In 1943, Stauffenberg was promoted to Oberstleutnant i.G. The overwhelming support, toleration, or silent acquiescence" from the people of his country for Hitler, which was also being heavily censored and constantly fed propaganda,[57][58] meant any action must be swift and successful. "[25], In November 1942, the Allies landed in French North Africa, and the 10th Panzer Division occupied Vichy France (Case Anton) before being transferred to fight in the Tunisia Campaign, as part of the Afrika Korps. Daughter Valerie was born on his 33rd birthday. From the beginning of September 1943 until 20 July 1944, Stauffenberg was the driving force behind the plot to assassinate Hitler and take control of Germany. In 1929 he finished his training in Hanover as sixth-best of his age group and as best in cavalry. The young officer also became more and more successful in his career, and at his various promotions was often the youngest of his rank, due mainly to his variety of skills and outstanding organizational abilities. [49], Another central figure in the plot was Stauffenberg's eldest brother, Berthold Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg. Who resisted the Third Reich and why did they do it? He was born in the Stauffenberg Castle Jettingen between Ulm and Augsburg, in the eastern part of Swabia, at that time in the Kingdom of Bavaria, part of the German Empire. Gisevius disliked Stauffenberg. Finished school with Grade B in French, History, Geography and Mathematics, Grade C in Essay Writing, Literature, Philosophy, Greek and Natural History and Grade D in Latin. A bright student, at nineteen he became an officer cadet. [2][3] Stauffenberg was the third of four sons, including the twins Berthold and Alexander and his own twin brother Konrad Maria, who died in Jettingen one day after birth on 16 November 1907. This was a difficult task for him as he had lost his right hand and had only three fingers on his left hand. A Grand Tattoo for him was held on 11/15/ 2007,ll which would have been his 100th birthday, in his birthplace. Von Stauffenberg was such a man. In 1926 he finished school, by which time he had changed his career plans from music to the military and soon enlisted in the army, and after training was posted to the 17th Cavalry Regiment in Bamberg. He let things come to him, and then he made up his mind ... one of his characteristics was that he really enjoyed playing the devil's advocate. It reminded me of a time back in the UK, presumably 1994, when fellow leftists invited me to a 50 year memorial rally for von Stauffenberg. He supported the occupation of Poland and its handling by the Nazi regime and the use of Poles as slave workers to achieve German prosperity[14] as well as German colonization and exploitation of Poland. His resolve, organisational abilities, and radical approach put an end to inactivity caused by doubts and long discussions on whether military virtues had been made obsolete by Hitler's behaviour. The other two had been attracted primarily by a political ideology. - IMDb Mini Biography By: My injuries have at least one advantage - finally I don't have to hide my fear of wasps anymore. "[24] Stauffenberg's friend, Major Joachim Kuhn, was captured by the Red Army. "), in reference to Stefan George and the anti-Nazi circle. August Neidhardt von Gneisenau is among his maternal ancestors. Article 109 also stated, "Legal privileges or disadvantages based on birth or social standing are to be abolished. Stauffenberg lost his left eye, his right hand, and two fingers on his left hand. He held the hereditary titles of "Graf" (count) and "Schenk" (cupbearer). [45], Stauffenberg was third in line to be executed, with Lieutenant von Haeften after. Can you help? He even won a prize for one of his articles. Although he had ongoing health problems until he was a teenager, he opted for a military career and developed a heavy smoking habit (which was shared by his wife, who smoked until she died aged 92). Was seriously wounded while stationed in Tunisia (April 1943), He lost his whole right hand, his left eye and two fingers of his left hand. The Bendlerstrasse was renamed the Stauffenbergstrasse, and the Bendlerblock now houses the Memorial to the German Resistance, a permanent exhibition with more than 5,000 photographs and documents showing the various resistance organizations at work during the Hitler era. Claus von Stauffenberg, podobnie jak inni żołnierze, nie mógł głosować w wyborach. His wife, nicknamed "Nina", was born 8/27/1913, which made her nearly six years younger than her husband, in Lithuania (back then Russia) to a German-speaking family. Das Leben eines Offiziers. On 1 August 1944, for his role in the Plot’s collapse, Fliessbach was promoted to colonel. "),[46][47] or, possibly, "Es lebe das geheime Deutschland!" His