This is especially evident with his second encounter, where he managed to effortlessly escape imprisonment from another Scepter of Darkness due to his present self having gone back in time absorbing Shadow's shadow while the latter was sealing away Mephiles' past self (although in the Japanese version, he merely states that he could not be sealed again due to absorbing Shadow's power via his shadow without even mentioning time travel). Mephiles has three forms. Mephiles happens to take great pleasure and delight in hurting others and has been shown to have a very warped and twisted sense of humor, making him a very remorseless and unsympathetic being. Les magouilles de Mephiles ne fonctionnent pas toutes, et surtout pas contre des individus aussi entêtés, indépendants et solitaires de nature, tels que Shadow. Shadow lui demanda si Mephiles était bien l'auteur de ce futur et Mephiles lui répondit que « oui et non ». Mephiles the Dark (闇のメフィレス Yami no Mefiresu) is one of the primary antagonists in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). Mephiles is very skillful in the usage of the Chaos Emeralds' reality warping capabilities. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème sonic, art sonic, fond ecran swag. Sonic's death would not stop Iblis's resurrection; instead, it would be the very event that would release Iblis from Elise's soul. Mephiles is fought twice in the Shadow Episode in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), first in Flame Core (Mephiles Phase 1) and then in Dusty Desert (Mephiles Phase 2). After his seeming defeat, however, Mephiles proved immune to being imprisoned in a new Scepter of Darkness that Shadow tried to use on him, saying that it would not work on him anymore (he implies that the reason he was immune was either due to his time traveling by ten years ago to absorb Shadow's shadow during the moment he was being sealed in the present timeline [English version], or simply because he has absorbed Shadow's shadow and copied his power altogether [Japanese version]). Released. Get in touch with Mephiles The Dark (@Mephiles2017) — 275 answers, 40 likes. Mephiles the Dark is one of the main antagonists of Super Smash Bros. Crossover. Shadow comprit que le hérisson blanc était lui aussi en quête de sauver l'avenir, alors il l'invita à un petit voyage dans le passé pour trouver la solution et l'identité de Mephiles. Au moment où Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Rouge et Shadow furent sur le point de retourner à leur époque, Shadow aperçut Mephiles et décida de rester en arrière pour connaître les circonstances de l'avenir qui attendait son époque. De retour à son époque, Shadow rejoignit Omega en postion K31, à Wave Ocean, car c'est là-bas qu'Omega avait traqué Mephiles. Unknown (deceased) For example, he made it his sole mission to cause pain to Elise throughout the entire course of the game, and even broke out into a maniacal laughter after ending Sonic's life. Varies It isn't stated why Eggman wanted to capture Mephiles, but based on his actions in the game, it can be guessed that he had hoped to harness Mephiles' powers to travel through time if he failed to do so with Iblis, or that he needed both Iblis and Mephiles to completely control time, knowing they were the two halves of Solaris. Anyway, the opponent is stabbed by the lance, taking 200% damage. Mephiles the Dark Mephiles voulut s'échapper, mais Shadow le rattrapa et scella Mephiles dans le Sceptre des ténèbres tendu par le Duc de Soleanna. Mephiles perdit cette nouvelle bataille et Shadow profita de cet instant pour sceller de nouveau Mephiles dans un nouveau Sceptre des ténèbres. He also doesn't fight Shadow directly until the player expels him from Shadow's shadow. C'est le plus grand antagoniste de Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) et certainement l'un des plus effrayants de la série. Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)Sonic Rivals 2 (cameo)Sonic Generations (cameo)Sonic Runners Ayant adopté un corps, Mephiles est vulnérable et les dommages qu'il encoure physiquement l'affaiblissent. Mephiles could refer to "Muffles" (مفلس), in Arabic Muffles means "broke", "a person with nothing". Mephiles's monstrous form is a state that Mephiles reached after empowering his darkness with the power of the Chaos Emeralds and fusing with his shadows. Omega partit à la recherche de Mephiles, pendant que Shadow alla trouver des réponses auprès de Dr. Eggman. Perhaps what is most unsettling about him is that he is completely calm, emotionless, patient, and falsely affable, all of which especially helps out with his manipulative nature. Un précédent Shadow voyageur a scellé Mephiles dans le Sceptre des Ténèbres, avant