In this activity, you will be measuring Pinch the end of the balloon and measure its diameter. Use Figure 2 to convert the balloon diameters in Data Table 1 into lung volumes. Research has shown that the capacity of a person's lungs is proportional to the surface area of his body and his height.  This online calculator will use your height and age to estimate your vital capacity. Have each of your subjects record their data. Procedure: 1. Exercise 4: Measuring Lung Volumes and Capacities. Materials: Make a list of the materials we will use today. Measuring lung capacity might be … Measuring Vital Capacity -- Stretch a round balloon several times to stretch it out. Take a deep breath and then exhale into the balloon. How do doctors measure your lung capacity? One mL = one cm3. e) Convert the balloon diameters into a measurement of lung capacity by using figure 2. (If they are having trouble, hold up a balloon and let them make the connection.) In general, the following procedure will get you started. <>
This is basically how much air your lungs can push out in one breath. This information will be recorded under the "Vital Capacity diameter" column. Be careful with the measurements to be sure you do not flatten the balloon. 4) Have your partner measure the circumference of the balloon (in cm) using the method your teacher showed you. Students will then create a hypothesis about lung capactiy and height. Procedure A: VITAL CAPACITY 1. 3 0 obj
After that they will begin the balloon experiment to measure their own lung capacity. Record this measurement in Data Table t. 4. Find your average balloon diameter on the X-axis and extrapolate the Lung Volume on the Y-axis. In this activity, you will be measuring the vital capacity of members of the class.  If you have any breathing difficulties (asthma or other condition), you should not participate. You will be using the diameter of a balloon and the graph shown to estimate your capacities. When you take a deep breath, blow into the balloon and hold you transfer all the air in stored your lungs into the balloon.  Convert the diameter to volume using the graph and record this on your table. 1. <>>>
Go to this site:  and input information on test subjects. It will calculate the vital capacity. Use your three measurements to calculate an average vital capacity. One way is by using a complex piece of laboratory equipment called a spirometer. 2. This measured and calculated number can after be compared with a number derived from an equation that measures your personal vital capacity. In the other lab, measuring lung capacity, to measure one’s tidal volume, a person is to stretch a round balloon and then inhale and exhale normally into the balloon. Introduction: Spirometer is an instrument used to measure the lung capacity. Explain your reasoning. Take a deep breath and blow all at once into the balloon and close it off. Take a deep breath and blow all … How much air can you hold in your lungs? Circumference #1 (cm) Circumference #2 (cm) Circumference #3 (cm) AVERAGE 3. What variables of your test subjects were necessary to input into the calculator?   Which variables seem to have the LEAST effect on a person’s vital capacity? Pinch the end of the balloon and measure its diameter in cm. Record on data table. MATERIALS: One circular balloon per student String Ruler PROCEDURE: 1) Take 1 BIG breath. <>
Blow up the balloon several times to stretch it before beginning to take measurements. Metric ruler. Measuring Vital Capacity - Repeat the procedure, only this time inhale as much air as you can and exhale forcefully. When you inhale and exhale more forcefully that is the maximum amount of air that you can move in and out of the lungs, which is called Vital Capacity. Pinch the end of the balloon and measure its diameter. The amount of air that you move in and out of your lungs while breathing normally is called TIDAL VOLUME. Therefore, the volume of air in the balloon is a representative of the maximum amount of air your lungs can hold up. Measuring Tidal Volume -- Stretch a round balloon several times to stretch it out. What In our experiment, however, we'll be using two methods of measuring lung capacity that we can make at home: the balloon method and the water d… This amount of air provides enough oxygen for a person who is resting. Place the balloon in your mouth, inhale normally and then exhale normally into the balloon. Stretch your balloon. They will learn about lung capacity and be able to measure their own lung capacity. Today, we're going to be investigating one factor that influences how much air your lungs can hold: height of the person. Can you think of other ways to measure your lung capacity? Do not force your breathing. Rank in order from MOST effect (1) to least effect (5), The weight of the person The height of the person, The sex of the person The age of the person Activity level. In this lab, you will measure three indices of lung capacity using a balloon. At maximal capacity, an average lung can hold almost six liters of air, but lungs do not usually operate at maximal capacity. 