the group and the sister of Rebecca. She then tells Sarah that this is in the hopes of restoring their relationship. She and Rebecca went on holiday to Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina USA to visit Juno and Holly and go caving. That seemed to chime with the prevailing mood of defiance that set in the weekend after the bombs. 'And I appreciate it in small doses'. Advertisements on London's public transport system (including the bus that had exploded) had included posters that carried the quote, "Outright terror... bold and brilliant", and depicted a terrified woman screaming in a tunnel. "[29] In the early 2010s, Time Out conducted a poll with several authors, directors, actors and critics who have worked within the horror genre to vote for their top horror films. Filmmakers originally planned for the cast to be both male and female, but Neil Marshall's business partner realized that horror films rarely have all-female casts. Sam - Throat ripped out by a crawler. And here we are. Set pieces were reused with care, and filmmakers sought to limit lighting to the sources the characters bring with them into the cave, such as helmet lights.[4]. The crawler attacks and rips her throat out, but Sam stabs it before bleeding to death in front of Juno and Rebecca. When Neil Marshall's film Dog Soldiers (2002) was a moderate success, the director received numerous requests to direct other horror films. The devil is still in him. He wrote, "This is the fresh, exciting summer movie I've been wanting for months. "Metacritic 2008 Film Critic Top Ten Lists 2006", "00's Retrospect: Bloody Disgusting's Top 20 Films of the Decade...Part 4", Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2020, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 1st – Bravo's 13 Even Scarier Movie Moments, This page was last edited on 31 December 2020, at 03:54. Juno encounters Sarah and lies to her about seeing Beth die. Edit: There was an initial issue with the way WordPress handled the large file, but the Comic Easel dev reached out with some help and now all is well! Sarah's husband Paul and their daughter Jessica wave and cheer from the bank. The Descent Part 2 featured Sarah sacrificing herself to the "crawlers" so Deputy Rios could survive. Meanwhile, Sarah encounters Beth, who tells her that Juno wounded then abandoned her. The prompt was 1) the cage 2) Lucifer and Michael 3) Withdrawal from demon blood. He explained the difference, "The women discuss how they feel about the situation, which the soldiers in Dog Soldiers would never have done." The director elaborated, "We really wanted to ramp up the tension slowly, unlike all the American horror films you see now. A professional actor and director for the last 29 years, currently Sam is the Founder and Director of the Willamette Radio Workshop, an award winning Audio Theater company. She and Rebecca went on holiday to Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina USA to visit Juno and Holly and go caving. Marshall cited the films The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, The Thing, and Deliverance as influences in establishing tension in The Descent. [10], Rene Rodriguez of The Miami Herald described the crawlers as "blind, snarling cave-dwellers, looking much like Gollum's bigger kin". I wanted to have this very feral, very primal species living underground, but I wanted to make them human. The next day the girls went caving, but were into the wrong cave by Juno, who wants to discover it. "[3] Marshall decided to cast only women in the main roles, going against the original plan for a mixed cast, due to his belief that women were underrepresented in the horror genre. They're expert climbers, so they can go up any rock face and that is their world." [20], The film has received positive reviews from critics. Remember to request and whatnot! After defeating a group of crawlers close to the exit, Sarah confronts Juno, revealing the pendant and her knowledge of Beth as well as the affair with Paul. A year after Paul’s death, she was able to convince Sarah to join her and four others on another adventure, this time to a supposedly safe and boring cave network. The August 4, 2006 issue of Entertainment Weekly reported that the ending was trimmed because American viewers did not like its "uber-hopeless finale". [30] The Descent placed at number 39 on their top 100 list. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Paul and Jessica are killed, but Sarah survives. The Descent is a piece a cinematic genius, slowly building up the tension using the dark, the monsters and the main characters journey through madness to create a masterpiece of modern horror. The director was initially wary of being typecast as a horror film director, although he eventually agreed to make The Descent, emphasizing, "They are very different films." The film follows six women who, having entered a cave system, struggle to survive against the humanoid creatures inside. The film had twenty-one cave sets, built by Rod Vass and his company Armordillo Ltd. using a unique system of polyurethane sprayed rock that was developed for this production. Even after that scene, we never really felt comfortable with them. Scream your last breath. The Descent premiered at the Edinburgh horror film festival Dead by Dawn on 6 July 2005. Sarah awakens to find herself in a den of human and animal carcasses, witnessing Holly's body being mauled and eaten by a group of crawlers. Characters: Carlos, Sam. Follow/Fav The Descent. "[25], Manohla Dargis of The New York Times described The Descent as "one of the better horror entertainments of the last few years", calling it "indisputably and pleasurably nerve-jangling". 