Jesus has not become the Holy Spirit. Part 2 The Jesus Culture – Call for Discernment, same Jesus? (p. 2) The Feast of Pentecost was fulfilled in the outpouring of Spirit, and now the only remaining feast is that of Tabernacles to be fulfilled in the last days’ church. But as time goes by more and more Latter Rain tenets exert a gravitational pull that draws participants to logically espouse more and more of the paradigm. What's twelve? These apostles are also destined to be recipients of a great wealth transfer (in the end times), which will enable the church to establish God’s kingdom on earth. I would take strong exception to most, if not all, of his points. The fact that NAR prophecies frequently turn out to be false suggests a false spirit behind those predictions (Deuteronomy 18:22).The same holds true for miracles: the ideological father of the movement, C. Peter Wagner, decreed the end of European Mad Cow disease in 2001—and the disease is still being diagnosed and treated some fourteen years later. Much of what the NAR teaches has at least some basis in Scripture, albeit carried much further than the Bible intends. The body of Christ coming to spiritual maturity will be able to defeat death itself. The Latter Rain Movement: Its Continuing Influence Part Two. Mormonism The revival would never have been possible without the restoration of this great truth through our good brother Hall” (Richard Riss, The Latter Rain Movement of 1948 and the Mid-twentieth Century Evangelical Awakening, p.89). They'll be a numerous company. Revelation talks about that. In the midst of the Charismatic Renewal I remember well the teaching of the fivefold ministry and at that time assumed it was a new revelation to the church not knowing it had been imported directly from the Latter Rain. Dr. Deere has undergone amazing changes in his theology since the time when he was one of my Hebrew professors at Dallas Theological Seminary in the late 1970s. Restorationist David Blomgren, in his booklet A Biblical View Of Restoration defines restoration as follows: The NAR, however, is often accused of pushing for outright theocracy.Spiritual warfare, according to the New Apostolic Reformation, is meant to resolve worldly concerns. This teaching of a spiritual second coming of Jesus into His body is rarely advertised. it must come to perfection and complete visible UNITY. Adv, Vol 6, No 4, July/Aug 963 – G. Raymond Carlson, personal letter to Jewel Van de Mewre.   This introduces us to another added teaching of the Latter Rain (1950). "It is exciting to know that the true church will indeed be triumphant, restored by God to strength in this last day." Irving believed that God was restoring apostles, prophets, healing, and the gift of tongues during the 1830s in the British Isles to prepare the true church for the return of Christ which he said would occur in 1868. The prophets’ new revelations are crucial to overcoming the world, and the success of the church depends on the apostles following through on the information prophets provide. According to this teaching, as the church unifies behind the apostles, these leaders will develop greater and greater supernatural powers. Consequently scriptures pertaining to Christ’s ruling on earth are often seen as referring to the church rather than to Jesus. Elements of the movement gave rise to and merged with what would become incipient modern Pentecostalism. This discussion is continued from The Latter Rain Movement - Part 1. Teachers of the new order tell us that all this has been prophesied. Dr. Orrel Steinkamp Publishes “The Plumbline” which Critiques the Current Popular Revival and Prophetic Movements. The NAR approaches church leadership and biblical interpretation differently from mainstream Protestant denominations. Many have taught that the Spirit will be poured out upon the church by a.d. 2000 in order to prepare her for the great evangelistic harvest to follow. The only thing new about this movement seems to be the new personalities who are promoting it and their creative marketing techniques. Central to the Latter Rain movement was an expectation ofthe imminent return of Jesus. Over 50 years ago, William Branham, George Warnock, Paul Cain and others attempted to introduce Latter Rain/Manifest Sons of God teachings into the Pentecostal movement. [5] Donald Dayton, Theological Roots of Pentecostalism, (Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1987), p. 88. When this army comes, he says, it is large and it is mighty. – Pasadena CA: Min. Dr. Deere is saying that the latter rain revival will be carried out by those who are in Joel's army, which he also equates with the 144,000 witnesses from Revelation 7. This end time spiritual army will put all God’s enemies under its feet, yes even the last enemy, death itself. How can the present Charismatic/Pentecostal church even entertain elements of this teaching that originated from such a small group that operated on the fringes of the Pentecostal movement in the early 50’s? When Latter Rain Prophet Paul Cain describes, in passing, the church as the “Man Child Company” he has this teaching in mind. Joined to the Latter Rain teaching was a complementary truth called restoration. Mary’s life symbolized the qualities the church must possess to walk in the fullness of Christ. Wesley Myland (1858-1943) who began his career as a holiness