There is very little fat on wild meat, particularly venison, so great care must be taken in the cooking to make sure that the naturally lean meat does not dry out during cooking. Dust steaks with seasoned flour. There's a reason fine steakhouses state right on their menu: "Not responsible for steaks ordered well done.". Marinate the meat in an acid-based marinade (we recommend. When you cook it, do not over cook it. Go farther, hunt deeper, and trek lighter while enjoying all-day comfort. Meat pounder or needle tenderizer: Meat pounders or mallets are beyond easy to use. Age the meat in the refrigerator for one to two days. Place the venison in the Dutch oven. The salt relaxes the muscle fiber and traps fat in so you get a juicier steak. All of the previous points are important to getting the most from your big game animal, and no less important is where the meat and heat meet — in the kitchen. Medium rare is even better. Then when you butcher it, be sure to cut across the grain of the meat. Pat dry with paper towels. New Recipe: Soy and Molasses Venison Jerky, STX Magnum 1800W Stainless Steel Electric Meat Grinder Review, Flatten steaks with a tenderizing mallet or other blunt object. To inhibit bacteria growth and encourage enzymes to work, keep the meat above freezing and below 40 degrees. If you are presented with a tough piece of meat or venison, there are ways to make it more palatable. Water can help cool the meat, but moist surfaces are a breeding ground for bacteria. Enjoy this venison queso dip recipe right out of the slow cooker for warm, cheesy goodness in... A simple, classic steak and French fries duo gets a wild makeover with this Elk Venison... Danny Farris and Doyle Worbington of J&D Outfitters are hunting turkeys in Colorado. And I do this with something healthier and better tasting than Italian dressing. This method is good for meats that will be roasted or grilled. To get started, click the link below to visit and learn how to access your digital magazine. Liberally salt both sides of steaks. Deer meat -- also referred to as venison -- is tender, moist and flavorful when prepared by knowledgeable hands. If you don't process it yourself — and that's okay — use a meat processor you trust. The longer the time period, the thicker the dry cap that must be removed. Aug 21, 2015 - How to Tenderize Venison and Deer Meat | Venison Headquarters This means backstrap medallions from large deer, elk or moose, all leg steaks, flank steak, cubes for kebabs and so on. If handled wrong, or just happens to be off some tough, old bastard, it can still be tough. Whisk together flour, cumin, onion powder and paprika. Instead, to get the most out of your big game, it's up to you to control the things you can control, such as field-dressing, butchering, aging, and selecting the proper cooking method for each particular cut. Wild Venison can be distinguished from supermarket venison which is usually imported farmed red deer from New Zealand. Don’t keep pushing the steak about otherwise you may throw off the water, stopping them browning. The first, and most basic, is the importance of cooling the meat as quickly as possible. Using a meat tenderizer, rolling pin or the flat side of a heavy butcher knife, pound steaks to ¼-inch thick and let steak rest 10 minutes. Take your deer meat out of the fridge, salt and pepper, and coat each piece in your flour mixture. Who knows how that deer has been living or what it has been doing up until that moment. To help tenderize and "add fat," the secret is olive oil and a fork. Hit the meat evenly over the whole surface, flip it over, and continue to hit the meat with the mallet. There is a better way — lots of them actually — but they all start with understanding what causes tough meat and how to deal with it. How do you tenderize deer meat? However, instead of using Cream of Mushroom soup (Have you ever looked at the ingredients of that stuff? Heat butter or margarine in a large skillet over medium heat. Maybe throw in a few onions. Check out our cooking tips for more information on how to cook all types of venison meat. My go-to method for tenderizing round steaks and chops cut from the front shoulder is a meat mallet, which works well, although it is more time consuming. Related Posts. Using a meat tenderizer, rolling pin or the flat side of a heavy butcher knife, pound steaks to ¼-inch thick and let steak rest 10 minutes. You don't know anything else about that animal leading up to the 30 seconds or a minute that you interacted with it before the shot. This helps a deer…walk, just like you. Once it has been aged, package the cuts of meat in a double wrap of butcher paper or vacuum sealed bags, then label and date the packages. This concludes our information on How to Tenderize Venison – please visit us again soon! This same study, and others like it, have also found that the acids used in marinades penetrate meat at the rate of just a few, as in one or two, millimeters per day. Take the meat out of the pot and set it aside. So even a three-day marinade isn't going to penetrate much past the surface of the meat. There are a number of factors that affect how tough, or tender, the meat from a particular big game animal happens to be. Pat dry with paper towels. Many of them are out of the hunter's control, including the age of the animal, its activity level, diet, and environment. Certainly, they do flavor the meat, but studies have found marinades can actually make meat tougher by causing