4. This activitiy will help students to gain a better understanding of their lungs and how they work. One way is by using a piece of laboratory equipment called a respirometer or spirometer. 4. Estimated Vital Capacity                             Â. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
5. To show the size of one person's lung capacity in comparison with another's you will be measuring how big around the balloon … Do you think the person with the greatest vital capacity can hold their breath longer than those with a lower vital capacity? The amount of air taken in or expelled during normal breathing is about 500 cm 3. endobj
MEASURING LUNG CAPACITY. measure the distance around the balloon . They will measure the circumference … Human lung capacity can be measure in several ways. Inhale normally and then exhale normally into the balloon. How to Measure Lung Capacity. Choose 3 subjects from your group and record data on their height, age, sex, and activity level. Â. Lung capacity provides information about the general health of the lungs. %PDF-1.5
How big you can blow up a balloon to be has to do with something called your 'vital lung capacity.' Then, ask your partner to measure the diameter of the balloon using a cm ruler. VITAL CAPACITY. In this activity, you will be measuring the vital capacity and the tidal volume of your own lungs using a balloon (not exactly the most accurate measure, but close enough for our needs). However, lung capacity can also be measured by using a balloon. Don't use plagiarized sources. Take a deep breath in. Repeat this so that you have 3 measurements. lung capacity. 3. How to Measure Tidal Volume with a balloon: First, stretch a party sized round balloon several times to stretch it out. What about your grandmother versus a child? Materials: Balloons. Make sure to only exhale once into the balloon. Get Essay Then I situated the bucket in the center of the tray. .this is the circumference (use cm). Measuring Vital Capacity -- Stretch a round balloon several times to stretch it out. Do you think an athlete could hold more or less? 5) Repeat this 2 more times so you can find your average lung capacity. Now breathe out. 2. Record the measurements on the data table. Measuring Tidal Volume. %����
8. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Explain that they will be measuring their lung capacity (amount something can hold) using balloons. 5) Record this measurement in your data table. To convert from balloon diameter to volume, locate the balloon diameter on the horizontal axis of the graph on the next page. Pinch the end of the balloon and measure its diameter. Lay the balloon on top of a ruler and measure the diameter of the balloon in mm. Stretch your balloon. �H ��̉���a.g����=�I
�v���,��*m���ϳW�|��L(b��1�ĝuof�*MX'�e �1�rg� Qm��7�b"s�9'ܤ����9��CO�{5D��>������sFg;@�8u� ��z���d[�s5�UO&�d� ���Wr��#�V,����x�;M1�����jT&���0$%ZwÕ6���6������U;�Qwx��7VO��!,��k��GkW*9�r(��1w^���t��pG9�z��6gr����D��*_ÿCQ�X�r�� ��́�myy���l�G�(�)� zU�:�O���∻���b�@�q��Ь����a������&Y"���,ʤ!�����9��d�>��Ë㷁HQ��.��@PEt �[�މy�!yj!5#*ɍ)�m�R���;-�Q�����x7��u����6}�II"�1uL�Zelkv\��q�N���2����H�>�9H�c}�w�-(�����J�X�4��ZwT�MZU�6�Z. Measuring Lung Capacity With A Balloon. For example, if your balloon diameter is 14.5 cm, then the corresponding lung volume is 1500 cm3. Stretch a round balloon several times to stretch it out. Before beginning the experiment, the students will see how the lung works by using a soda bottle as well as a demonstration of the diaphragm. Do not force your breathing. Balloons, metric ruler, meter stick, bathroom scale (optional) 1. 2 0 obj
Shape the balloon into a sphere shape while holding the air in. Measuring Lung Capacity Purpose: To determine how much air our lungs can hold. Name: ____________________________________, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. 4. 1. stream
