Onderzoek naar de voor- en nadelen, Head impact conditions in the case of cyclist falls, Differences in impact performance of bicycle helmets during oblique impacts, Bicycle helmets: head impact dynamics in helmeted and unhelmeted oblique impact tests, Oblique impact testing of bicycle helmets, Towards advanced bicycle helmet test methods, Differences in the protective capabilities of bicycle helmets in real-world and standard-specified impact scenarios, The European Union’s role in promoting the safety of cycling: proposals for a safety component in a future eu cycling strategy, HOPE: Helmet Optimization in Europe. On the basis of the preliminary results of an international questionnaire study in 2015 among a – possibly not entirely representative – group of adult cyclists in 17 countries, some indications may be given [7]. Head impact conditions in the case of cyclist falls. Independent! Usage is almost zero in the Netherlands, “bicycle country”; in London, almost two thirds wear a helmet, more than in any other city. International survey of bicycling exposure, crash involvement, behaviors, and attitudes: Preliminary results. In the Netherlands, helmet use is not mandatory for pedelecs (pedal assistance up to 25 km/hour), since pedelecs are classified as ‘ordinary’ bicycles. A fall off your bike, even at low speed can result in a concussion – even a fracture of the head. In: PLoS ONE, vol. In case of a fall or crash, the use of a bicycle helmet was found to reduce serious head/brain injury[i] by 60% and fatal head/brain injury by 71% on average. 91, p. 135-143. 2, p. 417-425. I don’t know if it will require making it a law to get people to don a helmet (I do see more children wearing then, so the message is getting through to some people). From the results it appears that the demand for child bicycle helmets has increased in the Netherlands strongly in the mid-1990s. In European countries where they are not mandatory, helmets are also worn. Fairtrade in the Netherlands: how can you get involved? In which countries is bicycle helmet use mandatory? Townsend, E. (2016). Barriers to Bicycle Helmet Use. Learn the word for "Bicycle helmet" and other related vocabulary in Dutch so that you can talk about Bicycle with confidence. London has highest helmet use in Europe, Netherlands “almost zero”. In this case, the collision process and the associated impacts are also much more complex and diverse. The price of a bicycle helmet doesn’t say anything about the safety it offers. In: Traffic Injury Prevention, vol. How effective are bicycle helmets in preventing (fatal) head injuries among cyclists? 1, p. 27. This would be an unwelcome development from the perspective of public health (apart from crash involvement), the environment and urban traffic flow. Using flaky science to enforce a law is questionable at best. In: Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. In: Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. It is possible, that bicycle crashes in the Netherlands may be of a different nature, which has consequences for the protective effect of bicycle helmets. After asking around a bit, I learned that Dutch traffic planners decided years ago not to make helmets a part of their safety package. Since 2011, children up to age 18 and all cyclists on rural roads have been obliged to wear helmets. Bourdet, N., Deck, C., Carreira, R.P. Bicycle helmet wearing and the risk of head, face, and neck injury: a French case–control study based on a road trauma registry. In general, a well-designed case-control study is considered as a reliable indication of the effect of helmets. The purpose of this campaign was to stimulate young children to wear helmets voluntarily and thus to reduce head injuries. 60, p. 15-23. 3, p. Cd005401. If you’re riding a bicycle wearing a helmet in the Netherlands, then you are almost certainly “just visiting.” For all of the millions of people who ride bicycles every day in the Netherlands, it is almost exclusively tourists who cycle with a helmet – much to the bemusement of local residents. & Gent, P. van (2014). (2018). And that there are 32,000 km of cycle paths? Should Helmets Be Worn? In: Journal of safety research, vol. Learn how your comment data is processed. Mexico City has had mandatory cycle helmet laws repealed, and in Italy the Federazione Italiana Amici della Bicicletta managed to block a proposed helmet law. Everything you need to know about Dutch cycling culture. promotional campaigns generally increase helmet use; the largest effect is reached among young children and particularly among girls; helmet discounts have a positive effect on purchase and usage. A review study mentions results of 19 studies about campaigns stimulating helmet use [50]. sup1, p. S158-S163. International research into the motives to wear or not to wear a helmet has mainly been done among children and youngsters [20] [21] [22] [24] [25] [26], but there appear to be few differences between children and adults. In some other jurisdictions partial rules apply, such as only for children, in certain states or sub-national divisions, or … 1, p. e4. For speed pedelecs (pedal assistance up to 45 km/hour), however, helmet use has been mandatory since 1 January 2017. The traffic in the cities gets worse, more foreign drivers not being as aware as Dutch drivers of the bikers makes it more dangerous (I was very nervous biking through the center of Rotterdam recently). 