the proteins to unwind and press together, forming a tight bond that squeezes moisture out. Article by Jessica Wolfe. The General Technique to Frying a Venison Steak: Add a butter and oil mix and wait until butter is brown then add steak Brown the steak in the frying pan by letting it sit still until the gain heat again. Pound the venison steak with the meat mallet until it is roughly twice the original size. Also on Venison Thursday: A Meat Grinder For Hunters . How to Tenderize Venison How to Tenderize Venison – Overview. Who knows where that piece of meat from the grocery store has been, or who has handled it before you bought it. The ideal temperature range for aging meat is between 34 and 37 degrees. While it may seem counterintuitive, I also advise against using water to rinse blood or foreign matter from both the internal cavity and the outside of a skinned animal. Not true! For the hunter who processes a lot of game every year, these are a great investment. Braising. Braising is the act of cooking something using moist heat, generally over a long period of time. In other words, yogurt and buttermilk are strong enough to make meat tender without turning it tough or mushy. Almost every kitchen has a meat mallet, most of which have never been used. To prepare your meat for canning, simply trim away as much fat and connective tissue as possible and dice the meat into roughly 1-inch cubes. This works best when you place the venison meat between two pieces of waxed paper or plastic. Because marinades can only penetrate a few millimeters into a piece of meat (at best), you’ll want to use cuts of venison that aren’t too thick. Plain milk is relatively neutral on the pH scale, but cultured dairy such as yogurt and buttermilk contains more lactic acid. Bowhunter TV Editor Derek Mleynek sets up for some hog and whitetail hunting at Canyon Ranch in Texas. Heavily salting a tough cut of meat and letting it sit an hour or two before you … Let sit about 20 minutes and rinse well before cooking. You can use any cut of venison meat and make it tender without having an over powering game taste. This can be done easily with a fillet knife. Pound the steaks with a meat mallet and then marinade them in a mixture that contains acidic ingredients. Use thinner cuts with marinade and brine larger cuts. Cut the steak … The loin, aka the backstrap, is the long muscle that runs along the deer’s spine. Proper aging allows natural enzymes to breakdown and Step 2. Then, saute the mirepoix and aromatics in the Dutch oven for about 4 to 5 minutes, until the ingredients soften. However, you have to be very careful when marinating with enzymes as they can make the meat mushy rather than just tender. Deer meat steaks may need tenderizing before cooking because venison meat is often "gamey" in taste and can be tough. In any case, eating a deer steak cooked to medium rare is as safe as doing the same with a prime cut of beef. Copyright © 2012 VenisonHQ | Developed by Stark Media Group, LLC, Enter your First Name and Email Address to receive our, Jaccard Supertendermatic 48-Blade Tenderizer, New Review: Cuisinart SM-MG Meat Grinder Attachment, Waring MG855 Professional Meat Grinder Reviewed. Whenever I pull a package of venison from the freezer, I always make a point to remember to match the method to the meat. Tenderize the meat with a meat tenderizer tool. Cut across the grain and it will be tender. All beers contain potentially tenderizing enzymes, but the … Again, this recipe works best with a steaks that are at least an inch thick, but you can use this method for a flank steak or a thinner … Before I go any further, I need to dispel the notion that eating rare game meat is dangerous. 1.1k. Tenderizing steak with a meat mallet is probably the easiest way to tenderize steak. If you are using a meat tenderizer, hold it in your hand and bang on the meat like you would with a hammer and nail. In hot weather, or a backcountry situation where starting the cooling process is critical, always err on the side of caution. Venison Backstrap Recipe - Rub + Bacon - Preparing Deer Meat with no gamey taste - Duration: 6:28. I enhance it instead. Once you've got your deer, elk, or other venison dressed, aged and butchered, you're left with a variety of cuts. Deer shanks are typically a cut of meat that is below the knee, it’s really a piece of leg meat. Tenderizing cuts from larger deer with a meat mallet can help. The bacteria that causes meat to rot thrives between 40 and 140 degrees, so it's imperative to do everything possible to keep meat out of this danger zone. Rinse them well and pat dry before grilling. Add your venison steaks to a zip-top bag or a bowl with a lid. Thank you for visiting VenisonHQ! All Bowhunter subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. Use one teaspoon of powder for each pound of meat. The term venison was originally used to describe the meat of any furred game, but in Britain it has come to mean the meat from deer (though in America it means the meat from antelope, caribou, elk, moose and reindeer, as well as deer). Despite what people say, aging is not the same as rotting. Toughness in venison (or any meat for that matter) is determined by a number of things, the length of the muscle, the age of the animal, nutrition, time of the rut, etc. Acids denature protein, breaking down connective tissue and softening meat by increasing water content. Sometimes, it's a mistake to give deer too much credit for thinking. This includes