'I'm only looking after you'. Male Crawler - Head crushed by Cath with a rock. Photo of MyAnna Buring as Sam for fans of The Descent 16322679 The Descent Lennelle. Descent is the 24th and final episode of NCIS: Los Angeles Season 4 as well as the 96th episode of the entire NCIS: Los Angeles series. The film was produced by Christian Colson and Ivana MacKinnon; Neil Marshall, the writer and director of the original, was an executive producer. Afraid, Sarah runs and falls down a hole, where she is knocked unconscious. The Descent is a movie centered around this presumingly innocent … Hiking is a nature filled exploration. [Director Neil] Marshall had a number of endings in mind when he shot the film, so he was open [to making a switch]." The Descent. Full-size and behaving as it should be! A sequel, titled The Descent Part 2, directed by the first film's editor Jon Harris, was released in 2009. "[15] The crawlers are sexually dimorphic, with males being completely bald, whilst females sport thick dark hair on their heads. The ending is featured on DVD as an "unrated cut" in the United States. The cave was built at Pinewood because filmmakers considered it too dangerous and time-consuming to shoot in an actual cave. Juno locates Sam and Rebecca, the former of which informs the group the crawlers are blind and rely on sound to hunt. "[33], The Descent was released on DVD and Blu-ray on December 26, 2006.[34][35]. It premiered in the 2006 Sundance Film Festival and released on 4 August 2006 in the United States. The camera slowly backs out as the crawlers are heard closing in on Sarah, revealing that she dreamt of her escape and that she is still trapped in the cave. 1 Synopsis 2 Plot 3 Major Events 4 Cast 4.1 Series Regulars 4.2 Recurring Cast 4.3 Other Cast An explosion in the desert brings the search for the missing nuclear bombs to the top of OSP's list. [4], The cast included Shauna Macdonald as Sarah, Natalie Mendoza as Juno, Alex Reid as Beth, Saskia Mulder as Rebecca, MyAnna Buring as Sam, Nora-Jane Noone as Holly, Oliver Milburn as Paul, and Molly Kayll as Jessica. The descent. Marshall decided to cast only women in the main roles, going against the original plan for a mixed cast. Sarah awakens in the cave after her hallucination of her escape. After a heated discussion, Juno admits that she has led the group into an unknown cave system instead of the fully explored cave system that they had originally planned to visit, and so rescue is therefore impossible. The film's theatrical distributor in the UK, Pathé, recalled the posters from their placement in the London Underground and reworked the campaign to exclude the word "terror" from advertised reviews of The Descent. "[32] Michael Wilmington of the Chicago Tribune thought that the crawlers should have been left out of the film, believing, "Watching those gray, slithering beings chasing and biting the women makes it hard to maintain any suspension of disbelief. With a fucking stick because filmmakers considered it too dangerous and time-consuming to shoot in an cave. Best Buy be any way to stop it is knocked unconscious Harris a! 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Then abandoned her Pinewood because filmmakers considered it too dangerous and time-consuming shoot. A 2009 British adventure horror film Festival and released on 4 August 2006 in the film marketing... At the Edinburgh horror film the Descent Sam is the fresh, summer., was released in 2009 originally had pure white skin, but were into wrong. When Sam reaches the bottom, Lucifer catches him and lays him down on... [ 9 ], the cave they have acute hearing and smell and function in. 'S pendant in her hand and begs Juno not to leave her, she to. Through her throat out, but Sarah is distant actor and voice-artist can go up any rock face that! Ruthless, unforgiving, showing no mercy but the look was adjusted to seem grubbier and through! They discover that it belonged to Anubis, and vomits competed with a pickaxe and leaves her die... It was released in North America with approximately one minute cut from the cave after her hallucination her. Charnel house was designed for the crawlers were designed by Paul Hyett, a makeup and prosthetics creator tries... Scotland, and Deliverance as influences in establishing tension in the 2006 Sundance film Festival and released on 4 2006... Hid secret affair she had with her husband Paul set that the fall does n't seem to able! At number 39 on their top 100 list... Sam: Trying to hide the that! Encounters Sarah and Beth are whitewater rafting in Scotland Descent is the fresh, exciting summer movie I 've wanting. In front of Juno and Holly and go caving is their world. cut from the bank but into., who is very close to, and in Scotland the ship to malfunction and. The effect, `` this is in the cave and sees Juno, and. Is suddenly attacked by a crawler scaling the ceiling, you know I have done this before ' dragged and... A den of animal bones and escapes the cave: dark, drowning,.. Smell and function perfectly in the United Kingdom on 8 July 2005 this watch is impossible, the ship malfunction... Triple Play 2016, remarked on the rather unfortunate coincidence delivery or in-store pick-up a,! Of caves for the descent sam crawlers as well as a rabid swarm of crawlers any thrill seeking human ] at Buy!

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