4, p. 1148-1160. 3, p. 30-38. Why Don't People Wear Bike Helmets In The Netherlands? [10]. Bicycle helmet campaigns generally result in higher usage, particularly among children, although usage sometimes decreases after the campaigns have ended. 34, nr. 12, p. 684-692. & Willinger, R. (2012). In studies using computer simulations, both the impact on the head as well as the possibly protective effect of a helmet are simulated in a model. All bike helmets that we carry, from inexpensive to high-end, are approved under the European EN1078 standard. Intelligent helmets may for example, by means of led-signals, show other road users when cyclists are braking and which direction they are turning. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The problem is when Dutchies ride bikes in the U.S. as if they are still in the Netherlands; wandering the streets without stopping at stop signs, zig zagging on narrow roads, rubbing shoulders with 70kph cars , and of course, no helmet. For speed pedelecs a different, more robust helmet has been developed that protects a larger part of the head (also see the question Is helmet use mandatory for (speed) pedelecs?). – DutchReview, Independent! Bicycle helmets sold within the European Union should comply with European directives. MRI and CT scans had not yet been invented. The Dutch are not “health and safety” obsessed (unlike the UK, for example) and rarely use cycle helmets – even many moped/scooter riders will not wear them. The helmet philosophy should change with one’s environment, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. The week before, a Danish media personality, ... Go talk to the Dutch. Several international studies show that bicycle use decreases after the introduction of helmet laws, even though most studies do not find such an effect or only find a temporary effect [9] [42] [49]. Towner, E., Dowswell, T., Burkes, M., Dickinson, H., et al. In recent years there has been much controversy over the laws of wearing a bicycle helmet while cycling, and the bicycle-obsessed Dutch have decided NOT to wear one.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'dutchreview_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',168,'0','0'])); So why in a country that demands such high safety standards are they opposed to something that will protect the old melon with such ease? Walker, I. By also testing the effectiveness of bicycle helmets in these conditions, the quality of helmets may improve. Dennis, J., Ramsay, T., Turgeon, A.F. ePub, nr. 18, nr. If you have found material on this website which is copyrighted by others, please contact the webmaster on this matter in order to have it removed. In my 20s, I had 2 more bike crashes, both of which broke my helmet – but not my head. The helmet does not prevent bicycle crashes (see the SWOV fact sheet Cyclists for general bicycle safety measures). behavioural adaptation or risk compensation, amongst others in [40]. In addition, biomechanical studies, studies involving computer simulations, and time series analyses have been done (also further explained below). However, only a small group (2%) always wears a helmet; the majority (70%) never wears a helmet. Legislation by country. Usually this is justified with safety arguments. We are sure you will find a bike that suits your bicycle needs. The final report of COST Action TU1101. Current European standards for bicycle helmets are based on an impact speed of 17 and 20 km/hour and simulate a fall from a bicycle. 10. Effecten op helmgebruik en factoren van invloed. eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'dutchreview_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',107,'0','0']));What’s worse is if people stop cycling you start seeing other side effects such as heart disease, obesity and other rubbish things associated with the lack of physical activity. 3, p. 218-222. It was a way of NOT solving the problem, not creating safe infrastructure for cyclists – and for pedestrians. Bicycle helmets. These international studies are probably not indicative of the effect to be expected in the Netherlands since, here, bicycles are relatively more often used for ‘transport’ than for recreational purposes. 9. In: Journal of biomechanical engineering, vol. 7, nr. Shipping costs €3,95 - per order - Delivery Time 1 to 2 business days (in the Netherlands). That the Dutch love cycling is … The straps closing under the chin ensure the helmet stays on in case of a fall [1] [2]. [5]. Never forget the bike maintenance products, such as tire repair kits or essential bicycle accessories like water bottles, fenders and bicycle chain. The second study is a mostly qualitative analysis of the available literature [9]. And brains are important because — in my case — they hold a lot of 90s references, and the lyrics to R. Kelly’s “I believe I … Wearing a helmet while biking is important because it protects your brain in the case of an accident. In the Netherlands, most touring and sports cyclists wear a helmet; in ordinary traffic hardly anybody does. A high percentage of cyclists – and pedestrians – killed here are run over by heavy trucks. Speed-pedelec wordt bromfiets: wat verandert er en wat zijn de gevolgen. Polygon Bikes - HELMET. Onderzoek naar de voor- en nadelen. Helmet use is almost zero in the Netherlands, but in London, almost two thirds of cyclists wear a helmet, more than in any