It should also be noted how Goku’s Ultra instinct essentially scared the gods of destruction. No doubt the only way Kirby can beat Saitama is by inhaling him. Kirby punches Lincoln in face Lincoln kicks Kirby Lincoln throws Kirby down He's the Japanese version of Squirrel Girl. 22 According to the bonus manga “Threat Level”, Demon is the equivalent of an S-Class hero, Tiger is A-Class, and Wolf is B-Class.Vol. Be that as it may, I'm just pointing out that both can probably solo these two. He’s blessed with a plethora of powers. However, Goku gains the advantage due to techniques like Instant Transmission where he could just drop Saitama off in a dire environment and then vanish. - #187697841 added by wildikdog at Saitama is based Light Yagami would not know Saitama’s name and therefore the One Punch Man wins. 22 According to the bonus manga “Threat Level”, Demon is the equivalent of an S-Class hero, Tiger is A-Class, and Wolf is B-Class.Vol. Ever since the first episode, Saitama has bemoaned the fact that no enemy can defeat him. However, Ginyu’s big trump card is his “Change Now” ability where he switches bodies with his opponent. Like, at all. yes, I do know of ultra instinct. Saitama could not be sucked into a black hole, he's too fast for Kirby Saitama broke a lot of invincible villains. However, his attitude could be since he can defeat anyone with a single punch. and for those who point out the logic in that a waddle dee can take out kirby, its a game, and in the games goku has a starring role in a saibamen could take out ss blue goku in that context. But can he beat Elder God Demonbane? Follow 32467. Kirby punches Lincoln in face Lincoln kicks Kirby Lincoln throws Kirby down He can recreate planets with ease, but also feeds on them. RELATED: 10 Strongest Side Characters From One-Punch Man. Can Superman beat Thanos? But what can he do when he’s pit against a literal isekai god? From Dragon Ball To Marvel And DC, Everyone He'd Lose Against; Who Can Beat Saitama? His unlimited strength and his ability to banish Saitama to another realm without recourse gives him the upper hand here. Age:200 years old height:8 inch Kirby is the most powerful character in the history he can beat Goku,Saitama,Sonic,Mario and more Lincoln. There have been countless videos made studying just how strong Kirby is, and in all honesty, he is a fighting foe. Mr. Mxyzptlk could just turn Saitama into a bug and step on him or transform him into a cigar to smoke which he'd be helpless against. ... Serious Punch isn't somekinda special ability that can be restricted. The truth is, Saitama has faced world-ending threats in One Punch Man that could be comparable to Goku’s strength. Here, no physical attack can touch him, which means he would basically come out unharmed. Saitama's real reason to be hero was intended to be satire over common cliche reasons of most heroes. One, he can't beat everyone in fiction ever, that's stupid. Being unable to keep up with Suiryu's fast moves, and se… If Saitama is unaware of this very crucial fact, there is very little he can do to defeat Superman. While the average Naruto character is way stronger than the average Hunter X Hunter character, Isaac is the exception and could beat Naruto at his own game. Saitama is an overpowered hero in the One Punch Man universe. Most of the Marvel films revolve around this idea in one way or another. Watch Queue Queue. Age:11 height:L4'6 secondary nick mascot he's bestfriend Clyde would help him but not in this fight FIGHT. The Phoenix Force is an extraordinary alien power from the Marvel universe that most famously inhabits Jean Grey, but the evil powers behind this entity are enough to bring entire planets to ruin and prevent future generations from being born. Share Share Tweet Email. Who Can Beat Saitama? The monsters in the series are categorized by five threat levels: God (can cause human extinction), Dragon (can destroy multiple towns), Demon (can destroy a town), Tiger (can cause massive loss of life), and Wolf (generally dangerous).Ch. These are more skills that are totally out of Saitama's range. Unless Saitama mistakes Kirby for a monster, odds are that they wouldn't even fight at all. 6 years ago. 5,221 points • 228 comments - The one creature Saitama can't beat! 361 views View 5 Upvoters This exodus his turned him into a golden version of himself that's even more powerful than regular Superman. Being unable to lose practically is his thing So far, it's an unspoken rule of the series that Saitama can't even be challenged let alone lose. Related: DC Comics: The 20 Greatest Superpowers (And The Characters They Belong To). 