infractions weren't serious--things like smoking in his superiors' presence or always wanting to have the last word--but he nonetheless provoked the authorities at the school, who transferred him to Hanover in 1928.On the other hand, though not a favorite with his superiors, his colleagues described him as very likable and social, if somewhat stand-offish. |  His parents, Alfred Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg and Caroline Gräfin von Üxküll-Gyllenband, already had given birth to another set of twins, Alexander and Berthold (b. [26] (lieutenant-colonel of the general staff), and was sent to Africa to join the 10th Panzer Division as its Operations Officer in the General Staff (Ia). Beside Stieff, he was the only conspirator who had regular access to Hitler (during his briefings) by mid-1944, as well as being the only officer among the conspirators thought to have the resolve and persuasiveness to convince German military leaders to throw in with the coup once Hitler was dead. After his return to Berlin, Stauffenberg immediately began to motivate his friends to initiate the second phase: the military coup against the Nazi leaders. During interrogation on 2 September 1944, Kuhn claimed that Stauffenberg had told him in August 1942 that "They are shooting Jews in masses. [29], On 7 April 1943, Stauffenberg was involved in driving from one unit to another, directing their movement. Since the couple never had any serious marriage problems, it is believed Claus only wanted to provoke his mother-in-law to-be, just as he liked to provoke his superiors. It had been unusually hot and humid that day. They were introduced to each other by the mother and soon became a couple, engaged on 15 November 1930 and married on 26 September 1933. He joined the navy in 1905 at the age of 17. [19][20], Following the outbreak of war in 1939, Stauffenberg and his regiment took part in the attack on Poland. Some minutes later, he excused himself and left the room. AKA Claus Philip von Stauffenberg. Was Baltic/Austrian from his mother's side and Swabian from his father's side. When he lost his eye, there was concern that he would go blind in his remaining eye, but that never happened. Stefan George’s influence on Claus was immense and life-long. Surprisingly, he never had health problems because of his stressful and somewhat unhealthy lifestyle--he smoked several packs of cigarettes a day and also was "quite fond" of coffee and wine.In April 1943, now a colonel and serving in Tunisia, he was seriously wounded in combat--he lost his right hand, his left eye and two fingers of his left hand, in addition to receiving a leg injury, although it was not that serious. 30 stycznia 1933 roku świętujący to wydarzenie mieszkańcy Bambergu zorganizowali marsz z pochodniami. See more ideas about vons, hitler, operation valkyrie. But I have no fear that this will not occur". ** GRAFIN NINA STAUFFENBURG was the wife of * Colonel Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg , the leader of the failed plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler on 20 July 1944. The secret grave of would-be Hitler assassin Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg may have been discovered on the 66th anniversary of the failed plot. ... Stauffenberg must have been informed of Gisevius's background and it cannot have inspired his confidence. Nina died at the age of 92 on 2 April 2006 at Kirchlauter near Bamberg, and was buried there on 8 April. Alfred Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg (* 27. "Gräfin von Stauffenberg: Abschied von einer Zeitzeugin", "Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg (1907–1944): Leben und Würdigung- Vortrag anläßlich der Gedenkveranstaltung zum 100.Geburtstag von Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg, Ketrzyn/Rastenburg, 22.Juli 2007", "Im Porträt: Claus Graf Schenk von Stauffenberg", Herbert Ammon: Vom Geist Georges zur Tat Stauffenbergs – Manfred Riedels Rettung des Reiches, in: Iablis 2007, "Germans against Hitler. Tresckow convinced him to go on with it even if it had no chance of success at all, "The assassination must be attempted. During a dancing lesson he met the mother of his future wife Nina, who raved about him to her daughter when she came home from boarding school. Konstanze von Schulthess is the youngest daughter of Nina Schenk Gräfin von Stauffenberg, the wife of Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg, the man who attempted to assassinate Hitler. He wrote an article originally published in Süddeutsche Zeitung, 23 January 2009[56] entitled "Why did Stauffenberg plant the bomb?" Famous People of the History they died young! The ancestral castle of the nobility was the last part of the title, which was Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg and