One of Kipling's original 1902 illustrations for the Just-So Stories. The theme that runs through the dozen stories is that they are mostly tall-tale answers for questions that children might have. My other favorite is from The Elephant's Trunk -- "In the high and far off times, O my best beloved, the elephant had no trunk.". While I didn't love all the messages of these stories, on the whole there were delightful. The stories have also been published separately in picture-book format. See all 3 questions about Just So Stories…. Griff Rhys Jones, Daily … He wrote them down for publication as the Just So Stories in 1902, just three years after the tragic death of the daughter for whom they had first been invented. This was his first book I read in the original and I loved every bit of it - the stories and the pictures. In 1871 Rudyard and his sister, Trix, aged three, were left to be cared for by a couple in Southsea, England. >> How the Camel Got his Hump? A nice batch of short stories around animals. How the Whale Got His Throat, How the Camel Got His Hump, How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin, How the Leopard Got His Spots, The Elephant's Child, The Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo, The Beginning of the Armadillos, How the First Letter was Written, How the Alphabet was Made, The Crab that Played with the Sea, The Cat that … All these tales are like Aesop's fables about how various animals got their characteristic features. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Welcome back. Kipling may have been a romantic apologist for the British Empire, but the man knew how to weave a spell in children's stories, and he can be quite playful and inventive with language. The main characters of this classics, fiction story are Stute fish, Mariner. Rudyard Kipling was born in Bombay, India, to British parents on December 30, 1865. . For example, How the Camel got his Hump tells the story of how a hump was given to the camel by a djinn as punishment for the camel refusing to work so that the camel would be able to work longer between feedings. The Project Gutenberg EBook of Just So Stories, by Rudyard Kipling. I have to say, I liked the silly little style it was written in, and some of the messages were good, but it was so racist and sexist I wanted to bring 'ol Rudyard back from his grave and murder him just to send him back. Were some of the creatures are missing up with his creation! They are written in an amusing grand style, peppered with long, and delightfully unlikely, invented words - a comical exaggeration perhaps of the formal ways of speaking Kipling heard in India. These tall tales explain animal traits; how the … The stories are each about 6-8 pages long so they make great bedtime stories. "The great grey greasy Limpopo river all set about with fever trees " created one of my earliest images of Afica and filled me with longing to visit. However, the rest could be Israelis - إسرائيليات - or from Rudyard deep imaginations that are most likely from the rest of his stories. Don't you think that the writer is trying to reach a message to readers? 3 Save. The rhythm is absolutely hypnotic! Although the The camels use it to feed and nourish because they are meant to live in harsh environments of sc. wonderfully well for reading aloud to children. Amongst Kipling s best-known works are The Jungle Book, Just So Stories, and the poems Mandalay and Gunga Din. Okay, I just have a weakness for children's's stories. Great Books to Give the Kids This Holiday. The stories, first published in 1902, are fantastic accounts of how various natural phenomena came about. These are great stories for young readers to attempt on their own, or for parents, teachers, and librarians to read aloud to young children. Tami Charles is a former teacher and the author of picture books, middle grade and young adult novels, and nonfiction. Whilst not scientifically correct in the least, this offered the reader a series of fun anecdotes about how various different animals got their defining features, such as a leopard and his spots and an elephant with his trunk. More like Just So-So Stories. I like origin stories, where things started, why they are the way they are. Read Just So Stories , free online version of the book by Rudyard Kipling, on The Elephant’s Child from the Just So Stories of Rudyard Kipling tells the story of how the elephant got its trunk. To listen to free audio versions of some of the stories, check out the wonderful site. The author died in 1936, so this work is also in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 80 years or less. >> The Crab That Played with the Sea This story was the most disappointing of the whole "Just So Stories". Kipling's works of fiction include The Jungle Book (1894), Kim (1901), and many short stories, including "The Man Who Would Be King" (1888). He was born in India, which inspired much of his work. Unlike Kim, his pro-empire attitude does not really pollute the innocent atmosphere of these wonderful stories. So they are not a curse upon it by a lame genie to go by for him and his generations.2- The idea that is inspired through the tale, the idea of "The First Sin" that is inherited by the generations all along till the end no matter how the generations behave. Today it is not a good thing to say that, but I don't care. "The Beginning of the Armadillos". But here's the deal...he wrote these tales in different times and they were written for his children. Kipling's novel, The Second Jungle Book, published in 1895, contains a story which was probably a fore-runner to the Just-So Stories. I am a Kipling fan. These are such fun to read out loud, and I particularly like the descriptions of the illustrations. I think such judgments might be slightly anachronistic; however, I do think Kipling says some things that are grating to our modern ears and sentiments. Librarian's Note: Alternate cover edition can be found. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Was this the first book Rudyard Kipling wrote? I loved reading these little stories! He didn't even begin to be tame till he met the Woman, and she told him that she did not like living in his wild ways. Afterwards, the Creator/magician confess of this truth!Isn't that somehow a demonstration of Satan (Devil) and mankind? That shows the greatness of The God, Allah, who created it in such perfection for us to get to know him. It's called How Fear Came in which Mowgli hears the story of how the tiger got his stripes. No, indeed. Just read the first line of any number of stories and you'll immediately understand his timeless appeal. Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling, with wonderful illustrations by Joseph M. Gleeson. My favorites are from The Cat that Walked by Himself -- "Here, The book that made me fall in love with storytelling. An important point, as several"Just So Stories"seem to have been adapted for younger children , when the whole point is the poetry of his way of telling the stories . The first edition of the novel was published in 1902, and was written by Rudyard Kipling. At the end of the story, the wrong doer compromises the Creator/magician, not to mention that the Creator/magician doesn't want the creatures to live and gain full strength, then they might strengthen on him! But here's the deal...he wrote these tales in different times and they were written for his children. This was such a pleasant surprise! They are beautiful short tales - most likely derived from folk legends that Kipling heard during his time in Africa and India - but still full of humour and subtle wisdom. They were really cute, and eventhough I liked some way more than others, I really enjoyed my reading! Just So Stories are considered some of Kipling's best works. This was an adorably sweet collection of stories, aimed at younger readers and all centring around the themes of animals. They began as stories Kipling told to his little daughter, Josephine, and were first published in 1902. H.M The Prince of Wales. Simple rhymes and tempos. Choose the part of Just So Stories which you … Loved all the stories, but my personal favorite was about Elephant's Child. Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories consists of 12 parts for ease of reading. Start by marking “Just So Stories” as Want to Read: Error rating book. This book was published in 1902, and he had published quite. There are twelve in total: most of which are fanciful revelations of how certain animals came to possess their distinguishing features. His first book of stories, "Plain Tales from the Hills" was published in 1888. To see what your friends thought of this book, No, indeed. I loved the illustrations and their explanations and how every story ended with a poem. They began as stories Kipling told to his little daughter, Josephine, and were first published in 1902. Just so stories Written and Illustrated by Rudyard Kipling The ‘Just So Stories’ are a collection of eccentric myths that Kipling created to tell to his children. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published Just So Stories (poems), a Poem by Rudyard Kipling. .when my Christian parents made sure to replace these stories with the bible version of where these animals came from, I was dismayed. He was dreadfully wild. Kipling was the first English-language writer to receive the Nobel prize for literature (1907) and was amongst the youngest to receive the award. This book was published in 1902, and he had published quite a lot in between. Sadly, Josephine died in 1899 of pneumonia when she was only six. I don't know what infuriates me more: that Kipling was a racist imperialist colonizer who believed firmly in white superiority and conveyed that in every word of these stories; or that Kipling is such a marvelous writer of the English language. I still have my mother's hardbound edition, with marvelous color plates, published in the 20s. The book that made me fall in love with storytelling. The Just-So Stories are a series of short stories for children written by English writer and poet Rudyard Kipling. Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling, 9781853261022, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. Kipling may have been a romantic apologist for the British Empire, but the man knew how to weave a spell in children's stories, and he can be quite playful and inventive with language. The original editions of the stories were illustrated by Kipling himself. The camels use it to feed and nourish because they are meant to live in harsh environments of scarce resources of food and water. Rudyard Kipling told his children gloriously fanciful tales of how things in the world came to be as they are. The Elephant’s Child. A prolific author known for his varied works from "The Jungle Book" to "Captains Courageous", in the "Just So Stories" Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) creates delightful stories of animals and how they got their distinguishing characteristics, such as "How the Leopard Got His … They give fantastical explanations for various phenomena. Set on he banks of the great grey-green, greasy Limpopo River in Africa. Each story is accompanied by a poem, in a somewhat ballad style. by Rudyard Kipling. This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published before January 1, 1926. I have read several reviews that talk about Kipling being Imperialistic, condescending, and a host of other distasteful names. These stories were funny, imaginative, and well written. My favorites are from The Cat that Walked by Himself -- "Here and attend and listen; for this befell and became and behappened and was, O my best beloved, when the tame animals were wild." “Of course the Man was wild too. Just So Stories, by Rudyard Kipling. !At the very end, the wrong doer also says that the Creator/magician didn't pay him much attention like that he paid to son of Adam. Kipling entertained his own children and those of his friends by inventing ingenious explanations of such questions as ‘How the Camel Got His Hump’ and ‘How the Leopard Got his Spots’. 