d'enfermer le Sceptre dans un bastion. In addition, he has enough control over his time manipulation to separate pursuing enemies, as evidenced by how he managed to escape Omega and Shadow after their first fight in the future. Mephiles is also highly intelligent, persuasive, deceitful, and manipulative, capable of using and manipulating people to further his evil plans. Omega would later take his revenge in the final battle against Mephiles alongside Shadow and Rouge. Another possible origin for Mephiles' name may be from Arabic, similar to Iblis. Along the way, Mephiles continued to encourage Silver to continue the mission, until Silver discovered the truth about his plans and likely deemed him an enemy, forcing Mephiles carry out his plan to kill Sonic himself. Malheureusement, Mephiles a été plus rapide qu'eux et pris possession de la Chaos Emerald jaune. Dark Orb: Mephiles creates an orb of darkness to attack enemies. Mephiles was accidentally created during the Solaris Project, under the supervision of the Duke of Soleanna. He sent the two back in time, having revealed his ability to them earlier when he told them that they needed to go back to the past to prevent Iblis's awakening, making them believe that killing Sonic in the present would save their future. Mephiles was born during the Solaris Project when the experiments on Solaris split him into Mephiles and Iblis. Area/level: Ending sequence (Shadow Episode). He uses the shadows in the first boss fight as shields, and increases the number of them when you get too close. In the console/PC version of Sonic Generations, Mephiles made a cameo appearance during the ending credits where a screenshot of him from Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) was shown. As Mephiles was sealed inside the scepter, he vowed that he would not forget Shadow and that one day, he would kill him. He managed to convince Silver and Blaze into attempting to kill Sonic before actually doing it himself, which would in turn release Iblis, though there was a much stronger form of Iblis already free in his time while he had a Chaos Emerald at hand. Mephiles the Dark. This was especially evident in the Last Story, where Mephiles proceeded to kill Sonic, after Silver evidently stopped trying to kill Sonic. After his birth, Mephiles was sealed inside the Scepter of Darkness by Shadow the Hedgehog (who traveled back in time using Chaos Control) but was freed ten years later during a skirmish between Shadow, Rouge, and Dr. Eggman. Subtle differences are applied, however, such as a far darker shade of various colors, a pale complexion, and bestial green eyes. The key to Iblis's freedom was an event that would cause Elise to become so consumed with despair that she would cry, as she had formed a very close friendship with Sonic. Une autre forme ressemblant à Shadow mais avec les yeux verts. Comme ses pouvoirs d'ombre, les objectifs de Mephiles sont clairs : détruire le monde et interdire l'avenir. ", Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) Cutscene: Mephiles' temptation, Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) Cutscene: “He’s the Iblis Trigger!”, Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) Cutscenes: Elise's tears, Sonic Team, Sonic Team USA (14 November 2006). Il est aussi opportuniste et discret, voire silencieux, cruel et sans pitié, aussi bien envers ses marionnettes qu'envers ses ennemis. Omega took this insult to heart, to the point that he intensified his attacks while Mephiles faded away laughing. Archie Comics Mephiles then uses two Chaos Emeralds to create an army of clones of himself. In his crystalline form, it's possible that his quills and ears, and for that matter, the rest of himself, is as pliable as it would be in his Shadow form, as several cutscenes show the quills bending and being influenced by movement, and in one scene, his ear twitches slightly. In the Last Story, Mephiles, having either escaped or simply survived the fight with Shadow, finds the purple Chaos Emerald. Mephiles orchestrated a centuries-long plan to release Iblis from Princess Elise and rejoin with it within the scepter. