When Sandor was seven years old, a woodcarver in the village by the family keep gifted toys to the Cleganes to buy favor. With the rest of House Stark believed dead and the Riverlands now under the rule of House Frey, Clegane decides to ransom Arya to her aunt Lysa Arryn in the Vale. This event spurred a fear of fire in … Jul 7, 2013 - Sandor Clegane, The Hound, disfiguired by brother Gregor Clegane, The Mountain Clegane brings out the trunk containing the wight, revealing to Cersei and Jaime Lannister the threat that lies beyond the wall. While initially appearing brutal and fatalistic, he later proves to be more sympathetic and compassionate, particularly through his relationships with Sansa and Arya Stark. Introduced in 1996's A Game of Thrones, Sandor is the estranged younger brother of Ser Gregor Clegane, from the fictional Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. The Hound's return comes courtesy of Brother Ray (Ian McShane), a devout man who nursed Sandor back to physical and spiritual … Daenerys arrives with her dragons before the group can be overrun. Sandor's childhood appears to have been overshadowed by his older brother Gregor's brutality and martial prowess. He threatens her but then calms down after she sings him a song about mercy, before fleeing the capital on his own. On the way back to King's Landing, Joffrey falsely accuses a butcher's boy, Mycah, of having attacked him, and Clegane kills the boy, attracting the hatred of Mycah's friend Arya Stark. Sandor Clegane, nicknamed the Hound, is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation Game of Thrones. He is easily recognized because half of his face was severly burned by Gregor when the was six years old, and his scars have stayed with him his whole life. The Hound was an extremely skilled warrior, and was the only man alive truly brave enough to stand up to his older brother, the Mountain. His size (in the novels he is 6'8", or 2 m and over 300 lbs, or 140 kg) and strength make him an imposing figure, though he is not quite as large as his brother Gregor. The Elder Brother of the monastery, while speaking to Brienne of Tarth, seems to know much about the mind and soul of Sandor Clegane.Perhaps too much for having only briefly spoken to him as he died. He takes her to the Twins, where Robb is attending the wedding of his uncle. Sandor Clegane heard of rumors that Qyburn can bring dead people back to life. Sandor Clegane is a skilled warrior in the service of House Lannister, known primarily for the horrible facial scarring he bears on the right side of his face and for his fierce demeanor and lack of chivalry. Game of Thrones Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. When he was about six or seven years old a woodcarver set up shop close to his father’s keep. As for the Hound's helmet, it is after revealed to Brienne and Podrick that it was Rorge and his criminal band who took it. The former head of the family was Ser Gregor Clegane, known as "The Mountain That Rides," who has since been named to the Kingsguard. Clegane learns that Arya is alive and with her family, prompting a rare smile. At King's Landing, Clegane meets Brienne of Tarth. The Broken Speech. Sandor becomes disillusioned during the Battle of the Blackwater and abandons his duty as Joffrey's guard due to the widespread use of wildfire (a fictional incendiary substance inspired by Greek fire) on Tyrion's orders. My brother is a knight.” (A simple inquiry revealed the truth in this statement, as his brother was known as Ser Gregor Clegane.) During the summit in the Dragon Pit outside King's Landing, Clegane confronts his brother and asks what they did to him then cuts off the answer and tells him he always knew who would come for him. He becomes critically ill when his wounds begin to fester, so Arya abandons him under a tree to await his apparent death.[4]. "HBO: Game of Thrones: Sandor Clegane ("The Hound"): Bio", "A psychologist diagnosed 'Game of Thrones' characters as if they were his patients — here's what he came up with", "A Read of Ice and Fire: A Storm of Swords, Part 48", "Sandor Clegane: 'Game of Thrones' actor talks", "Rory McCann on The Hound and Brienne fighting dirty, and teaching Arya all too well", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sandor_Clegane&oldid=998891743, Fictional characters with post-traumatic stress disorder, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 7 January 2021, at 14:28. Clegane assists Ray and his followers in building a sept, but one day, after a brief journey into nearby woods to chop wood, Clegane returns to the community to find everyone slaughtered by rogue members of the Brotherhood Without Banners.
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