15 How exactly can Saitama defeat someone who is so overwhelmingly powerful? He's the vengeful spirit of God and he's made short work of all of the universe's strongest fighters. Dragon Ball’s Whis is often seen as Beerus’ more stoic partner, but he actually is even more powerful than his God of Destruction friend– he just doesn’t like to flaunt it. Daniel knows that "Psycho II" is better than the original, that the finale of "How I Met Your Mother" doesn’t deserve the hate that it receives, and that Garth Ennis’ run of "Animal Man" may be the best superhero story of all time. This video is unavailable. Saitama isn’t built to conquer magic, chakras, energy, or even traveling through dimensions in an instant. Saitama is very strong, but he’s nowhere near the level of power Goku is at. From Dragon Ball To Marvel And DC, Everyone He'd Lose Against, DC Comics: The 20 Greatest Superpowers (And The Characters They Belong To), 15 Of Marvel's Most Powerful Heroes... And Their Biggest Weaknesses, 15 DC Characters Who Could Easily Defeat Thanos, Ranking 15 Of Marvel's Non-Superpowered Characters, From Weakest To Strongest, New Girl: Best Season 2 Episodes, According To IMDb, The Evolution Of Hailey Baldwin (In Pictures), 10 Stars Who Are Known To Give Ridiculously Lavish Gifts, Here's What The Cast Of 'You' Really Thinks Of Joe Goldberg, Kendall Jenner & Other Celebs Who Have Dealt With Stalkers, 10 Things The Jonas Brothers Did Since Their Disney Channel Days, 10 Biggest Former Disney Channel Stars, Ranked By Instagram Followers, 10 Celebs Who Have Been Married For Over 10 Years, Friends: Best Season 4 Episodes, According To IMDb, The Blacklist: Relationship Statuses Of The Cast, 10 Actresses We Can See Playing Spider-Woman, How I Met Your Mother: Best Season 3 Episodes, According To IMDb, 10 Takeaways From Chris Brown's Documentary 'Welcome To My Life', The Cast Of 'Chilling Adventures of Sabrina' Ranked By Instagram Followers, Hunter Schafer's 10 Best Instagram Outfits. Saitama vs. Orochi was the battle between the B-Class hero Saitama and the leader of theMonster Association, Orochi. Right from making volcanoes erupt to removing specific memories from people’s minds, there isn’t much he can’t do. Mr. Mxyzptlk is a consistent thorn in Superman's side and due to Superman's massive strength, this villain has to attack the superhero through more magical means. A one-stop shop for all things video games. 119 Votes in Poll. Nintendo: 5 Video Game Villains Kirby Can Beat In A Fight (& 5 That He Can't) Kirby's a lot tougher than he looks. who can beat saitama. Saiki Kusuo’s powers are so numerous that even the manga adaptation is unable to list all of them. Saitama might be all-powerful in his universe, but there are many characters outside of it who could defeat him easily. I'd say Saitama will willingly let Kirby inhale him. 2 years ago Goku can be defeated by a laser blaster but that doesn't matter because at his peak he's universal+. However, the moment Griffith became Femto is when everything changed. Notably, Kirby can't actually "die" in Epic Yarn. Saitama runs the show in One Punch Man, but between all of the different universes that are out there, whether anime, DC Comics and beyond, there’s surely someone that could take him out. Now lets look at how Buu can beat Saitama, I already explained a stall out wouldnt end well, so what left is for Buu to blow up the planet and let Saitama die in space. Mr. Mxyzptlk can basically do whatever he wants, which tends to result in Superman ending up in all sorts of magical puzzles. Last edited: Oct 26, 2015. Kirby, cute puff-ball, proverbial glutton, and carefree hero of Dreamland. One Punch Man Season 3 is likely to have action-packed episodes with more fighting scenes. Saitama is a very physical superhero, where the only way he can defeat someone is by physically punching them. Oct 25, 2017 4,522. I bet if Kirby gets fingersnapped he just returns to the ether and takes a nap. And not just moles, Kirby can also die to many other basic animals that humans, or Goku alike, would never be able to die to. Because that's the entire point of the manga - the gag that Saitama can beat anyone. is there actually any single char in naruto who can beat saitama what about that kaguya whatserface apparently she has biggatons Click to expand... Large planet level I think if not Planet level scaling from Hagoromo still even Sakura managed to draw blood . Earlier I said that bringing Saitama into the battle was “almost certainly game over for the opposition.” I said this because I actually managed to beat him in one-on-one combat. Saitama, on the other hand, is stoic and deadpan when in a fight, sometimes even sarcastic. Saitama possesses the ancient powers of the ‘Gag Comedy’ as Doraemon and Arale-chan once did many years ago. Accelerator’s ability is to control vectors. One-Punch Man is built on the premise of subverting typical anime and manga tropes and one of the most common twists, especially in Shonen series, is revealing the protagonist to secretly have prestigious or powerful lineage. Even then, Goku had help from Vegeta or another Saiyan to take them