crank or push-style cubers that use fine blades to sever the muscles into smaller lengths. The acidity in the ingredients will break down the muscle fibers in the meat to make it easier to chew. It is also one of the most important cooking techniques for game cooks, and probably the one I use the most, although I typically braise in the oven or stovetop using my cast-iron Dutch oven. Certain fruits have natural tenderizing properties as they contain bromelain, an enzyme that can break down connective tissue in meat. Many hunters take pride in getting their deer tagged, bagged, and in the freezer all in the same day, and they're often the same group who complains about eating tough steaks. Quick Cooking Deer Meat. With wild game, particularly if you process it yourself and use sanitary practices, you know every moment of that steak's life, from the time you shot it until it goes on your plate. Subscriber Services. Cooking Venison with Marinades and Sauces, Posted by admin - November 12, 2011 at 1:10 am. A lot of people tend to toss them aside, or use the small amount of meat for more ground meat. That means cooking tender cuts like steaks and chops with high heat, fast and dry, such as grilling or pan-frying. Can you eat venison medium rare? For other information on deer hunting, cooking venison and venison health information, please feel free to explore the rest of our website. Remove all sinew, fat, and slimy membrane from the meat. This works best when you place the venison meat between two pieces of waxed paper or plastic. Ideally, it should be slightly pink in the center when you serve it. The oldest, easiest, and most obvious way to tenderize meat is to pound it into … Salt it. You can use just about any part of your deer for canning. Add onions and saute until translucent; … If a walk-in cooler is not available, it is best to quickly process your venison, then allow the meat to age in the refrigerator on a rack, not allowing it to sit in its blood, for five to seven days. How long you age your game is a balance of how tender you want it and how much loss you are willing to accept. Pineapple, papaya, and kiwi all work well to tenderize meat. - … This is the second tenderest/most desirable cut of meat you can get. The best way to marinade venison is in a large gallon Ziplock bag in the refrigerator overnight. It can be something as simple as a carton of store-bought (or better yet, homemade) stock, or a more complicated recipe, such as the three featured here. You might be interested: Weigh meat before or after cooking. It is the most tender part of the deer. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. Tenderizing meat essentially means that you are pre-chewing the meat with a tool to make it thinner and more tender. Let the meat hang like this for a week or more. TENDERIZING DEER MEAT AND CUTTING DOWN ON WILD TASTE Mix 1/2 cup vinegar and water. Ensure a tender piece of deer meat is served to your family and guests by following a few basic steps in its preparation. The reason for this is that no-one has ever showed you how to use it. Or anytime you're using a Crock-Pot or slow cooker? When it comes to marinades, many, if not most, of them don't do what you think they do. Share this: Twitter; Facebook; Tagged as: Briner Jr, brining, corning, gift for hunter. If necessary, use a cloth dampened with fresh water — never water from a creek, river, or pond — to wipe down the carcass, but be sure there is plenty of good air flow to dry the surface quickly. For stubbornly tough cuts of venison meat, the best way to tenderize them is to stew or braise for several hours. Use Your Muscle. The issue with each of these is they present an unknown to the hunter. ©2021 Outdoor Sportsman Group. All Rights Reserved. Give a Gift   If those muscles are cut from the bone before the rigor mortis releases, they won't stretch back out, resulting in tight, or tough, cuts of meat. When combined with warm weather, this is an invitation for spoilage. Aging meat does two things: It breaks down connective tissues by way of naturally occurring enzymes, and dehydrates the moisture within the muscles, which can lead to a loss of up to 30 percent of the carcass's overall weight. They don't realize how the onset of rigor mortis, and its resolution, partially determines the tenderness of meat. Cooking venison in camp is the best way to celebrate success. It comes down to personal preference and whether you can maintain the ideal temperature conditions without the risk of spoilage. There are ways to deal with tough meat, but you can't eat a rancid steak, so forget about rigor mortis and get that animal quartered and, if necessary, expose or remove the largest bones. How to Cook Tender Deer Meat Step 1. This means opening up the body cavity and removing the organs soon after the kill. Many people don’t like using shank meat because it can be tough. Others, particularly those from the neck, front shoulder, shanks and parts of the hindquarter, are generally tough. It certainly beats using enzymes and chemicals which at best produce inconsistent results. The meat is dark, lean and generally tender, though wild venison might be a little tougher than farmed, as the deer will have had more exercise. In fact, I would argue that it's actually the opposite. Using a meat tenderizer, rolling pin or the flat side of a heavy butcher knife, pound steaks to ¼-inch thick and let steak rest 10 minutes. There are many benefits to putting a lighted nock on your