Use a 5 litre bottle snugly fitted with a cap through which two pipes are inserted, (one inlet - to blow air into the container; and one outlet - to collect the water drawn out from the bottle). 3. Repeat this so that you have 3 total measurements and can take the average and record in the data table. Compare your subjects’ vital capacity and variables listed (height, weight, sex..etc).  Based on your limited data, which factors had the GREATEST impact on tidal volume. 1 0 obj
Whether you have an existing respiratory condition, or have noticed difficulty or changes in your breathing, it is a good idea to take some tests to measure your lung capacity. A less accurate (but very sanitary) method to measure lung capacity is by using a balloon. Deflate the balloon and repeat steps 1 and 2 two more times. Record in Table 3. Repeat the trials 2 - 3 more times and record. 3) Pinch the end of the balloon. endobj
Consider the difference between internal respiration and external respiration and explain why lung capacity may not have a great effect on length of time you can hold your breath. Get Your Custom Essay on Lung Capacity Lab Just from $13,9/Page. Measuring Lung Capacity Lab. Background. Measuring Lung Capacity Annotation: This lesson will provide students with a concrete way to determine their individual lung capacity using both a measured balloon activity as well as a formula that relates body surface area to then exhale normally into the balloon. Several different lung volume measurements can be made. Blow up the balloon several times to stretch it thoroughly. USING A BALLOON TO MEASURE VITAL CAPACITY PURPOSE: To measure your vital capacity using a balloon. Your answer will be in cubic centimeters … Follow this number up to the heavy line, then move across to locate the corresponding volume. The formula is: V= 4/3 π r 3. 2. 2. Materials -- Balloons, metric ruler, meter stick (or rulers or tape measures), Prediction:  Which factor(s) have the most affect a person’s vital capacity? Or maybe just the exercise of blowing into the balloon would be good breathing therapy (that is, measuring is not really necessary). CAPACITY. (Solve the formula for r.) radius = _______________ *Calculate the VOLUME of the balloon (a sphere). Tidal Volume- The amount of air that you move in and out of your lungs while breathing normally (at rest) Vital Capacity- It is possible to inhale and exhale more forcefully - the maximum amount of air moved in and out of the lungs. INTRODUCTION: A spirometer is the instrument used in the health profession to accurately measure lung capacity. 2) Exhale into the balloon. 2. How might an athlete's vital capacity compare to a non-athlete? SOURCES: Mayo Clinic: “Spirometry,” “Peak flow meter.” Cleveland Clinic: “Peak flow meter.” American Lung Association: “Measuring your peak flow rate.” Human lung size is determined by genetics, gender, and height. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Vital capacity is measured in liters (l), milliliters (mL) and cubic centimeters (cm3). 1. What is the difference between tidal volume and vital capacity?    Suggest a way you could measure a person’s tidal volume. exhale normally into the balloon. It is possible to inhale and exhale more forcefully - the maximum amount of air moved in and out of the lungs is called the VITAL CAPACITY, which is the amount of air a person can expel from the lungs at maximum inhalation. Pinch the end of the balloon and measure its diameter. Do not force your breathing. Repeat this so that you have 3 total measurements and can take the average and record in the data table. 4 0 obj
Do not force your breathing. The air in the lungs is measured in terms of volumes and capacities. You will need a balloon (the kind that blows up into a regular balloon shape, not the oblong sort), a measuring tape or ruler, and something to record data with and on. . Inhale normally and then exhale normally into the balloon. If you don't actually have someone of the right age to do the experiment with, you can /estimate/ their vital lung capacity with this equation: V = 0.041*h - 0.018*a - 2.69 The purpose of the investigation is to determine our own lung capacity and then depending on your student’s hypothesis do some additional testing and measure lung capacity again. The purpose of this activity is to measue the vital capacity and tidal volume of our own lungs using a balloon. 2. 2. x��Z�n�F}7��ԛ��'mS @��CP�EGDe��m��3{!wy�5ADR��9s���J��cv}�������������]^���e�,��e,�$/2m�p��~��h�uwy���˟./>_S*�
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