(a) Every person licensed under Sections 1625, 1625.5, 1625.55, 1626, 1758.1, 1765, 1800, 14020, and 15006, and Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 1831), shall affix, type, or print on business cards, written price quotations for insurance products, and print advertisements distributed exclusively in this state for insurance products, its license … Check ... All of your insurance licensing information at your fingertips. CCR §350.44. Box 1139 Sacramento, CA 95812-1139. Please be sure to include you name, telephone number, license number (if applicable) and email address in all correspondence … California Department of Insurance Producer Licensing Bureau 320 Capitol Mall Sacramento, CA 95814 Any resident documents, with applicable fees, should be mailed to: California Department of Insurance Producer Licensing Bureau P.O. Q. ... Review responses to state specific Frequently Asked Questions and state insurance department contact information. Provide high-quality supports and protections to vulnerable Pennsylvanians Obtaining an insurance license in your state, or other states in which you may have interest in doing business is not difficult, if you know what to expect, and can fulfill the requirements. From there, you can select the available links on the license record to review additional license details. NIPR's Licensing Center is a one-stop resource with everything you need to know about obtaining, renewing and managing producer and adjuster licenses through NIPR. ... Print Your Application Receipt. We provide cost-effective, streamlined and uniform licensing data and compliance services for insurance professionals. Applicants, both residents and non-residents, … How do I print my license online? Cost of Information (c) Casual requesters shall be charged for information according to the following schedule: (1) Two dollars ($2) for each record requested by electronic interface with the department’s Internet website. From there, you can select the available links on the license record to review additional license details. * If an individual's license application is not retrieved, please call California Department of Insurance (CDI) Licensing Hotline at (800) 967-9331, or send an email to Producer Licensing Bureau. ... California Insurance License Name Change Request. Learn More. Please select the link above and use either a license number or name to retrieve the license status and discipline history of an agent, broker, adjuster, bail agent, business entity or another licensee. Government that Works. Please select the link above and use either a license number or name to retrieve the license status and discipline history of an agent, broker, adjuster, bail agent, business entity or another licensee. About the National Insurance Producer Registry. The fingerprints will be submitted to the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to ascertain whether or not the non-resident applicant has a criminal record that could prevent the applicant from holding a non-resident insurance producer's license in California. If another state requires that the licensee provide a letter of clearance, in California the licensee can submit a clearance letter request that will cancel the license when the clearance letter is issued. Apply for a New License. The cost of the driver record is established by the California Code of Regulations (CCR).
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