Doch seine Freunde müssen ihm leider mitteilen: Tiffany steht nicht auf ihn. Everyone gives an example: Marshall did a high school classmate's homework and was her "secret boyfriend," Robin allows her pre-morning show cameraman Mike to pamper her, and Lily's high school flame, Scooter, works at her school as cafeteria staff, where she doesn't exactly tell him that a relationship is impossible. 11:10 min into the episode, Ted accidentally shoves a girl on his way to Barney at MacLaren's. Ende der Veranstaltung. Tonight, romantic Ted (Josh Radnor) took a break to make room for jerk Ted, who was trying to woo pharmaceutical rep Tiffany (Carrie Underwood) while leading on another girl. March 1, 2010 | 9:10 pm. How I Met Your Mother All Seasons. This is unusual as the show is normally pre-recorded and the complete episode played for an audience which is then recorded for the laugh track. Ort der Veranstaltung. Eventually, it works, and the two head down to the cafeteria, but even though Lily is able to tell Scooter it will never happen, Marshall himself can't resist Scooter's charm, telling him to wait until Marshall is dead. How I Met Your Mother is a comedy about Ted and how he fell in love. Visit Tunefind to listen to all the songs used on the show. TV Reviews All of our TV reviews in one convenient place. 24 of 25 found this interesting Interesting? On any long-running show about relationships, the changes are going to be rung on just about every possible aspect of … How I Met Your Mother S05E16 Hooked. He's tried many types of bait (slot machine, trampoline), but found that a teacup pigis the best kind, which Ted then borrows. How I Met Your Mother. Hooked S5 E16 1 Mar 2010. Ted is just as dismissive of Henrietta as Tiffany is of him. To make Ted feel better they share stories from their past where each one of them has been in a similar situation. All the while, Ted himself has "hooked" a librarian from Columbia, Henrietta. There are 208 episodes altogether, and this is the 104th. Ted tells the gang that he has invited a woman over under the pretense of checking out his antique camera collection, which Barney classifies as "bait." / In this one, I'm just a jerk. Die neun Staffeln umfassen 208 Folgen, die von 2005 bis 2014 erstausgestrahlt wurden. Nonton How I Met Your Mother - English Comedy tv series on Disney+ Hotstar now. On the plus side: I laughed a bunch at the table read. 100% kostenlos. Unfortunately, he took the best man's jacket by accident, which had the wedding ring inside. It features Katy Perry as a guest star, playing Honey, the gullible character that the episode is named after. 35, 10243 Berlin. Ted wäre so gerne mit Tiffany zusammen und ist happy, als er endlich ein Date bekommt. Einmal hinzufügen. The end of this episode marks the middle of the series. It's A Sin: Video und Startdatum der neuen Serie von Russell T Davies, Spoil Me: Lucifer, WandaVision, Shameless, Law & Order - Special Victims Unit: Christopher Meloni kehrt zurück, The Chair: Two-and-a-Half-Men-Star Holland Taylor in Netflix-Serie, Play By Day: Start der 21. As the cast navigated through major milestones in life like serious relationships, career changes, marriages and raising Alle Termine im eigenen Kalender. Soon, Ted is invited to go to a wedding with Tiffany, which he sees as a sign of commitment, and he meets her in the room with champagne. / Well, guys, tonight is the night. Ted can't seem to seal the deal with a girl (Carrie Underwood) who constantly keeps him on the hook. Watch Stream Online How I Met Your Mother Season 5 Episode 16 Hooked (10687680) Save. With Josh Radnor, Jason Segel, Cobie Smulders, Neil Patrick Harris. Later, Ted is at MacLaren's telling the gang about this woman he snared using the pig, Tif… Lily says she had been a fan of rap group, When Barney says "Ain't no party like a Pharma-Girl party, 'cause a Pharma-Girl party don't stop!" How I Met Your Mother: "Hooked" Donna Bowman. 67. You see, they’ve been sitting on that couch for what seems like years, patiently waiting to hear the story of how he met his mother, but it seems as if there are times when Future Ted has no interest in that story. Guest starring Carrie Underwood as "Tiffany". Ted tells the gang that he has invited a woman over under the pretense of checking out his antique camera collection, which Barney classifies as "bait." How I Met Your Mother S05E16 Hooked. He uses to Barney's teacup pig (in a cute blanket) to train Lily to resist Scooter. TV How I Met Your Mother Recap. She immediately assumes he is proposing, says yes, and introduces him to her parents (who had stopped by). 