I have the quest whereby I need to use the Bend-Will shout on the Wind Stone, and the shout is still greyed-out in my shouts list, and says I need Dragon Souls to use this shout. the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim. You will need 2 Dragon Souls to do this. It's a pretty easy thing to miss, and I never thought about it but if you didn't have any dragon souls you would be pretty screwed there because you wouldn't be able to unlock the whole shout. With the Wind Stone cleansed, return to Skaal Village and tell Storn Crag-Strider the good news. And with crappy dragon flying that vanilla-Skyrim had, it was not even close for what I hoped to see. Tip: This may take some preparation, since as soon as the stone is cleansed a dangerous Lurker will appear, potentially killing the village inhabitants working at the stone. When I try to use Bend Will on Sahrotaar, it will not work. It worked, somehow one of the mods was conflicting with it-- though I can't see how the mods I have installed would effect that. Walkthrough . In order to help the Skaal and free them from the hypnotic state they are under, the Dragonborn must learn the Word of Power for the Bend Will shout so it can be used on the Wind Stone to break the hold on the people. Share. It's unclickable once I use the shout on it. Hinweis: Diese Funktion ist NUR für die Meldung von Spam, Werbung und problematischen (anstößigen, beleidigenden oder unhöflichen) Beiträgen gedacht. Detailed Walkthrough . Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. sounds like you have messed-up your game file. Skyrim Dragonborn DLC Gameplay - Learning Bend Will shout and Glitchy Dragon Accompany Frea to Skaal Village Talk to Storn Crag-Strider Learn Word of Power Use the "Bend Will" Shout on the Wind Stone Defeat the Lurker Talk to Storn. Main article: Dragon Shouts Bend Will is a dragon shout in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn. 1 Effects 2 Dragon Riding 3 Word Wall 4 Trivia 5 Appearances Unlike most shouts, its three words have different effects. Alle Marken sind Eigentum ihrer jeweiligen Besitzer in den USA und anderen Ländern. Now you need to unlock the shout, if you have not already. And their death could then possibly void follow-up quests from these NPCs. Cleansing the Stones (Use the Bend Will shout to cleanse each of the remaining All-Maker Stones). I eventually just gave up and quit for the night, but I really hope I am able to finish Dragonborn... 1 comment. 10 magicka? save hide report. He will suggest you to do the same for the remaining four stones of Solstheim. Your Voice bends the very stones to your will. Use the Bend Will shout to cleanse the Earth Stone. Main story mode - Path of Knowledge . share. Welcome to Gaming SE. The first word can be used to purge the All-Maker Stones on Solstheim during the quest "Cleansing the Stones." I've tried the Shout when he was perched on the column to the right (when looking at the Word Wall), when he's been flying, and when he's attacked me. With the first word of the Bend Will shout learned, it is time to return to the Wind Stone. I have FORTY dragon souls saved up. try clicking on the stone and see if you get a blessing. Wind stones are magical artifacts located in Silithus and guarded by cultists of the Twilight's Hammer clan. The Bend Will shout may not work on the Stone, only releasing the NPCs from their trance while the Stone remains the same and no lurker appears. Main story mode - Path of Knowledge. Until patch 4.2, they could be used to summon elemental nobles from the Elemental Plane.. General Information. A wind stone at the Twilight Base Camp in Silithus. it should explode, then walk up to it, click on the stone and recieve the blessing from the stone This thread is archived. Objectives . Main story mode - Cleansing the Stones . Problem is, it won't let me unlock the shout. I have the quest whereby I need to use the Bend-Will shout on the Wind Stone, and the shout is still greyed-out in my shouts list, and says I need Dragon Souls to use this shout. 100% Upvoted. In Cleansing the Stones, the Bend Will shout continues to be used as four of the other Stones are returned to normal. I'm trying to complete the fate of the skaal quest, but when i try to equip the bend will shout to use on the wind stone, it says "dragon souls are required to unlock". Head to the Wind Stone by using the fast travel option (if you haven't been there yet, move to Skaal Village and go west). It keeps telling me dragon souls are needed to unlock shouts. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Wind_Stone_(Dragonborn) stand back 20 to 30 feet and shout at the top of stone, you only need to use the first word of bend will. With the Wind Stone cleansed, return to Skaal Village and tell Storn Crag-Strider the good news. Accompany Frea to Skaal Village Talk to Storn Crag-Strider Learn Word of Power Use the "Bend Will" Shout on the Wind Stone Defeat the Lurker Talk to Storn. If you are lacking them, then you will need to hunt and kill 2 dragons. Use the Bend Will shout to cleanse the Water Stone. At the top of the mountain is a dragon and other enemies you must fight before you can get the Bend Will Shout. The Fate of the Skaal is a quest in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn. Use the Bend Will shout to cleanse the Water Stone. I'm thinking he probably forgot to unlock the 2nd or 3rd part of the shout. You could try; Verifty integrity of game cache. Lost Legacy (Travel to Vahlok's Tomb and defeat Vahlok the Jailor). I have done what you're supposed to do (activate the stone then when you start working on it equip the shout) but it just will not unlock. Seeing as during the battle with Miraak he doesnt use Bend Will on you, nor are you required to use Bend Will during the battle there is no reason as to why you would need it. So i have to use the bend will shout as the quest tells me but the game says i dont have enough dragon souls. Cleanse the Sun Stone Cleanse the Beast Stone Cleanse the Earth Stone Cleanse the Water Stone. I only have the first word as I've just learnt it. Skyrim-Dragonborn: Tamed and rode a Dragon using the "Bend Will" shout. Problem is, it won't let me unlock the shout. I have three shouts unlocked in total. 10 seconds? What gives? Side Note: I did complete the Waking Dreams part of the quest when I first got the book. I am at the part where you are supposed to use the "Bend Will" shout at the Wind Stone. - Duration: 2:25. Make your way to the Water Stone, the Beast Stone, the Earth Stone, and the Sun Stone and use your new Bend Will Shout to cleanse the stone, and defeat the Lurkers that emerge. Accompany Frea to Skaal Village Talk to Storn Crag-Strider Learn Word of Power Use the "Bend Will" Shout on the Wind Stone Defeat the Lurker Talk to Storn. I had that. Is this a common glitch? Use the "Bend Will" Shout on the Wind Stone [edit | edit source] Travel to the Wind Stone and us the Bend Will shout on it. need more info, like does bend will work on the other stones. Invest the Souls to unlock your shout. 6/19/2019. Make your way to the Water Stone, the Beast Stone, the Earth Stone, and the Sun Stone and use your new Bend Will Shout to cleanse the stone, and defeat the Lurkers that emerge. Can't ride dragons with Bend Will shout - posted in Skyrim Technical Support: Hi, Im having an issue here with dragon riding. Accompany Frea to Skaal Village Talk to Storn Crag-Strider Learn Word of Power Use the "Bend Will" Shout on the Wind Stone Defeat the Lurker Talk to Storn. Main story mode - Cleansing the Stones. Be sure to save when you arrive. As it gains power animals, people and even dragons do your All rights reserved. Also, just for example, the bend will shout, it says recharge 10. Bend will does nothing - Can't cleanse all maker stones - posted in Skyrim Mod Troubleshooting: The reason why I am posting this in mod troubleshooting is due to the fact that I think it is likely mod related. Use the Bend Will shout to cleanse the Beast Stone. Are you using the Bend Will shout (not unlocking it and forgetting to equip it)? it should explode, then walk up to it, click on the stone and recieve the blessing from the stone. it should explode, then walk up to it, click on the stone and recieve the blessing from the stone. try clicking on the stone and see if you get a blessing. This quest can be completely skipped by obtaining the first word of Bend Will from Saering's Watch and shouting at the Wind Stone before meeting Frea at the Temple of Miraak. © Valve Corporation. Syke 746,660 views. After learning and unlocking the first word, you are able to cleanse the All-Maker Stones located throughout the island by shouting at them. It worked, somehow one of the mods was conflicting with it-- though I can't see how the mods I have installed would effect that. It's unclickable once I use the shout on it. Portugiesisch). Detailed Walkthrough . That helped me unlock the shout. The most important part of the guide is the detailed walkthrough for all the main quests added with the Dragonborn DLC. Main story mode - Cleansing the Stones. Use the "Bend Will" Shout on the Wind Stone [edit | edit source] Travel to the Wind Stone and us the Bend Will shout on it. Skyrim How To Duplicate ANYTHING! How many dragon souls could I possibly need? 12. Bend will does nothing - Can't cleanse all maker stones - posted in Skyrim Mod Troubleshooting: The reason why I am posting this in mod troubleshooting is due to the fact that I think it is likely mod related. JonathanDavidArndt. The first word can be used to purge the All-Maker Stones on Solstheim during the quest "Cleansing the Stones." Right click on Skyrim in your game list, then scroll down to properties, click on properties, then open local files then click on Verify integrity of game cache. need more info, like does bend will work on the other stones. The final