Can there be redemption for the infamous Clownhunter? Emperor Penguin | Tiger Shark | Just as Nobody is about to kill Bruce, Alfred attacks with a remote-controlled Batplane. Because they are nobody's fool. Batman Forever: Riddler | Two-Face | Sugar | Spice | NygmaTech (Frogmen) | Neon Gang (Neon Gang Leader) | Salvatore Maroni Last night they revealed that there will be an unmasked variant, featuring a Thomas Wayne head sculpt. We discuss everything DC is doing and how the Christian should respond to enemies and vengeance. Whisper A'Daire | Join the original Batman, Kamandi, Starfire, Sinestro, Booster Gold, Dr. Light, Steel, and Sinestro in … DC Comics | Batman | Superman | Wonder Woman. The original is Morgan Ducard, an assassin and the son of one of Bruce Wayne's mentors during his time training abroad. Hassan orders a female assassin, Felicity Strode, to seduce Ducard and kill him at the opportune moment. Felicity knew that she could not escape Hassan's threat so she agreed to go along with the mission to save her son. Killer Moth | Eventually, though, he confronts Bruce, telling him flatly that he plans to seek revenge on him for disgracing him. As he begins to drive away, he is ambushed and beaten within an inch of his life by Wayne, who drops him through a skylight and onto his father's work table. Mr. Toad | Both break into the building, defeating the guards along the way. Phosphorus Rex | What started in Detective Comics #1027 explodes out of Dark Nights: Death Metal to tell the story of the generations-spanning history of the DC Universe! Generations_Shattered_001 3. Suicide Squad: Hell To Pay: Professor Zoom | Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Bronze Tiger, Copperhead, Punch, Jewelee, & Count Vertigo) | Killer Frost | Blockbuster | Silver Banshee | Vandal Savage | Scandal Savage | Professor Pyg | Tobias Whale | League of Assassins (Deathstroke) | Two-Face Welcome to the Official Site for DC. Click the banner image for the full photo. He tries to provoke Damian to kill the man, saying he was as good as dead already due to the severity of the beating. Barbatos | White Rabbit is a mysterious woman dressed up like a rabbit who likes to be chased, but can never be caught. Batman: Hush: Riddler/Hush | Catwoman | Poison Ivy | Bane | Joker | Harley Quinn | Clayface | Scarecrow | Lex Luthor | Lady Shiva | Two-Face | Penguin | Mr. Abilities: Daniel Burton Caleb Clowe Daniel Burton Nobody Special Podcast August 28, 2020 | 0. You know, the one with Punchline on the cover. Baby Doll | Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman: Penguin | Bane | Rupert Thorne | Carlton Duquesne When his mother was contacted by the people who had hired her to kill Ducard years ago, telling her that she would either fulfill her end of the deal or they would kill her son, Morgan stabbed her to death with a k… Batman: Assault on Arkham: Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Killer Frost, King Shark, Black Spider, KGBeast) | Joker | Riddler | Penguin | Scarecrow | Victor Zsasz | Bane | Two-Face | Poison Ivy Now with added Batman.GREEN LANTERN #1written by GEOFFREY … The DC Universe is full of interesting and unique characters, many of whom have left a deep and lasting impression on the worldwide cultural landscape. Continue Reading Below . Reverse-Flash | Tally Man | Red Death | Killer Croc | When Ducard returned home, he nearly beat Morgan senseless until Morgan showed him the proof of his mother's true identity. Related: Prolific Batman Writer Chuck Dixon Reveals DC Comics Editorial Wanted To Change Bane’s Name. Joining the League allowed Batman to save the world on multiple occasions with his team and operate on a much larger scale. NoBody is the son of Henri Ducard who tries to lure Damian into becoming a killer. Deciding to kill Damian, Morgan informs Bruce of what he is about to do just as the Batmobile comes crashing through the wall. Unable to control himself any longer, Damian kills him with a strike between the eye. Arkham Knight | However, Ducard wanted to test out Wayne's potential by having his son Morgan challenge Wayne. Batman and Robin make their escape. Ten Eyed Man | Holiday | Because they are nobody's fool. Maxie Zeus | Electrocutioner | In a final act of humiliation, Bruce throws Morgan through a skylight in front of Ducard. He pulls the trigger, revealing the gun wasn't loaded and it was simply a test. Catman | An Innocent Guy | Scarecrow | Issue #1A. Ducard agreed to Interpol's request because he wanted the chance to get revenge on Hassan, the leader of this terrorist cell. 1 History 2 Powers and Abilities 3 Equipment 3.1 Weapons 4 See Also Morgan Ducard is the vigilante son of Henri Ducard, the same man who had trained Bruce Wayne prior to him becoming Batman. No pre-order info is available. 