used as part of the name. His closest intimate, from childhood on, was his brother Berthold. [33], For rehabilitation, Stauffenberg was sent to his home, Schloss Lautlingen (today a museum), then still one of the Stauffenberg castles in southern Germany. Tresckow began to recruit allies, eventually including Lieutenant Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, scion of one of the oldest and most respected families in southern Germany. He would quote George's The Anti-Christ when recruiting friends and trusted colleagues into the conspiracy. He was one of the foremost figures in the failed 20 July plot of 1944 to assassinate Adolf Hitler and overthrow the Nazi Party. Hitler was appointed Chancellor the same year Claus married his wife, Nina. [42] He justified himself to Bussche by referring to the right under natural law (Naturrecht) to defend millions of people's lives from the criminal aggressions of Hitler. Claus Philipp Maria Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg was a German army officer best known for his failed attempt on 20 July 1944 to assassinate Adolf Hitler at the Wolf's Lair and remove the Nazi Party from power. Was fluent in Russian, French and English and semi-fluent in Greek and Latin. The courtyard where the officers were shot on 21 July 1944 is now a memorial site, with a plaque commemorating the events and a bronze figure of a young man with his hands symbolically bound which resembles Count von Stauffenberg. Due to the heat, … [38], On D-Day, 6 June 1944, the Allies had landed in France. Showing all 8 items Jump to: Photos (7) Quotes (1) Photos . Konstanze von Schulthess was born in prison, as her mother was arrested after the assassination attempt. In his autobiographical Bis zum bitteren Ende ("To the Bitter End"), Gisevius writes: Stauffenberg wanted to retain all the totalitarian, militaristic and socialistic elements of National Socialism (p. 504). After the bomb plot failed, von Stauffenberg … Franz-Ludwig became a member of both the German and European parliaments, representing the Christian Social Union in Bavaria. The Ersatzheer had a unique opportunity to launch a coup, as one of its functions was to have Operation Valkyrie in place. Stauffenberg had shifted to the rebel side only after Stalingrad (p. 512). ("Long live our sacred Germany! When they demanded clarification, Olbricht faltered. His two older brothers, Alexander and Berthold, were also twins. The assault at Sbiba was halted, so Rommel concentrated on Kasserine Pass where primarily the Italian 7th Bersaglieri Regiment and 131st Armoured Division Centauro had defeated the American defenders. On 1 August 1944, for his role in the Plot’s collapse, Fliessbach was promoted to colonel. Stauffenberg had even initially welcomed Hitler’s rise to power as he thought the Führer would help to restore Germany’s former pride and prestige before World War I. He and his future wife got engaged on his 23rd birthday. One year later he was transferred for additional training to Dresden's cavalry school. Tresckow began to recruit allies, eventually including Lieutenant Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, scion of one of the oldest and most respected families in southern Germany. Hohenthal. As a child and teenager, he often missed school because he was ill, mainly with bronchitis and tonsillitis. Tresckow did not return to Germany, as he committed suicide at Królowy Most, Poland in 1944, after learning of the plot's failure. Juli 1944. In 1926, he joined the family's traditional regiment, the Bamberger Reiter- und Kavallerieregiment 17 (17th Cavalry Regiment) in Bamberg. Had a twin brother, Konrad Maria, who died when he was just one day old. [37], Kuhn became a prisoner of war of the Soviets after the 20 July plot. Januar 1936 in Lautlingen) war Oberhofmarschall von Wilhelm II., dem letzten König von Württemberg. He also worked as a military interpreter for English once. Her husband, Col. Claus Graf Schenk von Stauffenberg, led the failed attempt to kill Hitler on July 20, 1944, when a bomb was placed under a conference table. [11] It was around this time that the three brothers were introduced by Albrecht von Blumenthal to the poet Stefan George's influential circle, Georgekreis, from which many notable members of the German resistance later emerged. This was a contingency measure to let it assume control of the Reich in the event that internal disturbances blocked communications to the military high command. In 1943, Henning von Tresckow was deployed on the Eastern Front, giving Stauffenberg control of the resistance. [40], As early as September 1942 Stauffenberg was considering Hans Georg Schmidt von Altenstadt, author of Unser Weg zum Meer, as a replacement for Hitler. Or was it to save Germany's honour? The traditional military salute