Stone is freed once the main questline is completed. Afterwards approach the building and use the newly learned skill. Follow edited Jun 12 '18 at 15:27. NextMain story mode - The Fate of the SkaalTalk to StornPrevMain story mode - The Fate of the SkaalUse the "Bend Will" Shout on the Wind Stone. I have reloaded the game many times, yet Bend Will simply will not work on the Wind Stone== the people walk away but that's it. I have FORTY dragon souls saved up. Einige Geodaten dieser Seite werden von, Español – Latinoamérica (Lateinamerikanisches Spanisch), Português - Brasil (Brasil. To clarify: I have lots of greyed-out shouts in the list. Convince Nikulas to stay in Skaal Village. Main article: Dragon Shouts Bend Will is a dragon shout in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn. Cleanse the Sun Stone Cleanse the Beast Stone Cleanse the Earth Stone Cleanse the Water Stone. When I got 3 souls, I was able to unlock a shout, but I still cannot use the other two. In Silithus, there are four Twilight camps. I have just the first word in the shout. HELP: Bend Will Glitch on Wind Stone quest. stand back 20 to 30 feet and shout at the top of stone, you only need to use the first word of bend will. This allows you to activate the stones… Use the Bend Will shout to cleanse the Sun Stone. It is learned during the main questline. Skyrim: Use the "Bend Will" Shout on the Wind Stone - YouTube Cleanse the Sun Stone Cleanse the Beast Stone Cleanse the Earth Stone Cleanse the Water Stone. I'm thinking he probably forgot to unlock the 2nd or 3rd part of the shout. need more info, like does bend will work on the other stones. Tip: This may take some preparation, since as soon as the stone is cleansed a dangerous Lurker will appear, potentially killing the village inhabitants working at the stone. It's a pretty easy thing to miss, and I never thought about it but if you didn't have any dragon souls you would be pretty screwed there because you wouldn't be able to unlock the whole shout. As you reach it, activate the new Shout - Bend Will - using the soul gained from the Dragon. Don't even try to hide and use any assassination skills, as your enemy is too smart for that. 10 what? Right click on Skyrim in your game list, then scroll down to properties, click on properties, then open local files then click on Verify integrity of game cache. I am on the quest "Fate Of The Skaal" in Skyrim's Dragonborn DLC. I have 2 dragon souls, but still cannot press "R" to unlock them. The combat against Sahrotaar is the same as that of other dragons.Upon meeting him you will have to shout Bend Will at him to tame, talk, and ride him. Do you remember which mod it was, I'm having the same problem and Verifying the integrity of the game cahe didn't seem to work. In three of the Twilight camps, there are three different kinds of stones: sounds like you have messed-up your game file. Am I missing something? This prevents advancement in the quest. Use Bend Will shout on stone -- Watch live at http://www.twitch.tv/frostyghosts 1 Effects 2 Dragon Riding 3 Word Wall 4 Trivia 5 Appearances Unlike most shouts, its three words have different effects. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Improve this question . I have reloaded the game many times, yet Bend Will simply will not work on the Wind Stone== the people walk away but that's it. Do you remember which mod it was, I'm having the same problem and Verifying the integrity of the game cahe didn't seem to work. When I go to my shouts, it says in the bottom right corner 83 dragon souls. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Thanks I went to Ustengrav and got a dragon soul. © Valve Corporation. You could try; Verifty integrity of game cache. Are you using the Bend Will shout (not unlocking it and forgetting to equip it)? The Bend Will shout can be used on the Wind Stone and other stones. Cleanse the Sun Stone Cleanse the Beast Stone Cleanse the Earth Stone Cleanse the Water Stone. It keeps telling me dragon souls are needed to unlock shouts. It is learned during the main questline. Use the Bend Will shout to cleanse the Sun Stone. He doubts it will fully stop whatever Miraak is doing, but it may slow his progress. So I got the bend will shout and have traveled to the Wind Stone, but I use it on the stone and it doesn't do anything. I only have the first word as I've just learnt it. "Use the Bend Will Shout on the Wind Stone" is an objective in the main quest "The Fate of the Skaal" in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn. Continues to be used to purge the All-Maker Stones on Solstheim during the quest when I try hide... Shout to cleanse the Water Stone shout can be used to purge the All-Maker on... Español - Latinoamérica ( Lateinamerikanisches Spanisch ), Português - Brasil ( Brasil a! Will shout ( not unlocking it and forgetting to equip it ) Latin America ) bends! 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