19. | Dracula | Rumor | Toyman | Mirror Master | Lex Luthor | Black Mask | Sinestro | Joker 2.0 | Prank | Killgore Steed | Team Penguin | Julie | Spellbinder | Blaze | The Joining | Cosmo Krank | Marty Slacker | Scorn, Beware the Batman Owlman | The Batman Who Laughs | Lock-Up | Following this encounter, Morgan encounters Damian, who has gone out on patrol despite his father's orders not to and severely beaten up two would-be muggers in an alley. Sinestro | Listen to Nobody Special 128 | DC Comics, The Batman, And Vengeance and 152 more episodes by Nobody Special, free! RELATED: Every Robin & Why Batman Recruited Them (In Chronological Order) Suicide Squad | Batman Returns: Penguin | Red Triangle Circus Gang (Organ Grinder, Poodle Lady, Tattooed Strongman, Stungun Clown, Thin Clown, Fat Clown, Sword Swallower & Knifethrower Dame) | Max Shreck | Catwoman | Charles "Chip" Shreck The Merciless | Batman comes to his senses when he sees Damian watching him, pulling an unconscious Morgan from the acid. Mrs. Professor Arnold Hugo | Before he can do this, Batman appears. After her father died at the hands of Damian Wayne (Robin), she swore revenge on him. You’re going to want to take a bite out of this clip featuring Batman and Green Arrow. Nightslayer | Token teens, really? Malochia | See more ideas about Batman, Dc comics, Dc heroes. “The Batman Nobody Knows”, written by Frank Robbins and penciled and inked by Dick Giordano, is a clever tale about the different interpretations of Batman. They corner the corrupt man in his office, Morgan giving Damian a gun and telling him to kill the man to prove his commitment. Nobody Special 146 | Chaos with a Capitol C. Nobody Special 145 | Spiritual Christmas and Dragons. & Batman: The Brave and the Bold: Riddler | Clayface | Joker | Mr. Henri Ducard was one of Batman's several trainers in the ways of combat and crime fighting. There were no official records of Kane's birth, so he just lied and said he was a minor when he signed his shitty contract, making it unenforceable. Letters Ben Oda. Scooby-Doo! League of Assassins | Wayne informs Ducard that he is aware of his involvement with Interpol. Wayne then demonstrates his psychological ingenuity by toying with Ducard's vanity. Bruce on the other hand, has learned the exact location of Hassan and will provide the information if Ducard agrees to train him. Normally, Ducard would agree to such an offer and just kill the informant afterwards but he could not overlook Bruce's prowess as well as his knack for extracting near impossible information. The original Metal series brought us the Batman Who Laughs, who literally and figuratively infected the universe with his bleak darkness.Heroes in Crisis turned Wally West into a murderer and had him cover it up, a thing so out of character it was disgusting. He makes good on his words one night as Damian sets out to fight crime on his own. With the knowledge that his enemy is listening, Morgan begins to slowly torture Damian, telling Bruce, in detail, everything he does to the boy. Brother EYE | The Grim Knight | Freeze: SubZero: Mr. Curtis Base | H.A.R.D.A.C. Flashback to the death of Robin's parents. Freeze | Sandman | Shame | Siren Though he may have taken inspiration from the film, Tynion’s Batman will simply be less rich rather than outright broke, and definitely not “broken” the way Bane would have it. 0. Batman vs. Robin: Court of Owls (Samantha Vanaver, Talon, Owls Lieutenant, & Talon Warriors) | Dollmaker We have DC Comics' full solicitations for April 2021. His father was about to kill Wayne himself, but decided to train him instead upon hearing the man's ambitions. Detective Comics #560 NM- 9.2 DC COMICS THE BATMAN THAT NOBODY KNOWS. How did his parents die at the hands of The Joker, and is there a place for him in the evolving Gotham City? Nobody is a character often related to Damian Wayne, better known as Robin. Castle Bat | The collection includes such comics: 1. When the moment presented itself, Felicity decided not to kill Ducard because she fell in love with him. Hugo Strange | Joker: Clowns (Joker, Clown & Ambulance Clown) | Penny Fleck | Randall | Wall Street Three | Penny Fleck's Boyfriend, Direct-to-video Movies Court of Owls | Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Batman SHADOW OF THE BAT The Nobody #13 JUN 1993 DC Comic NM at the best online prices at eBay! King Tut | Ducard agreed to Bruce's offer and spent the next several months pairing Bruce with Morgan in the hopes of them working together as an elite killing force. Maya Ducard is the daughter of the original Nobody (Morgan Ducard) and Felicity Strode. 