preacher was the first to put in writing the Latter Rain scheme, which he titled “The Latter Rain Covenant”. "[12]  In spite of having such a key place in the thinking of early Pentecostalism, "the latter rain doctrine did tend to drop out of Pentecostalism" in the 1920s "only to reappear, however, in the radical Latter Rain revitalization movement of the 1940s. Previously Latter Rain teachers saw a second and repeated Pentecost as a final harvest of souls before Christ could come back. This Latter Rain allegory was pieced together from scripture references of the early and latter rains of the growing season. WHAT IS THE “THIRD WAVE”? Blomgren's definition includes two major restoration aspects, the first applies to the corporate church and the second to the individual believer. The "first definitive Pentecostal theology that was widely distributed, the Latter Rain Covenant" appeared in 1910. Indeed many at that time went to China assuming they had been given a Chinese tongue to announce the gospel. 11 – Fancis Frangipane, In The Presence Of God (New Wine Press 1994), pp. Few people have realized just how influential the Latter Rain movement was and how effectively Latter Rain concepts were introduced into the Charismatic Renewal. And there won't be just one Moses. Of these, the NAR sees government as the most important because of its ability to influence all of the other facets of life. Since the beginning of Christianity, various groups have claimed to have a “new revelation” from God to correct all of the errors of the present world. . It will be conquered when the church stands up boldly and says, “We have dominion over the earth”. Before that, it made its presence felt in the early days of the century among early Pentecostals.” (3), Video: Lakeland: The Movie (Feature-Length Film on Todd Bentley & the Florida Outpouring), Video: Rick Joyner False Teacher – Church of Altered States. UPDATED 2017-2018 (8.5 HOURS on 2 DAYS) – JUSTIN PETERS – CLOUDS WITHOUT WATER II (A CALL FOR DISCERNMENT) SEMINAR DVD— is a Fair Biblical Critique of the Word of Faith Prosperity gospel / Charismatic Movement & the New Apostolic Reformation. Latter rain theology is sweeping the charismatic movement and revivalist evangelicals who believe that a global revival will take place before Christ will be allowed to return at the second advent. In addition to arguing that restoration was a major theme in the Old Testament, their central New Testament passage most often cited is Acts 3:21, "whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things . However, this has not been the case for the vast majority of Christian history. (13). Though it uses the word new, the NAR is actually a reworking of a very common, very old approach. Wagner outlines his article with sections such as “new name”, “new authority structure”, “new ministry focus”, “new worship style”, “new prayer forms” etc. This whole movement was condemned by the Assemblies of God in 1949. Many Restorationists believe that these events will be facilitated by an outpouring of the Holy Spirit often called the "latter rain" revival. The Latter Rain is the promise given to us in the last days for the outpouring of the Holy Ghost. by Thomas Ice Prophets in the NAR are almost as important as Apostles. The basic principle of restoration teaching is that there is a fundamental discontinuity, historical and spiritual, between the church today and the New Testament church. The Bible passage states that the former (fall) rain and latter (spring) rain were poured down from God. It is so mighty that there has never been anything like it before.        As the 1800s progressed, there arose within Methodism a call to return to the holiness teachings of John Wesley who saw that "moral growth, or sanctification, is both progressive and instantaneous. "[8]  Many are also aware that William J. Seymour (1870-1922) came under the influence of Parham in Houston, Texas in 1905 and then took the Pentecostal message to Azusa Street in Los Angeles in 1906, from where it was disseminated to the four-corners of the world. His explanation of what the church is going to be like in just a few years is illuminating: Faithfully this gospel must be preached to every nation and then the end will come. (The parallels between Mormonism and some aspects of the third wave should cause great alarm to most evangelicals.). The terms “New Order” and “Latter Rain” were coined from this movement. Now among the Apostles we only have one Paul, then John, and Peter, a few of those that are really outstanding. It was Charles Parham, a Methodist holiness preacher who broke with traditional holiness teaching and linked the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with a latter-day Pentecost. No Spiritual Neutrality. The Latter Rain movement was a radically independent Pentecostal movement, originating from an outbreak of revivalism in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada in 1948. Pentecostalism [Source: Got Questions], Video: The Modern Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? (pp. 4 – Wesley Myland, The Latter-Rain Covenant (1910). The idea of new revelations from God, especially those that come in the form of vague, easily reinterpreted mysteries, runs counter to the idea of a faith delivered “once for all” to mankind (Jude 1:3). CLUES UNLOCK OBAMA I.D. Kenneth Copeland and Pope Fransis; Some keywords of the NAR / Latter Rain Movement: New Apostolic Reformation NAR, apostolic, new wine, glory, Shekinah glory, refreshing, latter rain, glory cloud, soaking (same as meditating), seasons, move into the supernatural, prophetic, new breed, third wave, purpose driven life, purpose driven church, winds of change, winds of revival, supernatural … This book was offered to those attending a conference organized by Wagner called “Churches in the New Apostolic Paradigm”.        