9782808018005 44 EBook Plurilingua Publishing This practical and insightful reading guide offers a complete summary and analysis of Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling. I think I enjoyed this book more than any other works by Kipling. It provides a comprehensive outline of the plot of each of the stories in the collection, as well as a discussion of the main characters and an exploration of the key themes that recur throughout the anthology. OK, he's a racist blackguard, but Kipling does write beautifully. The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of 210 pages and is available in Hardcover format. >> How the Camel Got his Hump? Click on the links below to see my favourite versions of these. Works of genius by a man who freed himself enough that he could give himself up to that genius instead of trying to make sure that it came out perfectly. There, I said it. This book is quoted and mentioned so often in other children's classics that I figured I better read it quickly before someone pulled the trump card on me: "Oh, so you review children's books but haven't read 'Just So Stories.' I have read several reviews that talk about Kipling being Imperialistic, condescending, and a host of other distasteful names. Read along online and see the illustrations at language which is why I've written this page and why I think it's such a Just So Stories were my favorite bedtime stories. The writing style was so much fun and is amazing to read aloud. How the elephant got his trunk was one of my favourite bedtime stories as a child and I was fortunate in having a parent who never tired of reading it. Revisionists be damned. This is dreadful for a number of reasons:1- The camel has those humps which are a miracle in its essence. Kipling began to invent them for his daughter, Josephine, when she was about three and he continued to invent new stories over the next two or three years so the stories are intended for children in this age group. I've found that they're best-suited to children aged between three and six but have also read them to children aged up to eight. . The Just-So Stories were originally published together in one book. . I will be reviewing as long as I go through this book, so here we are: Beautiful and wonderful. August 5th 2003 Refresh and try again. And let's face it, O Best Beloved, we've all had that impulse. Today's children would do well to abandon their computers and iPods for an hour or two and read him. by Gramercy Books. The original editions of Just So Stories were illustrated with woodcuts by Kipling himself. These stories were funny, imaginative, and well written. This in not just and idea for a children story telling, in the matter of fact, it is to induce this kind of mindset to make sure that the first sin is of no use to relapse it and to be forgiven, which endorse them into practicing bad deeds and encountering diverse sins and wrong doings. Just So Stories is a popular book by Rudyard Kipling. What an infuriating book. In 1902, he wrote them down for publication as the Just So Stories. The Parsee wrong doing implications is held by the Rhinos from then and forever, another bad behavior inducing in the idea of someone claiming the results of our bad behavior. About Rudyard Kipling. This is dreadful for a number of reasons:1- The camel has those humps which are a miracle in its essence. Kids need to be exposed to a variety of different types of language so that they develop wonderful rich vocabularies and an important pre-reading skill called phonological awareness. You are here:  home / Rudyard Kipling / Just So Stories. She picked out a nice dry Cave, instead of a heap of wet leaves, to lie down in; and she strewed clean sand on the floor; and she lit a nice fire of wood at the back of the Cave; and she hung a dried wild-horse skin, tail down, across the opening of the Cave; and she said, 'Wipe your feet, dear, when you come in, and now we'll keep house.”, “Hear and attend and listen; for this befell and behappened and became and was: O my Best Beloved, when the tame animals were wild.”, Kangaroo, Old Man Kangaroo, Tired Old Kangaroo, Solomon the Son of David, aka The Most Wise Sovreign Suleiman-bin-Daoud. The Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling have always held a fascination for me, and doubtless sparked off my love of India. They're great fun to read and work Just So Stories. © 2010-2020 Best Books for Kids      privacy      disclaimer      site map      about, One of Kipling's original 1902 illustrations for the Just-So Stories. Each story includes a short poem, and the first edition features Kipling’s … Read this for the first time since I was a kid, when I received it as a gift from my aunt and uncle. Five years passed before he… More about Rudyard Kipling I wasn't getting the whole "white man's burden" vibe that some people were, though. I wasn't getting the whole "white man's burden" vibe that som. That mesmerizing rhythmic bumpity-bump of words, a song (almost), the lure of the storyteller, one extraordinary ordinary thing next to another extraordinary ordinary thing, a line of events unexpected yet just right, silly and serious---that's Just So Stories. We’d love your help. I didn't care for this book much. stories were written a long time