1 History 1.1 Early Life 1.2 White Rabbit 2 Powers and Abilities 2.1 Powers 3 Appearances in Other Media 4 See Also Jaina Hudson is the daughter of Tom Hudson, an American diplomat who moved to India and married a Bollywood actress, who is Jaina's mother. Blockbuster I | Dr. Silversmith | (DC Comics) As society has opened up to more discussions about race, the "American Crime" creator and showrunner understands the moment that he's in and the audience that he is courting as well. From an early age, though he did not see him often, Morgan idolized his father. That's what the Joker himself tries to prove in stories like The Killing Joke and The Dark Knight: anyone could become him if they could simply experience the world like he does. Ra's al Ghul | Man-Bat | Superman/Batman: Public Enemies: Lex Luthor | Major Force | Metallo | Amanda Waller | Toyman | Solomon Grundy | Gorilla Grodd | Killer Frost | Lady Shiva | Giganta | Mongul | Captain Cold The same night, Bruce and Damian argue over NoBody, as Bruce is hesitant to tell Damian the truth of how he came close to killing him years ago, despite Alfred urging him to be honest with his son. Penny Plunderer | Dec 5, 2020. Vertigo | DC March 2021 Solicitations DC's Crime Syndicate: the DC Multiverse Is Reborn, and With It a New Earth-3! Harley Quinn | Collection DC Comics for 06.01.2021 (1 week). Penguin | Welcome to the Official Site for DC. The DC Universe we were promised with Rebirth evaporated, leaving behind a series of empty promises. NoBody is the son of Henri Ducard who tries to lure Damian into becoming a killer. Joe Chill | Publishing in … Red Claw | However, many fans believe it would be out of character for Batman to just stand there laughing with his nemesis after Joker has caused so much suffering. Talia al Ghul | Arnold John Flass | Many things happened within the world of DC Comics … Batman's Grave (2019 DC) comic books. Reputation. Planet Master | Morgan claims that following this incident, he was "dead" to Ducard. Dark Archer | Henri Ducard made a name for himself as a professional manhunter/killer. Hassan captured Felicity and told her that she was to kill Ducard or her son would be killed and tortured. Clayface | The Batman vs. Dracula: Dracula | Penguin | Joker Brain | Mad Hatter | KGBeast | Freeze | Dr. Gregory Belson The Devastator | Comics; Reviews; Batman #105 review. Created by: Nov 14, 2019 - - Constant updates of the funniest, most awesome, & best entertaining stuff on the web! Damian then kills Morgan by using the same technique Morgan had previously used to paralyze Damian, driving his fingers into Morgan's forehead as Batman watches in horror. Catwoman | Tony Zucco | Sal Maroni | For the next twelve years, Ducard continued his work while Felicity maintained her position as a devoted wife and followed him around the world along with their son. King Snake | Joker | Music Meister | Catwoman | Penguin | Mr. Circus of Strange | Interpol enlisted Ducard's services because they wanted an elusive terrorist cell to be taken out. Batman and Robin #1 (September, 2011) Morgan plays a video on the screen featuring Batman's enemies, commenting on how Batman refuses to kill them despite knowing that they will simply break out and commit crime once again. IGN Inside Stories: How the beloved series overcame a frenzied production schedule, bad scripts, and fan apathy to create an essential chapter in the … View on The 24″ tall statue includes a Batcave themed statue base. Magpie | He takes the boy to an embassy, informing him that the ambassador is part of a human trafficking ring and uses his diplomatic immunity to bypass the law. Batman vs. Two-Face: Two-Face | Hugo Strange | Catwoman | King Tut | Bookworm | Joker | Penguin | Riddler | Clock King | Egghead | Mr. Anarky | Riddler | One☆Fã☆Of☆Diana (Voltei) Saudades .. ♡♡ Read more . Amygdala | Jason Todd | Related Stories. Because they are nobody’s fool. Credits for script, pencils and inks confirmed from Julius Schwartz's editorial records, provided by DC Comics. Monk | Mr. Nobody made his first live adaptation and was part of the main cast of the first season of … Every organization from the CIA to KGB wanted Ducard's services. Batman Begins: Ra's al Ghul | League of Shadows (Ra's Decoy) | Scarecrow | Carmine Falcone | Victor Zsasz | Joe Chill Freeze | Clayface | Riddler | Poison Ivy | Lex Luthor | Harley Quinn | Morgaine Le Fey | Sweet Tooth | Queenie Goldstein | Bane | Black Manta | Gentleman Ghost, Harley Quinn He appears after the boy had finished attacking two muggers, critically injuring one of them. GREEN LANTERN #1 written by GEOFFREY THORNE Right now, most of the DC Comics publishing slate is in the throes of Future State, a massive effort that has catapulted the DC Multiverse and various versions of its heroes into visions of the future.By the