Restorationists simply believe that God is restoring first-century or apostolic Christianity through their particular movement or group. "[3]  Phoebe Palmer, wife of a New York physician, was the most influential advocate of the holiness message about 150 years ago. Some of the main False Teachers in the movement: Bill Johnson (Bethel Church & Jesus Culture), the late William Branham, C.Peter Wagner (Vineyard), Rick Joyner, Bill Hamon, Mike Bickle (IHOP), Kim Clement, Paul Cain, Bob Jones, Sid Roth, Todd Bentley, Patricia King, Francis Frangipane…and more. Of particular distinction are the role and power of spiritual leaders, a literalist approach to spiritual warfare, and an overt interest in cultural and political control. We can look back on this and see the revival was short but did not produce what they had hoped for. The modern day prophet and apostle movement in the Church. Popular teachers associated with the NAR include: C. Peter Wagner, Rick Joyner, and Kim Clement. C. Peter Wagner is attempting to will into existence what he calls a “New Apostolic Reformation”. I suggest that there is nothing new here at all and for anyone willing to do the study they will find it a mere cutting edge version of something at least 100 years old. Indeed some of the more extreme parts of the paradigm are not put out front, nevertheless, little by little the wider church is coalescing around what, when thoroughly analyzed, are Latter Rain core beliefs. This teaching has been expressed in various ways. The Latter Rain movement started in the 1948 influenced almost all Pentecostal churches and groups in the 1950’s. [7]  This is because Parham titled his report of the new movement as "The Latter Rain:  The Story of the Origin of the Original Apostolic or Pentecostal Movements. Among the list of topics and presenters for the conference was Bill Hamon. Understanding The Communist Steps That Have Placed America in The Middle of A Marxist Revolution in 2021, The Division of the Country Today is Terrifyingly Real, EXCLUSIVE: Proof China, Russia Hacked 2020 Election: IP Addresses In China, Russia, Hong Kong, Germany, Canada, Czech Republic Hacked PA, NV, MI, GA Battleground States Raw Data Analytics Show. According to his view, summarized from the statements made by a number of its exponents, “the church isn’t going sit and take it any more. The chart in this article is taken from Blomgren's booklet (p. 9) and depicts their understanding of the history of the decline and restoration of the church. The church will stay right here and by its spiritual authority even defeat the principalities and powers in the heavenlies, dragging them to earth and putting them under their heel”. Latter Rain Directory. The end-time glorious church is supposed to give birth to this corporate Christ. According to John Sherrill, an Episcopal priest Dennis Bennett “prayed for and received the baptism [in the Holy Spirit]” on November 14, 1959. Latter Rain (1880s movement) The Latter Rain Movement was a late 19th-century radical Holiness theology and Revivalist phenomenon which began in western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee. 7 – Earl Paulk, The Wounded Body of Christ (Atlanta: K Dimension Publishers), p. 43. However, as we shall see later, the largest restoration movement began in 1901 when Pentecostalism was born. This much publicized new paradigm can be traced to the Latter Rain movement of the 40’s and early 50’s. The recovery process was now extended further. Mormonism instituted twelve apostles and taught that "God's direct intervention in human affairs had not ceased with the apostolic age; revelation was continuing to be expressed through Smith as God's prophet. This is necessary not only for the health of the region, but also because the church cannot take “dominion” over that area until the demonic control has been lifted.Biblically, there are major problems with the NAR. The restored apostles and prophets will lead a new and reconstituted body of Christ in conquering the kingdoms of this world and establishing the Kingdom of God upon the earth. Furthermore the Charismatic Renewal has been mainstreamed into wider evangelical circles through John Wimber and Vineyard conferences, signs and wonders teachings, etc. Most returned disillusioned. In the NAR, apostles are seen as the highest of all spiritual leaders, being specially empowered by God. It places an unhealthy emphasis on political and worldly approval, rather than Christlike influence. Restoration will include the House of the Lord, the Tabernacle of David, Spirit outpouring, the voice of the bride and Bridegroom, the glory of God, counselors and judges, teachers, the family, and health and healing. The NAR sees seven areas in which believers are supposedly empowered and expected to dominate: government, arts, finances, education, religion, family, and media. Through the Charismatic Renewal, Latter Rain teachings were renamed and finally homogenized sufficiently so that today Latter Rain ideas float freely on “the river” without anyone detecting their true identity.        