Jump to:navigation, search. - i know pierce is late game build but how is it on early and mid part of the game? This is a Skill Simulator and Planner for Lord Knight. Max this. Lord Knight is probably one of the most flexible classes in the game. Pierce Lord Knight, as the name suggests, revolves around the skill, Pierce, as their main damage source. Gives 20% more damage against L-sized monsters. So the answer is Yes. Spoiler Tarou (Star) Card(Accessory) - +4 STR and +15 ATK. It's base ATK and DEF is also high. Max this. Increased damage, bag slots and one of the two primary stats for LKs. I could say based from experience that early to mid game Pierce LKs dmg output dmg subpar compared to other classes. Though I don't have any experience on a full set, I can pretty much imagine that set giving you a boatload of stats. Increases your HP Regen and increases the effect of HP Regen items by 50%. Lord Knight - One-Hit Mavka Farming. Newer Post Older Post Home. Mantis Card(Accessory) - Gives +5 STR. You're question is does STR add damage to Spiral Pierce. 1 The Build; 2 Pros and Cons; 3 Alternative Builds; The Build. Grants additional 20% ATK and 50% HIT upon activation for 45 secs. A LVL 20 Pierce deals ATK 500% per skill with 3 dmg ticks on L-sized monsters. 3 Attacks an enemy with the spinning spear, dealing (Str + Atk × Weapon type + Refine Atk + Base Level) × 120% Dmg. Spear type weapons are required. Brandish Spear - Utility - Increases Brandish Spear Damage against M-sized monsters. A build for every situation. Would that be a big impact in the end? The Build – Pierce Lord Knight. This is a short guide for a fast way of killing Mavkas. Your stats should help you to achieve 193 ASPD easier to help you spam it faster but at the same time to prevent status and give you a bit more of that extra survival that you may need here and there. Only really used against S-sized and M-sized monsters. Pierce Type Lord Knight . Ignore def +25%. Spiral Pierce Lord Knight may hit more damage compare to 2Hand Sword Lord Knight, but if better equipped, 2 Hand Sword Lord Knight can even produce the same amount of damage. TAG : Lv99/70 lord knight guide , spiral pierce guide , lord knight spiral pierce guide . Max this. TIA. You could dish out 4-6 Fire attribute Pierce with 20% bonus ATK with this. Cons - LKs are good at everything, but not best at anything. to be honest, for early until mid game, bash is way better than pierce LK, if you haven't got the money for halberd IV [2] with 3 minos which cost around 70 mil, i suggest you use bash build first. Thanks! But i could give you a general idea though. Similar to Bash type, this build also focuses on STR, INT, and VIT. Pierce LKs are not really dependent on Runes but should not disregard the bonuses Runes give. The Lord Knight's skills are a good balance of offense and defense. Concentration - Alert - Decreases DEF penalty of equipments. This stat is not a priority since LKs have Concentration which gives additional 50% HIT. I still suggest to have 90 STR and 90 VIT for GAW/PBP utilization. Angel Spirit is not obtainable as of the current patch. You mention that Angel spirit is not available in this patch. A more powerful version of Pierce which ignores DEF and VIT DEF and also stun-locks your opponent for 3 sec. We will only tackle "attainable cards", meaning no MVP cards as it pretty understandable that the majority will not get those cards.These cards can also be applicable to the general public. Plan your characters' skills in Ragnarok Online ahead of time with this easy to use RO Skill Simulator and Planner. are you one shotting them? End game card for Pierce LKs. [ agi=1.. berserk pots+ two hand quicken + berserk skill] –>( variety, numerous build) pure bowling, pure spiral and bowling spiral –> highest HP modifier in game. HalberdIV)? In WOE a good tank is necessary to succeed. For 30 secs, your HP will be doubled and Move Spd increases at the cost of decreased Flee and healing received. Damage skill for M-sized monsters. Sure! Spear Mastery Runes - Increase Atk when using spear type weapons. It’s easy to make one and this Lord Knight build is flexible for any aspects of the game; Grinding, MVP, ET, and PvP. i'm proud to be noob, Community Forum Software by IP.Board 3.4.6Licensed to: RebirthRO, This is a read only copy of the forum. Ignore Def Runes - Increases damage. 1.3 . Damage calculation for Spiral Pierce: Aura Blade does not stack with this skill. Pretty self explanatory. The go-to footgear for LKs. Zipper Bear (Star) Card(Accessory) - Gives 3% ATK and +10 HIT. I'm still on the process of upgrading to Halberd IV. If I'm not mistaken you are an Agi-Crit Knight which also needs investment in terms of gears so I dunno how hard the transition will be. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You currently have javascript disabled. Additional HIT won't hurt as there are some mobs with high FLEE and can also help in PVP. Saint Gear is OP. :). You could preemptively use this before attacking mobs but you would not be using this skill often. 28 Aprile 2020 ragnarokmobileitalia Swordsman - Knight - Lord Knight 0. Also farming capability is in the lower mid to mid tier and thats almost stretching it a bit LOL. Parry 10 10 Supportive : Block damage from physical attack using Two-Handed Sword. Peco-peco Card(Armor) - Though this does not add damage, having additional HP doesn't hurt. PvP While Clashing Spiral usually requires Magic Strings to gain more damage per minute than other skills, a Lexed Clashing Spiral (dealing twice the damage) can almost instantly kill low HP/vitality classes. Tension Relax 0 10 Lord Knights are much more offensive and have better offensive skills. They easily retain their status as the class with the highest HP Modifier and strongest physi… Heals you back to 100% HP. I have an alt LK(lvl68 with NB+HA) that I play while my sniper is grinding so I would really appreciate if my queries will be answered. Increased ASPD would not increase damage output. No need to add stats on Agi since Pierce LKs are skill-type based. Brings tankiness to our build since Pierce LKs can also serves as off-tank sometimes in party compositions. Thoughts on viability of Saint Gear? Bonus set effect with Halberd increases Pierce type damage to M-sized monsters by 10% and an additional ignore def +10%. So there you have it. It ignores both stat based DEF as well as armor based DEF. A guy in my server said its neutral property and demanded the admin to change it back. Mouth - Pipe/Chocolate Donuts/Spiked Scarf. I hope I answered some of your questions! It is quite spammable which makes it a premiere skill for a LK. Damage is (100+50*SkillLV)% ATK. However, should you find it hard to acquire this two-handed spear, read more for a suitable substitute. what does spiral pierce look like with -50 aftercast delay? A max lvl Spiral Pierce deals significant damage and should not be overlooked. It is very effective skill to use in WoE (War of Emperium). You’ll find it easier and faster to take down a high HP monster so long as their size is large (case in point: with the right equips you can kill a High Orc with 2 Pierce). Can also be used on non L-sized bosses. It can be a one-shot killer for low VIT characters. Adds to max HP and Def. Since this build focuses on ~50 dex, we leave out Spiral Pierce and choose Pierce over it. Lord Knights are the Transcendent variants of Knights. LORD KNIGHTS–> The Lord Knight’s skills are a good balance of offense and defense –> can achieve 190atpsd easily. If there's an acronym you don't understand, you should check out the list I made at the bottom.

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