spring, that will change, as DC releases its Infinite Frontier one-shot to set up a new era that lies beyond Future State, and with it a host of new series and new creative teams. Batman and NoBody violently attack each other, the former gaining the upper hand by saying his only motivation for all of what he's done is jealousy. Now with added Batman. Incapacitating him, Bruce dunks his head into the vat of acid, only stopping himself from killing Morgan after remembering Damian's presence. He is the son of Henri Ducard, one of Batman's original mentors. No pre-order info is available. Floronic Man | DC Comics April 2021 Solicitations In Full – Now With Added Batman - Rich Johnston. Freeze | Following Friends Follow Unfollow Chat . After Batman is stunned by Morgan's sonics, he is hit by a car and knocked unconscious. Squid | BATMAN # 250 - (FN/VF) - THE DEADLY NUMBERS GAME - THE BATMAN NOBODY KNOWS: Condition:--not specified. Ratcatcher | Morgan, however, overheard Felicity speaking to Hassan on the phone and took matters into his own hands, stabbing his mother to death with a kitchen knife. Buddy Saunders: DC Comics … Composite Superman | The Dawnbreaker | They take the ambassador to NoBody's ship in Gotham Harbor, where he is tortured by NoBody for information on the human trafficking ring. Judge of Owls | Humpty Dumpty | Club of Villains | Arthur Curry . It's the classic comic book "Anyone can be [hero's name]!" Ventriloquist | Doctor Death | Image Comics Review: The Department Of Truth #1. next post. David Cain | Bio Since Apr 2017 (3 Years 236 Days) Seems like this user has nothing to say about themself. Batman: The Killing Joke is a highly influential Joker story. Black Mask | Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on … Morgan Ducard Professor Pyg | Gotham City Police Department | Ubu | Kite Man | The riveting new vigilante known as Clownhunter was a breakout star of “The Joker War”- but what’s the tragic origin of this teenage assassin? Every Batman fan is sure to have their favorite version of Robin, with fan-favorite status spread fairly evenly among the many 'Boys Wonder.' Leviathan | Joker | Penguin | Bane | Catwoman | Mr. Doctor Hurt | The art for the comic book … Mr. Nobody isn’t the most well-known villain, but his appearance in Doom Patrol is bound to set the character up as one of the most unnerving and downright creepy DC villains to make the jump from page to screen. Deadshot | Carmine Falcone | Deacon Blackfire | Batman: Gotham by Gaslight: Jack the Ripper | Barbara-Eileen Gordon | Selina Kyle | Harvey Dent | Hugo Strange Freeze | Bane | Snowy Cones Thugs | Golums | Jason Woodrue Ernie Chubb | This video explores the abilities, powers, and origin of the DC Comics character "NoBody." Unfortunately, Ducard's tracking skills have only allowed him to get close to Hassan's lieutenants. Morgan surprised Wayne in an alley but Wayne proved his worth when he defeated Morgan. General Information Key | DC Introduces an Absurd Green Lantern and Batman Hybrid Every DC Comics Movie, Ranked DC Makes a Huge Change to Fan-Favorite Green Lantern in Future State Warren Ellis and Bryan Hitch, one of the most legendary creative partnerships of the modern age, reunite in this maxiseries about life, death and the questions most are too afraid to ask. Polka Dot Man | Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Nocturna | Comment . Royal Flush Gang | James Gordon, Jr. | Batman: The Dark Knight Returns: Batman | Joker | Mutant Leader | Ellen Yindel | Harvey Dent | Selina Kyle He is the son of Henri Ducard, one of Batman's original mentors.. Following. NoBody (real name: Morgan Ducard) is a supervillain appearing in DC Comics as an enemy of Batman following DC's "New 52" relaunch. Jack the Ripper | Azrael | Sensei | Batman (1966): Joker | Catwoman | Penguin | Riddler DC Comics April 2021 Solicitations In Full - Now With Added Batman # batman # dccomics We have DC Comics' full solicitations for April 2021. Punchline | Superman/Batman: Apocalypse: Darkseid | Female Furies (Granny Goodness, Gilotina, Mad Harriet, Lashina & Stompa) | Doomsday Vandal Savage | Hassan was the same man who gave Felicity Strode the responsibility to kill Ducard. Ducard eventually caught up with his prey and killed Hassan. He's a nobody in every sense. DC is home to the "World's Greatest Super Heroes,” including SUPERMAN, BATMAN, WONDER WOMAN, GREEN LANTERN, THE FLASH, AQUAMAN and more. Jul 30, 2018 - Explore Nobody Odessey's board "Batman" on Pinterest. Morgan taunts Damian about his "true" nature as an assassin and then kills the men. Bane | Naturally, things go awry. Nobody ), she swore revenge on him whole bunch of trailers and FINALLY something POP... 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