other city. Objective data about bicycle helmet use in the Netherlands are not available. [27]. For a conscientious helmet-wearer like me, it was shocking to see that hardly anybody in Amsterdam wears a bicycle helmet, not even the children. It can’t be a bad thing to wear a bike helmet (as all motorcycle drivers/riders are required to do). [15]. Bicycle helmet law does not deter cyclists in Finland. The speeds in a collision with a motor vehicle may, however, be much higher. (1995) performed a questionnaire study in three schools in three different Dutch cities. The law change will require cyclists riding 'speed' electronically power assisted cycles (S-EPACs) - or more accurately e-bikes that can travel at speeds of up to 45kph - to wear specially designed helmets. NVvN (2015). In the Netherlands, bicycle helmets have to comply with the European quality standards (see the question Which requirements should a (good) bicycle helmet meet? 97, p. 146-152. (2015). Brussels, European Cooperation in Science and Technology COST, COST Action TU1101 / HOPE collaboration, 2015, 46 p. - ISBN 978-90-5986-465-8. In Switzerland, almost half the population and three quarters of the children up to age 14 wear helmets [15]. In: Annals of Biomedical Engineering, vol. Helmeted cyclists would supposedly feel safer and would show riskier cycling behaviour. It seems the Dutch don't wear bike helmets. As early as 2003, the International Cycling Union UCI introduced mandatory helmet use for all road cycling races. & Lee, H.P. Bundeanstalt fúr Straßenwesen, BASt, Bergisch Gladbach. November 23, 2016 . & Whitehead, S. (2013). Forbes - In European capitals, whether cyclists and e-scooter riders decide to don a bicycle helmet or not varies considerably. Did you know that every Dutch person owns at least two bikes? So, instead of fear mongering about the importance of helmets the Dutch are concentrating on the environment. Several manufactures are developing ‘intelligent’ helmets. They have examined 23 studies/data sets and conclude that 2 of these studies support the hypothesis that mandatory helmets lead to a decrease of cycling, whereas 13 studies do not, and 8 studies show mixed results. Case-control research into the effectiveness of bicycle helmets is done when there are no data about the (differences in) bicycle kilometres travelled by helmet users and non-users (exposure). Stigson, H. & Kullgren, A. A different current development is the airbag for cyclists. New data and analysis released by DEKRA Accident Research, covering 12,000 cyclists and e-Scooter users across Europe has found London to have Europe’s highest helmet use. In the Netherlands, wearing a helmet isn't mandatory, except for speed bike pedelec riders. Current standards for sports and automotive helmets: a review. R-2016-8 [Summary in English]. This is why the Dutch have an incredible infrastructure which sees minimal slow moving traffic and separate cycle lanes. In general, these studies find a considerable effect on reducing head/brain injury resulting from a fall or crash, although in time series analyses the effect is smaller. & Klip, H.A.J. & Williamson, A. Evaluation of a novel bicycle helmet concept in oblique impact testing. (2014). Prev. In: Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. [20]. 11, nr. I am very grateful I was wearing a helmet in the real world and not living in the world of statistical abstractions and weak logic. [22]. Bicycle helmet use among schoolchildren--the influence of parental involvement and children's attitudes. & Rowe, B.H. To achieve optimum protection the helmet should be a good fit and should be properly fastened [5] [6]. Morning rush hour in the 4th largest city in the Netherlands. Oblique impact testing of bicycle helmets. Connor, T.A., Meng, S., Zouzias, D., Burek, R., et al. Fahlstedt, M., Halldin, P. & Kleiven, S. (2016). Ellena, T., Subic, A., Mustafa, H. & Pang, T.Y. [49]. It is estimated that a bicycle helmet will reduce the risk of serious brain damage in a fall from a height of 1.5 metres from almost 100% to 10%; and in a fall from a height of 2 metres to approximately 30% [32]. Considering bicycle usage and the available (cycling) infrastructure in the Netherlands, it cannot be stated with any certainty whether the effect in the Netherlands would be the same. These tests measure the effect of the helmet on head rotation. [17]. Stigson, H., Rizzi, M., Ydenius, A., Engström, E., et al. The impact of bicycle helmet legislation on cycling fatalities in Australia. […] kids to school by bike, often allowing them to peddle the streets alone at a young age, and gasp…without a helmet! Why are people allowed to cross the road with their bare head exposed? ePub, p. ePub-ePub. In the Netherlands, no research into the general motives to wear or not to wear a bicycle helmet has been carried out. Looking at the data, driving is far more dangerous than cycling. According to different researchers [3] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [60], the test procedure should be extended to include an ‘angled impact’ or ‘oblique’ test. Description Ratings (2) Size chart Video The D2 is the benchmark in the full-face bicycle helmet market. Boele, M., Panneman, M., Adriaensens, L., Goldenbeld, C., et al. Therefore traffic can be busy and chaotic, especially if you’re not used to riding a bike. A frequently voiced argument against the mandatory use of bicycle helmets is that this would have an adverse effect [48] on bicycle use. Why then do they so often forego what many see as an essential piece of safety equipment: the bike helmet? [60]) (see the question How may the protection offered by bicycle helmets be improved and are there any alternatives to bicycle helmets?). The legal requirements for testing bicycle helmets differ by continent (see [33]) for an overview of helmet standards). 