15:12. The gang is suspicious of his optimism, which he reveals has been inflated by his use of some "purple pills" one of the girls left in his apartment. Inhaltsangabe zu der Episode How I Met Your Mother 5x16: «Hooked» Ted wäre so gerne … Hooked (How I Met Your Mother) is similar to these television episodes: Of Course, Doppelgangers (How I Met Your Mother), Zoo or False and more. 01 Mai 2018 Di 12:50. Produktionsgesellschaften. She says she's really into him, but can't be with him "right now." y of my stories I'm a starry-eyed romantic on a noble search for true love. He's tried many types of bait (slot machine, trampoline), but found that a teacup pig is the best kind, which Ted then borrows. Much to his chagrin, she comes in with the best man, the guy who "hooked" her, and she proceeds to pamper him in front of Ted. Katy Perry's performance was highly praised by critics and won the People's Choice Award for Favorite Guest Star. ", referencing the, Barney says 'hop on your disco stick' which is a line from the song, This episode was filmed in front of a live studio audience, consisting of members of the Television Critics Association. Nicht nur dass sie einen Freund hat, sie lässt Ted offenbar absichtlich zappeln, um ihn für die Zukunft nicht zu vergraulen. International Airdates: Australia: July 8, 2010 on Channel 7; United Kingdom: September 9, 2010 on E4. Video Hooked (How I Met Your Mother) Plot. Die Erzählung erfolgt aus der Sicht der Hauptfigur Ted Mosby, der seinen K… We all remember the hilarious, relatable sitcom that was How I Met Your Mother. How I Met Your Mother S05 E16 Hooked. How I Met Your Mother - Season 5: Hooked - The gang tries to convince Ted that he is being strung along by Tiffany. PRO7 Am Haken(Hooked) Ted steht total auf Tiffany und würde alles für sie tun. With a fair amount of awkwardness, Ted explains what has happened and makes sure she knows that they will never be together. How I Met Your Mother - S 5 E 16 - Hooked . Hooked is the 16th episode of the fifth season of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother and 104th episode overall. Be sure to catch the next episode of How I Met Your Mother on CBS! Directed by Pamela Fryman. Plot. How I Met Your Mother 5x16: «Hooked» streamen: Alle Serien auf - Seit über 15 Jahren! he is paraphrasing the lyrics of the song, While Scooter and teacup pig are looking at Lily with those cute eyes, the music is played is based on, The scene when Ted accidentally proposes to Henrietta with someone else's ring that fell out of someone else's jacket is similar to a scene in ", When Lily is successfully rejecting the teacup pig, Marshall yells "Finish him! B-"Hooked" Episode. Finally, Barney is getting over the loss of the "hot pharma girls," waxing poetic on the next "hot girl" profession. "Hooked" is the 16th episode of the fifth season of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother and 104th episode overall. Erstausstrahlung der Episode in Deutschland. After a rather long break, How I Met Your Mother is back! 35, 10243 Berlin. Yes No | Share this. It originally aired on March 1, 2010. 11 Hottest Women Barney Stinson Has Hooked Up With. How I Met Your Mother (TV Series) Hooked (2010) Trivia. The gang sees through her ruse, telling Ted that he's been "hooked," a euphemism for stringing along someone's interest in you until someone better is available. Serienjunkies GmbH & Co.KG, Kopernikusstr. 3/01/10 8:23PM • Filed to: TV. Comedy. AKA: How I Met Your Mother, H.I.M.Y.M, HIMYM, Як я познайомився з вашою мамою, Portugal Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Bending over at Henrietta's door to tie his shoes, the ring falls out, and Henrietta opens the door to see Ted down on his knee, in a tuxedo, with a ring in his hand. Bagikan. How I Met Your Mother | Am Haken(Hooked) von How I Met Your Mother. Share this: Facebook | Twitter | Permalink Hide options. Staffel Inspector Barnaby im ZDF, Diese Apple TV+ Serien sind derzeit kostenlos zu bingen, Netflix lizenziert weiter koreanische Serien, Outlander: Staffel 4 online im Stream und TV, 4 Blocks: Staffel 2 online im Stream und TV, Call Your Mother: Review der Pilotepisode, Top of the Week: Die Highlights der Serienwoche, Serienjunkies jetzt als Favorit hinzufügen. Future Ted mentions how most his stories have been romantic or have portrayed him in a fairly positive light, but in this next story, he was simply a jerk. How I Met Your Mother | Am Haken(Hooked) von ProSieben. 2:12. How I Met Your Mother, "Hooked": The midwest pharma's daughter. Als die fünf sich darüber unterhalten, wird ihnen klar, dass sie alle jemandem „am Haken“ haben, der/die sich eine Zukunft erhofft, die es nicht geben kann: Ted die junge Henrietta, Robin einen Kameramann und Lily ihren alten Collegefreund Scooter. Henrietta treats Ted just like he treats Tiffany, even assembling a sumptuous dinner (with an ice sculpture) when he drops by. Daftar Tonton. A link to an external website Watch Stream Online How I Met Your Mother Season 5 Episode 16 Hooked Abgeschickt Von a Fan of How I Met Your Mother. It aired on February 7, 2011. How I Met Your Mother Season 5. 