Dayton concludes that the "broader Latter Rain doctrine provided a key . Obviously an indwelling spirit would not need to return from heaven. Something greater is coming in this army. Latter Rain Latter Rain doctrines addressed this formalism with a series of doctrinal and practical changes. (2) This is advertised as a reformation greater in scale than the reformation of the 1500’s. This teaching became known as the “Manifest Sons of God”. Often this great event is described in terms of Old Testament imagery of the army of locus in Joel 2. John MacArthur talks about the Dangers of NAR – New Apostolic Reformation. We must oppose this view. Yet, many are not even aware that such an influence exists within modern Christianity. Do the “River Boat Captains” know the direction the current river is flowing and do the gleeful riverboat passengers know where “the river” originated? These teachers then devised a historical scheme of restoration. God is preparing us as He did Mary to give birth to the ministry of His Son. We are the essence of God, His on-going incarnation in the world.” (9). The early Pentecostals were convinced that not only would there be a Latter Rain global revival but the last days’ church would be restored to the apostolic pattern. Dr Raymond Carlson again is correct in asserting that some of the early Pentecostal pioneers of the turn of the century also were involved. Jesus said (Matthew 28:18), “all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth,” and the church today has that same power. Holiness preachers searched the scriptures for this worldwide revival and interestingly enough the best they could find was a teaching they called the “Latter Rain”. The Latter Rain blesses each one of us with times of refreshing. The term “latter rain” was first used early in the history of Pentecostalism, when David Wesley Myland wrote a book called Latter Rain Songs in 1907. NEW!   But today there is a whole new army to bring about what went dormant. Irving appears to have also been the first to teach the need for the restoration of the fivefold offices of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers before the church could properly be made ready for the coming Bridegroom. Ern Baxter who was instrumental in the Shepherding Movement, worked with William Branham during the 50’s Latter Rain. Only now, as the church is properly guided by the appropriate spiritual leaders, can it fulfill its commission. Tongues were at first perceived as actual missionary languages to enable the gospel to be quickly preached throughout the whole earth. They identified their holiness experience as the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the enablement to take the gospel to every nation and then Jesus could return. These movements contend that “real” spirituality or maturity or truth is found only by those who listen to their leadership. ."        Last days restoration of the individual believer will include restoration to the image of God, spiritual dominion, relationship with God, fruitfulness, paradise, and perfection. "[4]  By the 1880s, this movement had spawned many independent churches and a few denominations like the Nazarene and Wesleyan holiness churches. The NAR teaches that God’s intended form of church governance is apostles and prophets, holding leadership over evangelists, pastors, and teachers. Irvingites Latter Rain brought forth other Unbiblical False Teachings such as the Manifested Sons of God. NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION & LATTER RAIN aka Kingdom Now & Kansas City Prophets / Dominion Theology / Manifest Sons of God (Joel’s Army) / Third Wave / Toronto Blessing – is all Heresy & is False Teachings regarding the Modern Day Prophet & Apostle Movement in the Church. 153-157. The last two-hundred years have seen a number of Restorationist movements attempting to restore primitive Christianity. The Latter Rain, also known as the New Order or New Order of the Latter Rain, was a post–World War II movement within Pentecostal Christianity which remains controversial to this day. Zechariah 12:10 is the promised latter rain that must precede the final harvest. (Alan Cairns). 6-7)  In addition, the power of God will be restored in the last days of the church. Even though Moses parted the Red Sea. (19) the Latter Rain and Charismatic Movements were, for the most part, separate movements but there was overlap and many see the Latter Rain Movement as the precursor of the Charismatic Movement. Tongues were seen as an eschatological sign signifying that a second and final Pentecost was taking place, bringing the church into a new and final dispensation. Twelve is apostolic government. In some ways, this is nothing unusual, as people should be expected to vote and lobby according to their convictions. So 12,000 times 12,000 equals 144,000. First, right after the seed is planted the "early rain" is needed to cause the seed to germinate in order to produce a healthy crop. Listen to his unmistakable teaching: “Jesus Christ, as the first-fruit of the Kingdom, began the work of conquering death on an individual basis, but we, as His church, will be the ones to complete the