down, whereas Kirby beat all his enemies solo. Boomstick: But chances are, he'll end you in one punch, man. His ability to read Saitama's mind and anticipate his thoughts would turn him into an easy victory for J'onn J'onzz. Like I said, Saitama breaks invincible people for breakfast. Put him up against a universe busting freak of nature that can withstand black holes and he would get stomped. The question is: How strong is Kirby’s succ? Perhaps one person who can easily defeat a parody superhero is another parody superhero. Share Share Tweet Email. Kirby has fought inter-dimensional entities and won. He is so powerful that he can defeat any enemy with a single punch. The most effective one he can use against Saitama’s punches would be the ability to manipulate causality itself. His first game was created in 1992, and the pink puffball has made his way into the hearts of fans of all ages. Whether or not he'd pull off the win is another question. Watch Queue Queue. He comes from the earlier chapters of Dragon Ball and Saitama’s aura is probably enough to incinerate Ginyu. Age:11 height:L4'6 secondary nick mascot he's bestfriend Clyde would help him but not in this fight FIGHT. Comment. Franklin Richards is the offspring of Mr. This video is unavailable. Sarika is obsessed with anime-manga and she can't believe she's living her dream of writing about things she's, well, obsessed with! But How About Beerus? Saitama is incredibly powerful and he could decimate most Marvel characters if he saw fit, but Dr. Member. While Naruto can summon the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox to fight by his side, Meruem can create a massive karate god to defeat his enemies with thousands of different attacks. Saitama strives for someone who can actually hold their own in battle, but always finds himself winning with minimal effort. The character is known as the strongest superhero of Z-City since he can easily defeat anyone - or anything - … NEXT: Avatar: 10 Franchise Characters Who Are Actually Stronger Than Katara. One of the more recent anime that has played around with this idea is One Punch Man. Blast being Saitama's father makes sense from a thematic perspective too. Whether or not he'd pull off the win is another question. He still wins in the end because Kirbys copy powers aren't as strong as the originals. This would work, but theres a major flaw in the theory.....Saitamas a Hero. And Kirby has the greatest durability of any game character. Two, he's not even a gag character. This barrier has the ability to reverse all vectors that cross his path, which would include Saitama’s mighty punch as well. The anime operates as a clever satire of action series where the protagonist, Saitama, is so strong that every opponent crumbles under his weight with a single punch. By Jessica Thomas Jul 26, 2020. Superman’s only weakness is kryptonite. SuzanoSho. Kirby’s son Neal, noted the misuse of his father’s most famous character, and write a strong statement, as shared by CNN’s Jake Tapper in a Tweet. Kirby solos. Lets take a logical approach to this. Whether they're in the One Punch Man or Dragon Ball universe, Goku would easily be able to kill Saitama without much effort. The monsters in the series are categorized by five threat levels: God (can cause human extinction), Dragon (can destroy multiple towns), Demon (can destroy a town), Tiger (can cause massive loss of life), and Wolf (generally dangerous).Ch. But he'd surely be defeated by these 9 other powerful characters. Saitama is too fast for a beam to hit him, who dodged a lot of faster beams. So yeah, Kirby wins. Beerus is a character that shows up in Dragon Ball Super and brings with him a whole new tier of threat. Saitama's comically overpowered skillset forms the basis for the entire franchise: the unassuming superhero has spent his entire career searching for an opponent that can withstand more than one punch against him in combat. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Examples of this can be found in One Piece, Naruto, Attack on Titan, Bleach and many more. Depends if alluka's power is enough to hurt saitama thou, we don't know much about her power other than it grants wishes to do something to a certain extent, even if her power can kill saitama, the cost of that would be FAR to high for anyone in the hunter x hunter verse to ever make up for. For those who haven’t watched this anime, it’s about a man named Saitama whose one punch is able to defeat anybody who comes in his way. mysticmedivh. Kirby is quite possibly one of the strongest video game characters ever made. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. 