was replaced with the Nazi salute. Stauffenberg said, "It is essential that we begin a systemic colonization in Poland. [36], A detailed military plan was developed not only to occupy Berlin, but also to take the different headquarters of the German army and of Hitler in East Prussia by military force after the suicide assassination attempt by Axel von dem Bussche in late November 1943. Claus von Stauffenberg - bohater czy kontrowersyjna postać? Her husband, Col. Claus Graf Schenk von Stauffenberg, led the failed attempt to kill Hitler on July 20, 1944, when a bomb was placed under a conference table. He had served as a senior officer in the conquest of Poland in 1939, the invasion of France in 1940, and the campaign against the Soviets in 1941. We have been unable to find a photograph of Herbert Fliessbach, or to determine his date of birth. Originally wanted to become a musician or an architect. Claus von Stauffenberg. He originally planned to place two bombs under Hitler's desk, but was interrupted and was only able to arm one of them. A. Nonymous, Other Works [39] Other demands included keeping such territorial gains as Austria and the Sudetenland within the Reich, giving autonomy to Alsace-Lorraine, and even expansion of the current wartime borders of Germany in the south by annexing Tyrol as far as Bozen and Meran. Claus Philipp Maria Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg was a German military officer who served in the German military during World War II. Claus Philipp Maria Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg (15 November 1907 – 21 July 1944) was a German army officer. The bomb went off, causing severe damage to the building and killing and wounding several officers, but Hitler escaped with only minor injuries. Along with Henning von Tresckow and Hans Oster, he was one of the central figures of the German Resistance movement within the Wehrmacht. Official Sites, Wavy chestnut hair, very light skin and piercing blue eyes, One of the leading figures of the 7/20/1944 plot by German army officers to assassinate. [27] During the fighting, Stauffenberg drove up to be with the leading tanks and troops of the 10th Panzer Division. Berthold, along with the youngest brother Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg, is known for leading the July 20 Plot against Hitler in 1944. When it became known that Hitler had survived, some of the conspirators lost their nerve and the plot failed. Unfortunately, he was wrong--the body was obviously not that of Hitler, who had survived with only minor injuries because the wooden support of the desk absorbed most of the blast from the bomb. The stone monument was placed there by the German government in 1996 to mark the exact spot where Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg placed the briefcase carrying an explosive devise meant to kill Hitler. The assassination attempt failed. by Joachim Kramarz, Bonn 1967' by : F. L. Carsten, Martyn Housden,"Resistance and Conformity in the Third Reich";Routledge 1997;page 109–110. December 31, 2020 at 11:30 AM. Joachim Fest; Hitler – Eine Biographie; Propyläen, Berlin; 2. Unlike his fellow trainees, however, Claus was interested neither in philandering nor carousing--he preferred to study Russian parallel to his training. Stauffenberg declined at the time, reasoning that all German soldiers had pledged allegiance not to the institution of the presidency of the German Reich, but to the person of Adolf Hitler, due to the Führereid introduced in 1934. He also visited England for several weeks twice. This fact was purposely left out in the movie. [43], Only after the conspirator General Helmuth Stieff on 7 July 1944 had declared himself unable to assassinate Hitler on a uniforms display at Klessheim castle near Salzburg, Stauffenberg decided to personally kill Hitler and to run the plot in Berlin. His father was Alfred Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg, the last Oberhofmarschall of the Kingdom of Württemberg. Even if it fails, we must take action in Berlin", as this was the only way to prove to the world that the Hitler regime and Germany were not one and the same and that not all Germans supported the regime. These demands included Germany retaining its 1914 eastern borders, including the Polish territories of Wielkopolska and Poznań. After the explosion von Stauffenberg saw a dead body being carried out of the building, believed it to be Hitler and notified his fellow conspirators in Berlin so they could put the second part of their plan into motion, which was to seize control of the government. George dedicated Das neue Reich ("the new Empire") in 1928, including the Geheimes Deutschland ("secret Germany") written in 1922, to Berthold. Before he was killed, Berthold was strangled and then revived multiple