22:31. It originally aired on March 1, 2010. In Deutschland ist die Serie auf ProSieben, in Österreich auf ORF eins und in der Schweiz auf 3+ zu sehen. marypouncey. This marks exactly halfway through the series, as this is episode 104 and there are 208 episodes total. How I Met Your Mother Season show reviews & Metacritic score: The rest of the gang hopes to make Ted realize he's being strung along by a girl named Tiffany, remembering their own similar situations in the process. “Hooked” March 1st, 2010 “In this story, I’m just a jerk.” Future Ted, as voiced by Bob Saget, pretty much has his kids on the hook. Advertisement. How I Met Your Mother S05E16 - Hooked… 01 Mai 2018 Di 12:25. Future Ted mentions how most his stories have been romantic or have portrayed him in a fairly positive light, but in this next story, he was simply a jerk. NEXT GALLERY: 2012 Summer TV Press Tour: Star Sightings This episode premiered to 10.48 million viewers. Meanwhile, Marshall tries to get Lily to let Scooter know she is never going to be with him, but she is immobilized by Scooter's cute puppy-dog eyes. © 2003-2021 Serienjunkies GmbH & Co.KG, Alle Rechte vorbehalten. How I Met Your Mother (Englisch für Wie ich eure Mutter kennenlernte; kurz: HIMYM) ist eine US-amerikanische Sitcom, die für den Fernsehsender CBS produziert wurde. 'How I Met Your Mother': Hooked on a girl. Writer, Kourtney Kang had planned to have Barney include the bone organ from. When she shows up to the bar with her co-workers, Barney is excited to see that she and all her friends are pharmaceutical representatives, which he calls the "hot-chick" profession of their generation (like the nurse or stewardess in the past). Showing all 4 items. Ted leaves, intent on making sure Henrietta doesn't feel the same heartbreak. Quotes from `How I Met Your Mother` episode `Hooked`, the sixteenth episode of Season 5. To make Ted feel better they share stories from their past where each one of them has been in a similar situation. 22:58. How I Met Your Mother Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. "How I Met Your Mother" Hooked (TV Episode 2010) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. 22:21. The fifth season episode, "Hooked", was mostly in front of a live studio audience. Prev Next View All . Ted tells the gang that he has invited a woman over under the pretense of checking out his antique camera collection, which Barney classifies as "bait." He hooks up with several of them, before meeting a particularly plain rep, declaring the era of the "hot pharma girl" over. Slapsgiving 3: Slappointment in Slapmarra,,,,38706/,,,,, Scooter was revealed to still be in love with Lily in, The flashbacks to 15 year-old Marshall in. Ted refuses to believe that he has been hooked, and continues waiting on Tiffany. Later, Ted is at MacLaren's telling the gang about this woman he snared using the pig, Tiffany. Serienjunkies jetzt als Favorit hinzufügenSerienjunkies als Suchmaschine, Impressum & Nutzungsbedingungen | Datenschutz | Kontakt | Schnäppchen | FAQ | Mediadaten | Jobs | Wikipedia | #staythefuckhome | PayPalMe, © 2003-2021 Serienjunkies GmbH & Co.KG, Kopernikusstr. How I Met Your Mother Review: "Hooked" at March 2, 2010 10:04 am. 17+ The gang tries to convince Ted that he is being strung along by Tiffany. Beginn der Veranstaltung. Tinawelborn. A review of tonight's "How I Met Your Mother" coming up just as soon as I get an in at the roller rink ... On the last day of winter press tour, the TCA got to watch the "HIMYM" cast(*) perform the table read of the script for "Hooked." "Oh Honey" is the 15th episode of the sixth season of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother and the 127th episode overall. When the gang tries to convince Ted that he is being strung along by Tiffany, they reflect about relationships where each of them has been in the same situation. "How I Met Your Mother" Hooked subtitles. 16. How I Met Your Mother Season 5 Episode 16 Part 1 Hooked. Carrie Underwood guest stared as Tiffany - … Future Ted mentions how most his stories have been romantic or have portrayed him in a fairly positive light, but in this next story, he was simply a jerk. How I Met Your Mother. When a beautiful young woman "hooks" Ted (keeping Ted in reserve as backup while she pursues her own dream boyfriend), the gang discusses their own experiences both as the one who "hooks" and the one on the hook. / to see my antique camera Love the music on How I Met Your Mother? Immer aktuell. Die Sender- und Serienlogos sind Eigentum der entsprechenden Sender bzw. , relatable sitcom that was How I Met Your Mother 5x16: « Hooked » streamen: Alle Serien! Österreich auf ORF eins und in der Schweiz auf 3+ zu sehen, How I Met Your Mother ``! Columbia, Henrietta ice sculpture ) when he drops by like he treats Tiffany even..., Cobie Smulders, Neil Patrick Harris streamen: Alle Serien auf - über... This one, I 'm just a jerk the while, Ted himself has `` ''... 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