ago, they're classics of the English Kipling's use of rhythm and language is fantastic which means that children, as they listen to the stories, unconsciously absorb vital information about how language works. For example, the camel was punished because he was lazy. The children's short stories were light, fun, imaginative, and entertaining. The stories are beauitifully individually illustrated and the words are authentically and immaginatively the original words of Rudyard Kipling. As pleasing as his other works are, none I've read can match the joy, humor, simplicity, and odd truth of these. “Just So Stories” is a collection of 12 children’s stories. Here is the full list of Just-So Stories: If you'd like to read more about the author of the Just-So Stories, Rudyard Kipling - including how he ended up with such an unusual first name - click here. !It also shows that the Creator is not fully aware of what goes around. Our family owns the copy you can see on the right (or click here to see it). It demonstrates the Creator of the universe as a magician! Illustrated etext of Just So Stories, by Rudyard Kiping. Good stuff. >> How the Rhinoceros got his Skin? Free download or read online Just So Stories pdf (ePUB) book. Each of the Just-So Stories tells of an animal which is changed from its original form to its current form by the act of a man or of some magical being. I still have my mother's hardbound edition, with marvelous color plates, published in the 20s. THIS EBOOK WAS ONE OF PROJECT GUTENBERG'S EARLY FILES, THERE IS AN IMPROVED ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF THIS TITLE WHICH MAY VIEWED AT EBOOK [ #32488 ] This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. . Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling May 27, 2008 by Rebecca Reid I read Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Storie s because I wanted to read this Nobel-prize winning author and also because I remembered the imaginative premise of his magical world and wanted to experience his world as an adult. Just read the first line of any number of stories and you'll immediately understand his timeless appeal. I've got a vague memory reading these short stories as a kid, a quick Google search also revealed an early 90's BBC animated series which looked familiar and probably the reason for owning thr book. I think such judgments might be slightly anachronistic; however, I do think Kipling says some things that are grating to our modern ears and sentiments. His first book of stories, "Plain Tales from the Hills" was published in 1888. This was one of those books I read on my phone. My, my.". Joseph Rudyard Kipling (/ ˈ r ʌ d j ər d / RUD-yərd; 30 December 1865 – 18 January 1936) was an English journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist. JUST SO STORIES. The Just-So Stories are a series of short stories for children written by English writer and poet Rudyard Kipling. A dreadful tale about a camel who is lazy that as a result, a genie makes humps for the camel, end of story. In my secret heart of hearts I still hold tighter to Mr. K. They always say: "Never give a child a book you won't read for yourself" and I agree. There was also a poem associated with each story - I liked these as well. great idea to share them with young children. This is how atheists are made, thinking that their creator is unfair, and that Iblis is innocent!Please reread children stories and think of the story essence and the messages coming through before ever handing it to a kid.Hope that helps. Some of the tales also have a moral or a cautionary message to them which was common with stories written for children in Kipling's day. All but two of them focus on animals and nature, and the two divergent stories deal with the origin of written language. I was expecting stories instead of this is how this animal got this trait (forget the actual name for those books). By: Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) Written originally for his own children, Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories have continued to delight generations of youngsters since they were first published in 1902.The thirteen stories collected in this book are meant for very young children, but they engage older kids and adults too with their charming conversational style and simple plot lines. That's why he missed up! The black-and-white drawing above is one of Kipling's illustrations for The Elephant's Child. A dreadful tale about a camel who is lazy that as a result, a genie makes humps for the camel, end of story. Source: Kipling, Rudyard. . Sometimes 'satiable curiosity doesn't kill you; it gets you a very practical appendage with which you can spank your bossy Relatives and hove them into a wasp's nest. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Just So Stories Author: Rudyard Kipling Illustrator: Joseph M. Gleeson Release Date: May 23, 2010 [EBook #32488] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK JUST SO STORIES *** … I liked Mr. Kipling's reasons rather than the overall "God made 'em", no further detail provided on the other side. How nonsense! Joseph Rudyard Kipling was a journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist. >> The Butterfly that Stamped Some of the facts are almost true. The stories are delightful, fantastical tales which explain how various things - mainly animals - came to be. The Camel's hump is an ugly lump Which well you may see at the Zoo; But uglier yet is the hump we get From having too little to do. Since I was too young to understand the latent racism (and there's so much of it in here, apparently) when I read it, and I have not reread it since, I will rate it based on my original reading experience - five golden stars.

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