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He has the most direct role in Shadow's story. Omega is another adversary to Mephiles after Shadow. During both boss fights, Mephiles hardly attacks on his own without aid, either by summoning shadows, or cloning himself to use as distractions. However, the project ended in a disaster that split Solaris into two beings; Mephiles and Iblis, both of whom were really powerful and were now escaping the underwater lab the explosion happened in. Mephiles the Dark (闇のメフィレス Yami no Mefiresu) is the primary antagonist in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). Possibly this point, he (rather than progressing to the next scene) traveled to the future to deceive Silver (this is not specified, but it would explain how he had the purple Chaos Emerald and the knowledge of Sonic at this point). fanpop community fan club for Mephiles the Dark fans to share, discover content and connect with other fans of Mephiles the Dark. Though Shadow took the upper-hand, Mephiles knocked him into a wall with an energy blast and incapacitated him when he lowered his guard, but Omega intervened and drove Mephiles off. Since Mephiles absorbed Shadow's shadow, he has the ability to physically become the shadow itself, as seen in the first boss fight against him. Equipment. Mephiles the Dark is one of the main antagonists of the game Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). Mephiles was sealed inside the Scepter of Darkness by the future, Shadow the Hedgehog. In each battle, he uses his minions to overwhelm the player with numbers and assaults, though he uses them much more aggressively in the second battle. He is the conscience, mind, and will of the sun god Solaris, ultimately making him the main antagonist of the game's story. This being said, Mephiles did not acknowledge Rouge, Blaze or Elise (the former two is likely because they had little usefulness in his plans), individuals he had come in contact with or had been aware of, while the rest of the game's cast did not know of him just as much as he did them. Mephiles the Dark. In his second form, Mephiles appeared almost identical to Shadow the Hedgehog, aside from having green eyes with slit pupils, a pale-skinned muzzle with no mouth (though his muzzle moves when he speaks, as if he does have one), and the fact that everything that is red on Shadow is a greyish-blue on Mephiles. À l'apparence de Shadow, Mephiles est reconnaissable par ses taches grises à la place des taches rouges et par ses iris verts à la pupille fine et constamment dilatée. It is possible that Mephiles might have a low tolerance for aggravation, which can be seen when Shadow refused to join with him. Quand il fusionne avec Iblis il se transforme en un monstre gigantesque nommé Solaris qui sera vaincu par les trois hérissons en Super Forme. Find Mephiles the Dark videos, photos, wallpapers, forums, polls, news and … He is not known to lose his temper or even raise his voice, even when angered, injured, or even when in imminent danger. Mephiles the Dark - Sonic '06 - Image #1200225 - Zerochan Anime Image Board. Sega. Hélas, Mephiles se libéra du Sceptre et le brisa. Mephiles the Dark, also known as Mephistopheles and Memphis Tennessee, is one of the primary antagonists in Sonic the Hedgehog.He is the malevolent conscience, mind and will of the Gamer Flame.Mephiles was born during the Solaris Project when the experiments on Solaris split him into Mephiles and the Grand Slam.After his birth, Mephiles was sealed inside the Scepter of Darkness by … In the middle of the game, Mephiles travels to the present after being defeated by Shadow in the future. In addition to this, he creates a distraction to keep either of them from noticing him while he proceeded to kill Sonic. Mephiles the Dark (メフィレス・ザ・ダーク, Mefiresu za Dāku) (pronounced [mɛfɨləs] or [mə'fɪliːz] in English) is anthropomorphic Hedgehog-shaped spirit/demon and one of the main antagonists of the Iblis Saga.He is the conscience, mind, and will of the sun god Solaris, ultimately making him the main antagonist of the series. ", then removes his Inhibitor Rings and destroys the entire army. “Drown in darkness!”-Mephiles Mephiles the Dark is one of two-halves of Solaris, a deity of destruction once sealed in the Flames of Disaster. Speed. Mephiles is a being who may not have a material form at all. Sonic the Hedgehog. Dan Green He can also grow stronger by absorbing shadows, especially if it comes from the same type of shadow as the being whose shadow he absorbed earlier outside of time counts him as a very powerful character in the series. adow. Mephiles fait une exclusive apparition dans la série de bandes dessinées Sonic the Hedgehog, publiée par Archie Comics. The term extends not just to material objects, but to everything non- material as well, such as good deeds, emotions, hopes, dreams. Une version alternative de lui existe dans la Zone Jail. Mephiles never directly spoke to any female characters (Rouge and Blaze) he encountered. It could be because Iblis evolved so much he could not fuse with Mephiles, or to ensure that Sonic's death would still occur so that Iblis would continue to exist at this point in the future (it is also possible that he could not go back to the exact moment where he and Iblis became two separate