hunting arrows. To physically tenderize venison meat you can: Flatten steaks with a tenderizing mallet or other blunt object. Just remember, they will tenderize the outer portion, but the middle portion of the meat may remain tougher. You know what you're doing when you do this? Soak meat in mixture for 2 hours. For your FREE COPY and immediate access to VenisonHQ’s 150 Premium Venison Recipe Cookbook, please sign up for our mailing list today. Three to four days is the minimum, with seven days being ideal., There is an entire scientific dissertation about the effects of myosins and enzymes, but at its most basic, rigor mortis is the contraction of muscle groups that occurs soon after death. Meat pounder or needle tenderizer: Meat pounders or … Steaks to be grilled can be tenderized by rubbing them with salt and letting them rest 20-60 minutes. When faced with a roast or bag of trim meat, they unfortunately revert to that old standby of dumping a can of Cream of Mushroom soup over the top and convincing themselves they're doing the best they can with what they've got. Every venison recipe I have created uses this heart healthy oil. Dairy also contains calcium, a mineral that can activate enzymes in the muscle to assist in protein breakdown. I prefer two weeks when possible, although I know hunters who swear by the 21 to 28-day window. How do you tenderize deer meat? Liberally salt both sides of steaks. Sear each side for about 3 to 4 minutes, until it's golden brown. Soaking cuts of meat in salty brine overnight may tenderize a bit, but it can be very useful for removing the “gamey” taste of venison. I'm betting Bowhunter readers know a thing or two about field-dressing, so I won't dive into that subject too deeply. Apple and Cheddar-Ale Moose Burger Recipe, Understanding the Value of a Wild Game Harvest, Tree Saddle Hunting — Demo Climb With Aider, Grilled Korean Bulgogi Venison Kebabs Recipe, Slow Cooker Venison and Cabbage Stew Recipe, Cooking Tips for Tenderizing Your Venison Cuts, when it comes to the rest of the animal, hunters are often at a loss, how that deer has been living or what it has been doing, Better Bow Accuracy: Release Arm Alignment. Every hunter knows the master Cream of Mushroom soup recipe. A Meat Grinder For Hunters December 17, 2015; Let a Hitch Hoist do the heavy lifting on your deer December 15, 2015; Cooking with Cast Iron Pans November 12, 2015; Use a food slicer to expand your venison options October 29, … This doesn't happen right away; it … The public needs to understand the value of harvested and consumed wild game. And, I never cook these cuts past medium. But I’ve still had some that was as tough as rubber. It's always surprising to me how many people will load a whole animal into the back of their truck or UTV in order to dress it back at camp. In particular, loin and tender roast cuts. We recommend the Jaccard Supertendermatic 48-Blade Tenderizer which has given us EXCELLENT results! Anybody can cook a deer steak, but when it comes to the rest of the animal, hunters are often at a loss. |   We recommend the, Score the meat across the fibers with a very sharp knife, or poke holes in it using a tenderizing tool – this, Cut cooked meat thinly across the grain, as in flank steak, using a good, Hopelessly tough meat can always be ground into hamburger – check out our, Use a powdered tenderizer made from the enzyme papain (see. I've heard it called controlled decomposition, but even that might be less than accurate. Slice the meat across the grain, then massage in the powder. Crushed garlic added with the salt makes for a more flavorful steak. ), I don't cover up the taste of the game. When making kebabs, stir fries and sandwiches, the best way to ensure tender, great tasting meat is to soak or marinate the meat. So go ahead and use those marinades to flavor your venison, but don't think they're tenderizing your meat. When it hasn’t been, the result is a dry, tough and unappetizing dining experience. Wipe the deer carcass down with a vinegar solution about every day. I do, however, want to touch on a couple of points, one of which can start arguments in camp, that I consider imperative to getting the best possible meat from your deer, elk, antelope, or other big game animal. Put your venison roast in a Crock-Pot. Either way, braising big game is the best way to make the most of your meat. Learning a bit about how to match a cut to a marinade will help you tenderize the meat and add flavor. ... Steak TENDERIZING EXPERIMENT - What's the best way to TENDERIZE steaks? On this edition of "Dead On," pro archer Randy Ulmer shows you how to properly align your release arm for better accuracy and bowhunting practice. Tenderizing actually requires that you break up or soften the muscle fibers, which you can do either physically or chemically. In Chinese restaurants they use baking powder to tenderize thinly-sliced meat. Choose a beer to use as the marinade. Pat dry with paper towels. What’s the Best Meat Grinder for the Money? Toughness in venison (or any meat for that matter) is determined by a number of things, the length of the muscle, the age of the animal, nutrition, time of the rut, etc. The most tender part of your meat located on the leg of hindquarter. 20 minutes and rinse well before cooking 21 to 28-day window 'm betting Bowhunter readers know a thing two. When you place the venison meat between two pieces of waxed paper or plastic whole... 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