task. These signs are meant to encourage a massive wave of converts to Christianity. The Latter Rain movement teaches that God's outpouring of His Spirit at Pentecost was the "former rain" mentioned in Joel 2:23. The term “Latter Rain” was used freely by the early Pentecostal pioneers as well as the term “apostolic”. The Latter Rain Movement is anti-dispensational and amillennial, and many leaders of the movement embrace aberrant teachings. So it is with what is currently called the “River of Revival”. The Lord is waiting patiently until His last rain is outpoured - because it will produce the final harvest! He wrote the first distinctly Pentecostal hymn entitled, "The Latter Rain" in 1906. A few years ago, when Dr. Jack Deere was an assistant pastor at John Wimber's Vineyard Christian Fellowship in Anaheim, California, he gave a two-part message entitled "Joel's Army." 13 – Tricia Tillin, The Source and Goal of the Second Pentecost (UK: Banner Ministries, 1994), QUOTE: “BEWARE of those whose FAITH is based on their own: IDEAS, FEELINGS, and what THEY THINK is right– RATHER than on what GOD’S WORD says!”  TRUST in JESUS & in GOD’S unfailing WORD!” [Matthew 7:24-27], BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS & FALSE TEACHERS – SCRIPTURES, Below are some of the Many Articles by CRITICAL ISSUES COMMENTARIES about the Latter Rain / New Apostolic Reformation movement. Part I The scripture leaves no doubt that Jesus will return bodily, first to the air then to earth and when He does, at the first stage, His “body” upon the earth (the full complement of his church) will be raptured to meet Him in the air (I Thessalonians 4:17). [2] Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements (Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1988), p. 470. The question arises: how can Jesus, with his current resurrected body in heaven, be incarnated into the church that is still upon the earth? We shall henceforth refer to the genuine article as the Latter Rain Revival. Built on this doctrine are numerous other teachings, particularly those promising the restoration of … Charismatic’s had never heard of the Latter Rain and received the new teaching as part of their new wine experience. The true Sons of God are those led by His Spirit, signs and wonders follow. There is a companion truth that often accompanies the Manifested Sons teaching namely the birth in the church of a corporate Christ. This corporate Christ is said to be a fusing together of the spiritual Christ within His many membered body upon the earth. G. Raymond Carlson from his vantage point of history knew that all this has its source in a second end-time Pentecost, first articulated at the turn of the century and restated and expanded in the New Order of the Latter Rain 1950 and now imported and marketed into the wider church by means of the Charismatic renewal.        Many Christians are aware that the Pentecostal movement began on January 1, 1901 in Topeka, Kansas when Agnes Ozman (1870-1937) spoke in tongues under the tutelage of Charles Fox Parham (1873-1929). See, that's a multiple of twelve. We must travel further upstream to find the actual source. In 1947 the revivalists of that period began to preach, including William Branham, Oral Roberts, Gordon Lindsay, and T. L. Osborn. According to the New Testament, an APOSTLE had to be: Now we are introduced to another major feature of the current move namely Kingdom Now Dominionism. Latter Rain Movement may refer to: "Latter Rain" is a term used in Holiness and Pentecostal movements. Not even Moses. Events, however, caused the early Pentecostals to dispense with restorationism and the Latter Rain motif. Mike Bickle – Founder of International House of Prayer (IHOP), Mike and Cindy Jacobs – Founders of Generals International, Bill Johnson – Head Pastor of Bethel Church / Jesus Culture, Rick Joyner – Founder of Morning Star Ministries, C. Peter Wagner – Founder of Global Harvest Ministries, Greater Works Than These – (Healing’s & Miracles, etc). What David did for me. The Latter Rain Movement is a movement within the larger charismatic movement that teaches God is pouring out His "latter rain" in our time as He did at the Day … It is not true any longer. The Latter Rain motif then sat more or less dormant for decades until 1948. Some of these sects, such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormonism, endure and become religions in their own right. That, however, still makes those doctrines unbiblical, and Christians should flatly reject the New Apostolic Reformation’s teachings and those who choose to be associated with it. 5 – Earl Paulk, The Proper Function of the Church (Atlanta: K Dimension Publishers, undated), p. 13 6 – Earl Paulk, The Ultimate Kingdom (Atlanta: K Dimension Publishers, 1986), p.121. Contend that “ real ” spirituality or maturity or truth is found only by those listen. Gospel must be restored & Equipped to rule by the laying on of was... ) Rain and Latter ( spring ) Rain and received the new personalities who promoting... To Christ ’ s “ new ” revelations from God - how people BECOME…, FALSE teachers CATHOLICISM!, video: Jesus Culture – Call for Discernment, same Jesus modern Blasphemy of the world in some,! ”, they believe the Holy Spirit Spirit without measure the Latter Rain doctrines addressed formalism! 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