43 (2011) 1245–1251]. But I guess it’s thinking like this that got us into the situation we’re in today. The effects are rounded up to the nearest multiple of 5 (deaths) and 100 (serious road injuries). 7, nr. When I saw the title question, I figured it was because bicycles greatly outnumber cars in Amsterdam and most towns in the Netherlands. ). **** In 2001, helmet use became mandatory for children up to age 16. NTA 8776 is the Dutch helmet certification for speed pedelec and e-bikes with a maximum speed of 40kph. [9]. Yet, other researchers did not find any evidence of this overestimation ([31] for example). Statistics confirm this. According to the latest tests, a bicycle helmet reduces the risk of fatal head injury by 71% and the risk of serious head injury by 60%. Reasons not to wear a helmet are the lack of comfort (too hot or too cold) and/or the short trip length making a helmet ‘therefore unnecessary’ [21] [22]. Most cyclists don’t die from independently falling off of their bikes. However, the Netherlands developed its own e-bike helmet standard for s-pedelecs in early 2017. Rådet for Sikker Trafik / Epinion Copenhagen (2016). Most people associate the Netherlands with cycling – but did you know that this beautiful land of tulips and windmills is also the safest place to cycle in the entire … Continue reading → Corrigendum to: “Publication bias and time-trend bias in meta-analysis of bicycle helmet efficacy: A re-analysis of Attewell, Glase and McFadden, 2001” [Accid. In: Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, vol. This is why the Dutch have an incredible infrastructure which sees minimal slow moving traffic and separate cycle lanes. (2017). That cycle helmets are not compulsory? In case-control studies, the effectiveness of bicycle helmets is established by comparing cyclists involved in crashes resulting in head/brain injuries (case) to injured cyclists without head/brain injuries (control). Up to 90% of all bike crashes do not involve a motor vehicle. Drivers overtaking bicyclists: Objective data on the effects of riding position, helmet use, vehicle type and apparent gender. Systematic literature reviews [41] [42] show that empirical evidence for behavioural adaptation due to mandatory helmet use is not unequivocal. 45, nr. & Walter, S.R. By means of a(n) (interrupted) time series analysis, the effectiveness of an intervention (for example mandatory helmet use) may be determined by the number of casualties before and after the intervention. [53]. Table 2. A helmet should at least comply with European technical standards (see the question Which requirements should a (good) helmet meet?). Different concrete proposals for new and better bicycle helmets have already been made (e.g. New legislation requiring cyclists riding certain e-bikes to wear helmets is set to become law in the Netherlands in January, and may trigger law changes accross the European Union. Most Dutch car drivers however, have a very good awareness of cyclists and will give way where necessary. Bicycle helmet campaigns generally lead to an increase of helmet use, but sometimes the effect is only temporary. Here in the US I get vilified for not wearing a helmet and cyclists who die in accidents and do not wear a helmet are being blamed for it, even though it has been shown that helmets really do not prevent serious injury in car bicycle collisions (besides a few rare exceptions). It’s the context in which cycling occurs. (annual reduction). Well, yes. But despite those big differences, recent crash … 120, p. 239-249. 59, nr. The research, which assumes that currently between none and 10% of cyclists actually wear a helmet, is based on a global meta-analysis from 2018. An online shop filled with bikes! SWOV, Den Haag. How do bicycle helmets protect against head injuries? Evers, C. (2018). In: Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. KEY FEATURES. The rate of helmet use has been higher than 90% for several years. [6]. In some countries, it’s the law for children to wear helmets on bikes. (2017). One caused long term traumatic brain injuries including a long lasting speech problem, tinnitus, emotional lability, anxiety and more. [33]. Also see the question How may the protection offered by bicycle helmets be improved and are there any alternatives to bicycle helmets? The bicycle helmet attitudes scale: using the health belief model to predict helmet use among undergraduates. 59, p. 1-7. In Germany, the helmet use rate is 19% across all age groups [16]. Studies are standard in this way /increase/ the risk of getting struck by a car conditions the! On this website did you know that every Dutch person owns at two. But not my head impacted the pavement and I suffered a 5″ long fracture. Is only temporary the perfect bicycle Netherlands helmet stock photo Technology COST, Action! Yet been invented designs, kids can shred the trails in the Netherlands me is I find them only! 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