times. But he began to have doubts about the Reich after 1934’s Night of the Long Knives. In 2008, Konstanze von Schulthess-Rechberg wrote a best-selling book about her mother, Nina Schenk Gräfin von Stauffenberg. Berthold had actually taken part in the conspiracy, and he and hundreds of prisoners were sentenced to death by hanging. She was interned in a concentration camp after her husband's execution. Claus Philipp Maria Justinian Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg (15. marraskuuta 1907 – 21. heinäkuuta 1944) oli saksalainen Wehrmachtin upseeri ja aristokraatti.Yleisesikuntaeversti von Stauffenberg toteutti 20. heinäkuuta 1944 epäonnistuneen pommiattentaatin Adolf Hitleriä vastaan. One of the few surviving members of the German resistance, Hans Bernd Gisevius portrays Colonel Stauffenberg, whom he met in July 1944, as a man driven by reasons which had little to do with Christian ideals or repugnance of Nazi ideology. His mother was 15 years younger than his father. He wrote of Evans, "In the course of his problematic argument he walks into two traps: 1. by contesting Stauffenberg's "moral motivation"; 2. by contesting Stauffenberg's suitability as role model." [asked if he drank often or much] Gladly often much! The deeply rooted belief common in the German aristocracy was that the Eastern territories, populated predominantly by Poles and partly absorbed by Prussia in partitions of Poland, but taken from the German Empire after World War I, should be colonized as the Teutonic Knights had done in the Middle Ages. He further writes, "If then, as Evans notes with initial objectivity, Stauffenberg had a strong moral imperative – whether this stemmed from an aristocratic code of honour, Catholic doctrine or Romantic poetry – then this also underpinned his initial affinity for National Socialism which Stauffenberg misinterpreted as 'spiritual renewal'". [44], Stauffenberg and Haeften quickly left and drove to the nearby airfield. Hitler used the 20 July Plot as an excuse to destroy anyone he feared would oppose him. On 20 July 1944, a 36-year-old German army officer, Col Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg, arrived at a heavily guarded complex hidden in a forest in East Prussia. Auflage 2004; Page 961; harvnb error: no target: CITEREFHoffmann1994 (. [45], In an attempt to save his own life, co-conspirator General Friedrich Fromm, Commander-in-Chief of the Replacement Army present in the Bendlerblock (Headquarters of the Army), charged other conspirators in an impromptu court martial and condemned the ringleaders of the conspiracy to death. Claus Von Stauffenberg summary: Claus von Stauffenberg was an officer of the German army during World War II. Nina Countess Schenk von Stauffenberg, who died on Sunday aged 92, was the widow of the German officer who attempted to assassinate Hitler with … This requirement greatly reduced the chance of a successful coup. When he was about 11 he designed a plan how to rebuild the entire family castle. When working as a cavalryman in Bamberg, he was transferred to Hanover by his line manager. Stauffenberg, Schulenberg and their clique wanted to drop no more ballast than was absolutely necessary; then they would paint the ship of state a military gray and set it afloat again (p. Gisevius was understandably upset by Stauffenberg's attitude toward him. [35], After several unsuccessful attempts by Stauffenberg to encounter Hitler, Göring and Himmler at the same time, he went ahead with the attempt at Wolfsschanze on 20 July 1944. Johann Franz Schenk von Stauffenberg was born in Lautlingen on 18 February 1658, the fourth son of Wolfgang Friedrich Schenk von Stauffenberg and his wife Anna Barbara née Wernau. Along with Henning von Tresckow and Hans Oster, he was one of the central figures of the German Resistance movement within the Wehrmacht. [23], According to Hoffman, citing Brigadier Oskar Alfred-Berger's letters, Stauffenberg had commented openly on the ill-treatment of the Jews when he "expressed outrage and shock on this subject to fellow officers in the General Staff Headquarters in Vinnitsa (Ukraine) during the summer of 1942. However, the Stauffenberg brothers (Berthold and Claus) maintained contact with anti-regime figures such as the Kreisau Circle and former commanders like Hoepner. Rapidly through either the Sbiba or Kasserine Pass into the conspiracy OKH ) directed operations on the Eastern.!, nie mógł głosować w wyborach source of background information to another, their! The Sbiba or Kasserine Pass into the rear of the few officers who had access... '' and `` Gräfin '' define count and countess, respectively teenager, wanted. It had been unusually hot and humid that day 92 on 2 April 2006 at Kirchlauter near Bamberg he... 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