8 Saitama: Does It For Fun. Related: 15 DC Characters Who Could Easily Defeat Thanos. It's unclear if his punches would even be able to hurt Dr. Manhattan in the first place. Whether they can overwhelm him with even greater physical strength or outwit him with clever strategies, these 9 characters have what it takes to stop Saitama in his tracks. Nintendo: 5 Video Game Heroes Kirby Can Beat In A Fight (& 5 That He Can't) Kirby might not look like much, but he'd give any of these game heroes a hard time. Using language like that is against our guidelines, so please refrain from doing so in future posts. This version of Superman Prime comes from DC One Million, which takes things way into the future and provides an interesting look into the far future of the DC Universe. Goku can only beat Saitama when Goku uses master ultra instinct? Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Who is stronger? Only reason you can "lose" in Kirby is because the games wouldn't be much fun otherwise, but yeah, from what little we know, Kirby can't be destroyed. A MOLE! It's basically him just using a bit more power. In this case, Saitama’s strength is actually a deterrent since Ginyu would gain access to it. Fantastic & the Invisible Woman and immediately he begins to demonstrate immeasurable powers. One Punch Man Season 3: Why Saitama can’t defeat Garou with a single punch Devdiscourse News Desk | Tokyo | Updated: 06-05-2020 23:45 IST | Created: 06-05-2020 23:45 IST. Comment. Depends if alluka's power is enough to hurt saitama thou, we don't know much about her power other than it grants wishes to do something to a certain extent, even if her power can kill saitama, the cost of that would be FAR to high for anyone in the hunter x hunter verse to ever make up for. One Punch Man Season 3 is definitely a highly anticipated … The World's Most Entertaining Car Website, 'How I Met Your Mother': Best Season 4 Episodes, According To IMDb, Who Can Beat Saitama? The collective forces of the X-Men and the Fantastic Four are useless against Onslaught and he eventually has to be deposited in an alternate reality as a means of defeat. I mean, Saitama gets beat by society. Kirby can easily swallow Saitama gain his abilities and know him out with his own powers.Going by feats alone Saitama hasn’t faced anyone as remotely strong as Kirby and Kirby has at least Universe busting feats. As soon as the match starts, Suiryu delivers fast, powerful blows towards Saitama, but always stops mid-way. Wiz: An unkillable red suited anti-hero facing against One Punch Man. Saitama hasn't struggled when it comes to extraterrestrial threats, but Galactus is on a whole other level. Watch Queue Queue Most fans would be on the fence about Katara defeating Saitama. Unlike, Garou, Saitama is a sore loser and does not like to lose, as seen when he and King (yet another S-class … Saitama Kurumi Tokisaki Stomp Thread. They'd probably challenge each other to an eating contest at a noodle restaurant, and Saitama would lose at that competition. He could potentially wish for enough power to beat Saitama or, because Goku believes in fairness and hard work to an incredible degree, at least wish for a trainer who can teach him the right skills to beat Saitama. The name One Punch Man is self-explanatory. In Kirby’s games, he can indeed die to a mole. Also a cosmic horror, a slayer of gods, and a nigh invincible living weapon. One-Punch Man follows a hero named Saitama in a disaster-filled world. Saitama might be able to fight them one at a time, but he'd stand no chance against all of them at once. But beyond that, it is easily Superman’s win. Member. 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 2.1 Normal Attacks 2.2 Serious Attacks 3 Others Saitama is a human from Z-City who; through rigorous (sort of) training broke through his human limiters and achieved unbelievable strength and abilities. Saitama (disguised as Charanko) faces Suiryu in the finals of the Super Fight Tournament. If you think about it, it can be literally rephrased as "Does one really needs reason to help another people", which itself is actually nice idea for manga to show, if you are looking for some deep meaning. Kirby vs Thanos vs Saitama". Whis even has tricks where he can turn back time in extreme measures, which is completely above Saitama’s skill set. He is implied to be related to one of the most horrific creatures ever to grace the universe, a literal dark lord, although he is a benign example of such a being. At a physical level, Saitama and Superman may be equal challengers. Galactus could simply swallow Earth and take Saitama along with it. Dr. Manhattan doesn't just have unbelievable molecular powers, but his ability to see into the future and all time would give him an easy advantage over Saitama. Nintendo: 5 Video Game Heroes Kirby Can Beat In A Fight (& 5 That He Can't) Kirby might not look like much, but he'd give any of these game heroes a hard time. Saitama runs the show in One Punch Man, but between all of the different universes that are out there, whether anime, DC Comics and beyond, there’s surely someone that could take him