entities because he was already present). He tells Shadow that if he will fight for him, this would not happen. At this point, Mephiles is already in his Crystalline form. To this end, he carved a path of destruction, deceit and death, where he manipulates Silver, tried to convince Shadow to join him, and killed Sonic. Mephiles held little interest in Silver the Hedgehog as a person and instead only used him as a tool to further his ends. Mephiles the Dark was born from the \"Solaris Project\", an experiment conducted by the government of Soleanna; officially an energy research program, the project's true goal was to harness the power of Solaris and give humanity control over the flow of time itself. Malheureusement, quand Shadow dut faire le choix de secourir Rouge ou le Sceptre des ténèbres, il décida de secourir Rouge et le Sceptre des ténèbres se brisa à l'impact de sa chute. He then boasts to Shadow that he can't defeat him, and asks why he is even bothering to protect a world that will eventually turn against him. Green with red sclera (Green as Shadow) Au Dusty Desert, Rouge affirma que Mephiles était entré à l'intérieur du temple mettre la main sur la Chaos Emerald pour mieux atteindre à ses objectifs. Dislikes Mephiles the Dark is the god of darkness, shadows, corruption, lightning, black magic, death-force and negativity in the Mobius-6613 multiverse, making him the polar opposite to Lemith, the goddess of light, love, beauty, nature, life, life-force and white magic.He serves as one of the main antagonists of the franchise, and one of the most recurring. Il a plusieurs formes: Dix ans avant les événements de Sonic the Hedgehog, Mephiles et Iblis étaient complets en Solaris. Taken this in mind, and Mephiles' nature in the game, they would seem similar. Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. Bio. Dès qu'il le trouva, Mephiles conduisit Silver et son amie Blaze the Cat dans une salle du palais délabré et leur raconta la solution pour battre Iblis. Many aspects of Mephiles, most notably his hateful connection to Shadow, his ability to make clones of himself, and his desire to flat out destroy existence in itself, bears several similarities to the Matrix villain. Again, Mephiles offered Shadow a chance to join him, but Shadow, knowing Mephiles' true intentions, flat-out refused the offer. Maintenant avec Omega dans les pattes, Mephiles se vit dans l'obligation de battre en retraite et retourna à son époque, suivi d'Omega et Shadow. Iblis), who had been sealed inside Elise's soul until she cried. Mephiles's main mission was to free his other half Iblis from within Princess Elise and destroy time itself. His other-half is Iblis. 7 Poll 8 Next Time on … His eyes also change color in this form, gaining red sclerae and lighter green irises, and his quills are more bushy and ended in white tips. Mephiles expliqua que l'humanité que Shadow protégeait depuis tout ce temps avait pris peur et avait décidé de mettre Shadow hors d'état de nuire, dans une cage. Eyes Pinterest. Or, Mephiles avait de nouveau battu en retraite. Mephiles gets behind the nearest opponent by phasing into the ground and then arising up out of the shadows. In their first fight, Mephiles thought that Omega was no match for him and saw him a "nuisance" only to get brutally beaten. When Mephiles was released from the Scepter of Darkness and took Shadow's shadow to gain a new form, he laughed at the irony but still thanked Shadow for mistakenly releasing him, though he was surprised that he did not know him at that point. Japanese voice actor(s) So if Shadow would fight for Mephiles, he would be fighting for his destruction. Dr. Eggman had shown an interest in capturing Mephiles. He can also manipulate shadows to create "clones" of himself, although they are warped and imperfect without the power of the Chaos Emeralds. Dix ans plus tard, Mephiles a été libéré et voue à reformer Solaris avec Iblis. Ground and merge with the Shadow of another, and projects an energy spear that impales Sonic from.. His original form was an amorphous mass of Darkness by the future trying to kill Sonic final, et! Of black energy spawned from his victims ' Shadow to confront them, he also himself! Mephiles the Dark il fusionne avec Iblis dommages qu'il encoure physiquement l'affaiblissent the fights. To impale him from Shadow that Mephiles might have a low tolerance for,! Or, Mephiles transporta lui et Iblis sont les antagonistes secondaires non-jouables de Sonic the Hedgehog et... Shadow to join him, but Shadow, he creates a distraction to keep of... Considered dishonorable the Chaos Emeralds ' reality warping capabilities répliques pour mieux distraire Team. 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