out. Saitama could beat Blast with just one punch. if killua wished for that, the cost would be atleast the entire hunter x hunter planet. But here’s the thing, its full power only lasts for about a minute before it takes a heavy negative impact on the user. Orochi says he does not know how Saitama managed to get in, but h… He’s a superhero just for fun since there is no charm in fighting people he knows he can defeat easily. Goku is the main character of Dragon Ball and he’s often positioned in many “What If?” scenarios due to how tremendous his strength is. Forum Posts. Earlier I said that bringing Saitama into the battle was “almost certainly game over for the opposition.” I said this because I actually managed to beat him in one-on-one combat. Unbeknownst to him, Orochi took notice of Saitama being able to defeat Overgrown Rover. The Spectre could easily be the strongest force in the DC universe. 0. For Super Smash Bros. But Saitama is extremely fast and strong, and might be able to resist Kirby’s inhale. Comment. Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Who is stronger? Superman’s only weakness is kryptonite. Kirby can completely … Zan is right. Light Yagami’s Death Note is the ultimate weapon he has with him. Saitama strives for someone who can actually hold their own in battle, but always finds himself winning with minimal effort. Could Beerus from Dragon Ball Super beat Saitama? And it didn’t even take one punch. Yet another god on this list is everybody’s favorite shounen superhero, Goku. Nov 20, 2018 #262 InfiniDragon said: The real question is can Kirby beat toon power, like Popeye and the like. After being defeated by Tatsumaki, Gyoro Gyoro calls out to Orochi to save him but to no avail. Click to expand... Click to shrink... Kirby has both. He can beat anyone who's bad, sure. 4/19/2018 @Master J 789. Saitama. Saitama has shown himself to essentially be all-powerful and invulnerable in battle, able to take on anyone who is foolish enough to try and fight him. That’s because it features a very different type of hero. Even if its just for fun he's a hero, he wouldn't just sit back and let Buu blow up the planet. Saitama's real reason to be hero was intended to be satire over common cliche reasons of most heroes. Next: Ranking 15 Of Marvel's Non-Superpowered Characters, From Weakest To Strongest. For Super Smash Bros. Now lets think about Goko. Boros, the leader of the Dark Matter Thieves and the strongest alien, is one of the few people to have managed to last a few minutes against Saitama, despite his tragic end. Kirby. SalvaPot One Winged Slayer. Share Share Tweet Email … If Saitama is unaware of this very crucial fact, there is very little he can do to defeat Superman. 4 Kirby Kirby is a fictional character and the protagonist of the Kirby series of video games owned by Nintendo and HAL Laboratory. The answer is simple – she can use her bloodbending ability. Saitama’s punches might actually hurt Beerus on some level, but Beerus just needs to connect one erasure move with him and Saitama is instantly gone. Saitama’s feats don’t scale anywhere near what Goku has accomplished. RELATED: Dragon Ball: 10 Best Goku Transformations, Ranked From Lamest To Coolest. Kirby Fighters 2 (2020) Super Kirby Clash (2019) Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn (2019) Kirby Star Allies (2018) Kirby Battle Royale (2018) Kirby: Planet Robobot (2016) Kirby and the Rainbow Curse (2015) Kirby: Triple Deluxe (2014) See list of all games The character is known as the strongest superhero of Z-City since he can easily defeat anyone - or anything - … He can even create galaxies. One-Punch Man is one of the most unusual anime series to come out of Japan in recent years. He’s a fan of white grape juice and appreciates a good Fuji apple. If Strange subjected Saitama to a series of hallucinations, he's likely have little recourse and not know how to overcome the illusions. What would happen if his opponent is someone who doesn’t need to be near him to defeat him? She’s the best waterbender on earth, but what would happen if Saitama got too close to her? At a physical level, Saitama and Superman may be equal challengers. Saitama may not be able to kill bowser, but he'll send him flying like Mario does. But even he'd struggle against some of these game villains. In an Identical manga where Tats was the main character, Saitama should still win. He's a parody. Even at his quickest, Saitama’s pace would feel slower than the pace of a snail for a god like Rimuru. Pre-God Work, Griffith was just an unusually gifted mercenary. This Saiyan can easily move planets with his bare hands. Sometimes the best battle fought is one that isn’t fought at all. Onslaught is the evil union of the consciousness of both Charles Xavier & Magneto and it turns into a threat of astronomical proportions. 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